Revised 12/26/12
Book 3
Arshella the storyteller by the Sea Book 3&4
Story 1 book 3 the Mohawk Adventure
The Mohawk Adventure
This story and its tales go’s into untamed land and the forbidden forest a Mohawk adventure in Indian Culture and war during the invasion by the Europeans told by Chief Red Moon before becoming a Chief an adventure.This brings two stories about the Native Indians, English, French;Cowboy’s, a new breed of Men’s The U.S. Military then the story of Wild Flower a Cowboy and Indian Story. This played a significant role in their defeat and surrender of many tribes which lead to death lost of land placed on reservations and peace treaties that were broken.
This brings a magnificent storyand adventure of a Great tribe of people the Mohawk Indians and the Mohawk warriors and young bucks and customs and culture and mystic mysteries of pure exciting adventurelived by and told by Chief Red Moon, The Mohawk adventure then another story Wild Flower a special little girl in this story you are about to witness and enjoy as this story is told after the Mohawk adventure be ready for a delightful adventurous adventure again from the series of stories from the library of stories Arshella the story teller by the Sea, Wild flower. Wild flower will bring you the story in a story. A little girl she was born to her Ancestors of the Iroquois tribeknown as the Mohawks Indians In which her Grandfather, Chief Red Moon, used to always speak of. He used to tell Wild flower his granddaughterstories of fishing and hunting of the great forest and its mysterious mysteries and itsspectacular nature that build this storyyou are about to encounter.
Chief Red Moon leader of the Mohawks tribe heart became broken like an arrow he became very sad year after year. He never forgave himself. He started to grow old and sick. His granddaughter Wild Flower a sweet pure blooded friendly cute ambitious little Indian girl stayed on his mind after telling her a story that was forbidden about the forbidden mysterious forest. He told her never to go there as a child. He sad give it time one day I will take you there and teach you the does and don’tsabout the forest one day when you my Grand Child gets a little older this made her more curious after telling her a historic proud Indian tale of the
Mohawk adventure ManyMohawk tribe
members saw wild flower the next day picking flowers twirling dancing in a happy spirit with her long pretty braids imbeddedbeads a smiling round smooth skinned face, and colorful hide painted designed native dress attire freshly made moccasins to match tribe members said they saw her walking in the direction of the forbidden forest knowing she knew not to go there it was forbidden by tribal law Wild Flower became missing everyone searched for her day after days night after nights week afterweek’s month after Months year after years. She was never heard of again or is that a mystery to these beautiful books that will unfold.
Chief Red Moon feared the worst had happened and he blamed himself. Time past, but he still told his story. Chief Red Moon was once a fierce strong young warrior a young buck proud to be a Mohawk Indian. He was known to shoot two arrows at once to bring down a double prey, outrun bears unless cornered; then he would find away to defeat his opponent when there seemed to be no way possible. Red Moon as a young buck used to sneak up on poisonous rattlesnakes catchthem with his hands picking them up from the back by their necks close to their head without getting bit avoiding there quick poisonous deadly bit one bit would be deadly and fatal to any man anytime his tribe used the snake for food, to slow his thirst for water if known was present, take their skin for belts head bans est.they usedtheirteeth and bones also given to the medicine man for medicine then given to the squaws which was called Indian women they would use them to make jewelry and other items for the tribes to trade. Red Moon often kept records of different tribe’sevents ceremonies and war battles; where they lived and the bloodlines of their people in which territory they lived,from this story a brave encounterimmerged warrior’s heroes secret phenomenon’s and merit.
Red Moon before becoming chief used to sit at the council among the tribe members and tell stories of their history and of spirits of the great creation of the creators. It is believed that Red Moon had a special gift that tied into the spirit world. He spoke of a spirit in a dream that visited him many moons ago and many times. It was an unknown stranger; a little girl resembled a spiritual animal the bison buffalo. She also favored the United States buffalo soldiers but Red Moon knew in his dream, her heart was pure as clear running water from a drinking spring. He called her name and presents among the tribe.
Many thought he was just growing old, tellingfables but the spirit in the dream came from another dimension of time. Red Moon knew a secret handed down to him of an ancient forbidden forest at the beginning of the woods to the forest downstream where as a young buck, the medicine man would send him to get special grown herbs and plants for healing and food seasoning and cures. Many different things grew there. Tomatoes, Peppers, Garlic, spice plants, different colored forms of flowers Wild beautiful flowers, and the mint plant, strange fruits, birds and animal’s strange wild vegetables and even gold nuggets were lying on the ground at the root of trees.
On a certain trail in the forest, an unknown occurrence; events a dimension opening a time travel zone existed. There were other Indians and Tribes and medicine men’s with stories of death in unknown numbers, beast killings, and animals appearing and disappearing. But he dared not to go, because he knew the actual story of that place. Fear wasn’t an option to him night mares were often. But he would fight back and hard because he was a true Mohawk warrior with a secret and a story.
Red Moon knew not to step on the other side of that boundary line because of an untold story promised not to be revealed by all who knew and Indian ancestors’. Even dreams dared not to go when Red Moon was a boy of 13 years old;the story began he had to become a man. He would strive hard toward being a great warrior; knowing one day he may have a chance at becoming Chief. When Chiefs became too old they had a special tradition and burial place and ceremony.
He would listen to the elders of the tribe preparing himself for courage day. This meant he had to learn how to hunt, fish, and live in the forest with just a knife and his bow and arrow and bed roll leaving his tomahawk behind. Before he could go alone and become a man and Mohawk Warrior, he would have to go with the men warriors for one day, then alone the next day with the Chief’s approval and an o.k. by the head warriors. All the warriors’ greatest triumph and trophy would be the hide of a grizzly bear or a rare hide from an animal the women, mothers and squaws had no say so over the matter of manhood, they would weave cloth make jewelry take care of the papoose and chores around the camp and cook and tend to the agriculture .The Mohawk warrior was a coward if they feared death, or any animal or creature of creation in battle. This did not rule out strategies before a killing went down no remorse was taught or retreat just war strategy to defeat and seek wisdom as there guide. He would have to learn of poisonous insects, snakes, bears, cougars, skunks, wolves, eagles, hawks, plants, terrain, quicksand, even things of unknown origin. Even of snow, rain, and desert-heat, to work make shelter learn survival techniques.
Chief Red Moon told a story to wildflower, his granddaughter. He told her never to tell anyone of the dimension; a trail the open secret door in the forbidden forest, strange events always happen there. “There’s many strange things have appeared. There are some things that are still there. They tell of the past and the future. We know not what it is or where these things come from that’s lying in the forest field lying motionless and in motion. Some even make sounds, move, and breath and talk. Chief, council and even the medicine man, agreed that part of the forest is evil full of untamed spirits taboo sacred woe to all Indians Chief Red Moon In remembrance Wild flower my child, I took the Indian secret oath among council not to ever tell of this story but since you no longer have parents, I must tell you of this story of my young warrior’s life, my granddaughter because I forbid you to even think about going there.” As a chief to this day I cry out to the heavens for answers I know they are in and above the clouds as wisdom seek knowledge i shall find.
“This story starts many years ago. Yes I was only 12 or 13yrs of age then and some of the other young bucks also; but what the tribe didn’t know I was a man at 10 years old? I believed I knew all the things in which I was to be taught on courage day every young warrior had to go through before becoming a man a furious proud Mohawk Warrior.In remembrance Wildflower, don’t forget these things. This may save your life or help others. The creator, the good twin watched over me that’s how I returned home and learned. At ten years old, I practiced shooting my bow and arrow every day until I was good enough by the time I was thirteen, I could shoot two arrows and hit two different targets going in the same direction. I brought back twice as many rabbits and furs as other young bucks.
The other young buck warriors became jealous. I put down spoiled meat, watched flies land and fly. With the quickness of my hands, I would catch two or three out of the sky at one time. Then I learned to creep up on rattlesnakes and catch them; bare-handedly before they strike by their necks. Again, I claimed victory every time or I could have died from the snake’s venom after being bit. At this particular time, we were at war with the invading French and Americans forces accompanied by outside Indians enemy that betrayed their own tribes traders, for the trade of fur mostly beavers, minks, deer, bear, raccoon, and bison hide furs was a mean and way of money. The Mohawk territory was rich in furs so the Huron Indians and Algonquian Indians were at war with the Iroquois. They became enemies.
As they trespassed on Iroquois land, they would have battle for life and death to the end. At one time 1000’s Iroquois warriors died because the French had Americans had riffles and pistols,canons gun powder a modern day technology. The Iroquois people and other tribes needed meat, food, and furs, because the settlers, and other tribes, the French were ravishing their territory and Country taking the animals, there food at will and destroying the country’ resources.
The moon was bright and the sky was clear, but there was a great bright halo around the moon each night. This was a good sign the Iroquois Indian tribe called for a council session and celebration. For the next few up coming daysthere were a big huntscheduled celebrations, and training of the young buck warriors. This halo was strange. This only happened every now and then. No one knew the meaning of the halo around the moon some believed the halo meant courage and a protector of spirits.” Red Moon was excited this was his big day after tonight, the Iroquois, had to replace new warriors. War was taking its toll on the men population. It was dwindling like the buffalo. The chiefs were thinking of crossing into Canada making plans with the Canadian settlers and government.
After the celebration, morning had arrived. The sun was just peaking at the top of the mountains. The air was fresh, the smell of wildflowers and jasmine. A good breakfast was already cooked and prepared by the women. A small wild hog a borer, quail eggs, corn cakes, and honey with fresh spring water. All the young warriors gathered in the front of the chief teepee in a circle. They were served by the squaws; young women and children. They were given trinkets, and jewelry for good luck and a medicine bag.
There were forty warriors, a good scouting party of young hunters and warriors. They knew they may see war and some wouldn’t come back, Mothers kept their heads up high not to shed a tear or remorse. No sign of discouragement was aloud. They had their gear, weapons and waited for a signal from the chief and moved out on foot, no horses. This was the hardest way to endure there task before them. They could be gone more than a daywhatever it took to claim victory over the matter they were mentally ready as well and physical prepared.
As they traveled deeper and deeper through woods brush and thick foliage they pushed forward east without stop, as they grew hungry they fished in rivers, smoked their fish and hung there extra fish from trees to dry to eat on a comeback trail. They trapped beavers and shot rabbits for food and fur. Some of the young buck Indians were jealous of Red Moon because he could shoot two arrows on target and get double prey. This was a lot of fun no sign of trouble anywhere. The warriors took large pieces of tree wood held on to it and crossed the river rapid force by floating. They had lots of things for trade, food and furs. Now they were looking for spice plants and herbs anything else of worth that would bring pride or a prize to their recognition as a skillful warrior.
They went further downstream on the other side of the river still traveling east on the river front about twenty miles away beyond the river they moved into an open field, to rest. It was so beautiful. Everything was green and fresh foliage everywhere andthe flowers were in full bloom the smell of jasmine and pretty bloomed flowers was everywhere they saw eagles, hawks, humming birds, deer, bears with bear cubs. They picked and ate wild berries, apples plums; figs many different fruits even peanuts and pecan walnuts. The young buck warriors didn’t know of so much beauty and fun this wilderness seemed untouched by Manof any kind.
All the Mohawks had settled down in a field still amazed from the view of the terrain and all it had to offer theybegantaking a break a short rest periodall was peaceful they were listening to the sound of nature Suddenly, shots ringed out. They were surrounded by seventy-five or more French troops and sixty or more Indians from the Huron tribesthe Apache. They were under attack. The French and the Apache Indians wanted to kill them and take their items they had gathered for trade to bring back home to their camp. They knew only another Indian could sneak up on another Indian the French had no mercy when it came to war and robbery. They didn’t care if they were to kill a twelve or thirteen year old Indian child they took what they wanted.
The Mohawks were outnumbered three to one. A little less than half of them were full-grown into man hood. This would be the day they would all be dead or tested to the limit on survival. They were under heavy attack by arrows, spears, pistols, and riffles fire. There were many boulders and brush and small trees in the field where they could take cover until they could see what they were up against.
Everything was so loud in such a peaceful place hollering yellsgun shots ringing out other enemy Indian native tribes, yelling in their native tongue. “Lay down your weapons.” Give us your furs, we will not kill you or you die.” Mohawks didn’t know of hostage or surrender or letting anyone take their goods. Other tribes and foreigners, even the French and white man in the present time, wouldn’t die without honor. The Mohawks took death as a privilege to protect there honor and heritage as a proud Mohawk tribalsymbol.