Final module control of the course «Political science»
1. Politics has arisen:
A. during the period of it is primitive-communal system
B. during the period of division of it is primitive-communal system
C. from state creation
D. from creation of the feudal states
2. Politics means:
A. struggle for power and its realization
B. management skill of the state;
C. producing of the purposes and directions of society development and its organization on their achievement;
D. all mentioned above
3. Politics as a term descended from the state:
A. Ancient Greek.
B. Ancient Chinese;
C. Egyptian;
D. Sumerian;
E. 0.
4. Political science is the study:
A. about state and state structure;
B. about power, its structure, functions and patterns of development;
C. about political system, its structure and functions, patterns of development;
D. about politics in broad sense;
E. about the political processes, taking place in society.
5. Political Science origin is in:
A. history;
B. atheism;
C. rhetoric;
D. philosophy;
E. 0.
6. The main categories of Confucianism in the politics were:
A. need to support the government financially and protection of the state;
B. need to support the government by creating and maintaining a large professional army;
C. the notion of a noble man, parental love to a man, the rules of the ritual;
D. need for unquestioning obedience to authority, its inviolability.
E. 0.
7. Legalism, as the direction of the Chinese theory of the state was based on:
A. regulation of social life on the basis of traditions;
B. regulation of power on the basis of rituals;
C. severe regulation of all norms of social life on the basis of laws;
D. ordering relationship "state-nation" through a clear structure of power;
E. 0.
8. The law of historical development of ruling forms, according to Plato, signifies:
A. legitimate right forms of governing never degenerate into wrong;
B. the right forms of governing is only conditionally right;
C. state follows the laws of dialectics;
D. even the right forms of governing eventually degenerate into wrong;
E. 0.
9. "Ideal state", according to Plato, is:
A. monarchy;
B. aristocracy;
C. democracy;
D. oligarchy;
E. 0.
10. Treatise of Platon in which he analyzes forms of state ruling names:
11. A.Odiseya
12. B.State
13. C.Politics
14. D.Forms of governing
15. E.Laws
16. Plato’s «ideal state" deprived rulers of:
A. property;
B. family and children;
C. opportunity to change occupation;
D. luxury;
E. all mentioned above.
17. Aristotle affirms, that person is a political being for owns nature, because its:
A. in society
B. in region
C. in family
D. in state
E. E.0
18. Aristotle’s "Polity" means:
A. power of the electoral majority of the best representatives of society.
B. royal power, which claimed justice in the state;
C. aristocracy that was going through concern for the people;
D. elimination of the slave state;
E. 0.
19. Aristotle considered, that the most effective measures to prevent the wrong forms of ruling are:
A. appointment by election of authorities with aristocrats and wise people (philosophers)
B. establishment of superiority of the law;
C. appointment by election of the best representatives of society for a certain period and control over it;
D. the rule of legal law
E. 0
20. State, according to Aristotle, along with the state government due to execute:
A. emancipation from slavery;
B. military-patriotic function;
C. foreign policy function;
D. divine function;
E. moral and educational function
21. Principles of law and accordance to the laws firstly based and upheld:
A. Plato;
B. Cicero;
C. Socrates;
D. Aristotle;
E. Herodotus.
22. Justice, according to Cicero, consist in:
A. supremacy of law;
B. service authority to the people;
C. strict observance with the law;
D. human rights (to property, freedom, life, choice);
E. 0.
23. In relationship of church and secular authorities, N. Machiavelli claimed possibility:
A. to use of any facilities, that can achieve the aim in accordance with the norms of Christian morality;
B. priority of church authority;
C. to use of any power facilities, that can achieve the aim: "The aim justifies the means";
D. excommunication the state from the church;
E. of compromise between church and state.
24. N.Machiavelli considered, that the form of the state is determined by:
A. distribution of political forces in society and the conditions in which the state is developing;
B. will of the power;
C. the constitution of the country;
D. political elite of society;
E. public referendum.
25. Thomas Hobbes disputed:
A. the republican system of the state;
B. the absolute monarchy as an effective form of government
C. the theory of divine origin of the authority and the state;
D. sovereignty of the people;
E. the idea of separation of powers.
26. John Lock has based:
A. divine origin of the state and power
27. B.government’s integrity
28. C.liberal direction of political thought
29. D.people’s discharge from political activity
30. E.necessity of authority control
- Ch.Montesquieu was the first, who substantiated:
А. indivisibility and inviolability of state power;
В.. the main objective of the government - the benefit of the people;
С. the need for division of state power on: legislative, executive and judicial;
D. the need to provide additional powers to the state for political purposes;
E. 0.
32. The legislative authority, according to Ch.Montesquieu, belongs to:
A. unicameral;
B. bicameral parliament;
C. monarch;
D. monarch and cardinal;
E. only the cardinal.
33. The reason of inequality in society, according to J.-J.Rousseau, has become:
A. allocation of power from the company;
B. lack of control authorities;
C. usurpation of power by the rich;
D. ignorance of the people.
E. the emergence and development of private property;
34. J.–J. Russo defended the idea:
А. population sovereignty and principle of people ruling
B. direct people ruling
C. priority of educated political elite
D. supremacy of law
E. supremacy of right
35. Person can be called a citizen, according to J.-J. Rousseau, when:
A. adheres to the unity of rights and responsibilities;
B. clearly realizes the requirements of the authorities;
C. requires the government to ensure its full rights;
D. doesn’t affect the public order;
E. neither was convicted.
36. Change and improve the state system, according to Kant, you can:
A. on constitutional principles by making appropriate changes in the Constitution;
B. proposing an amendment to the Constitution by the monarch;
C. the adoption of the law;
D. at the request of the parliamentary majority;
E. 0.
37. Hegel was the first, who gives a scientific definition of:
A. the legal state;
B. the political party;
C. the civil society;
D. the power;
E. the state.
38. The basis of civil society is in:
A. political interests;
B. economical interests;
C. social interests;
D. patriotic interests;
E. national interests.
39. Class antagonism (irreconcilability of interests between classes) in the bourgeois state, in conclusion of Marx, originate from:
A. inequitable distribution of the product in that state;
B. insecurity of proletariat by state;
C. the reluctance of the proletariat to work on the bourgeoisie;
D. private capitalist property of the means of production;
E. imperfections of the constitutions in bourgeois states.
40. Marxism vindicated the conception:
A. reform of the bourgeois state through the division of power and the introduction of proletariat representatives in the parliament;
B. direct and universal democracy by gradual transition from the dictatorship of the proletariat to a common democracy, depriving the bourgeoisie of the electoral law;
C. voluntary transfer of power of the proletariat;
D. rapprochement of the interests of the state and the people.
41. The first legal order in the Kievan Rus was:
A. Sermon of Vladimir Monomakh;
B. The Tale of Bygone Years;
C. Sermon on Law and Grace of Hilarion;
D. Russian True;
E. Lay of Igor
42. The revival of political activity and political thought in Ukraine starts a day:
A. the formation of Cossack republic, and especially with the start of the national liberation struggle;
B. with the formation of Galicia-Volyn principality;
C. with the adoption of the first Constitution of Zaporizhia Army;
D. with the elimination of serfdom;
E. 0.
43. The Constitution P. Orlik "Pacts and the Constitution of laws and liberties of Zaporizhia Army" was adopted:
A. 1710 in Poltava;
B. 1710 in Bender;
C. 1709 in Baturin,;
D. 1709 in Kiev;
E. 1709 in Zaporizhzkya Sich.
44. Reproduction of democratic school of political thought in Ukraine preceded by:
A. winning World War II years 1812-1813 and the campaign of the Russian army in Europe;
B. the formation of secret political organizations, study groups;
C. protest of the Decembrists in 1825;
D. opening of Kharkov and Kiev universities.
E. all of the above noted.
45. According to Antonovich's a real politician should:
A. have broad political outlook and be able to announced own thoughts to the people;
B. promote the dissemination of political knowledge in the society;
C. not only have knowledge, but also to be able to bring them to life and make political predictions, forecasts;
D. be able to organize the political elite and direct it to the activity;
E. 0.
46. Antonovich was a supporter of Ukraine's future:
A. in the federation of south-western Slavic republics;
B. as an independent state;
C. in a federation with Russia;
D. as the non-state co-existence of the people;
E. in alliance with Poland.
47. Drahomanov political program included the following:
A. the evolution of the existing political system, realization of broad-based political reforms;
B. a revolutionary replacement of the existing system;
C. use any means to achieve the main goal - the freedom and democratic reconstruction of the state;
D. increasing of trustworthy of the state
E. 0.
48. Representatives of new narcotics direction of political thought in Ukraine were:
A. M.Grushevsky and B. Lipinski;
B. M.Grushevsky and R. Lashchenko;
C. W. Lipinski and S. Tomaszewski;
D. M.Grushevsky and S. Tomaszewski;
E. R. Lashchenko and Petljura.
49. Mikhail Grushevsky considered, that the priority interests in the Ukrainian state must be:
A. interests of the elite of society, which would lead the pack;
B. the interests of the business as an active economic force;
C. free peasantry, as the most mass part of society;
D. the interests of the working people in general, as the main productive force;
E. interests of the working class.
50. Conservative political thought in Ukraine started:
A. W. Lipinski, S. Dniestrovsky;
B. V.Kuchabsky, S. Shelukhin;
C. Drahomanov, M.Grushevsky.
D. M.Grushevsky, W. Lipinski;
E. W. Lipinski, S. Tomaszewski.
51. National-state tendency in the Ukrainian political thought began:
A. Lipinski, O.Eyhelman;
B. S.Dnistryansky, Rudnicki;
C. O.Eyhelman, V.Kuchabsky;
D. Rudnicki, S.Tomashivsky;
E. S.Dnistryansky, Grushevskii.
52. National-state idea included:
A. formation of Ukrainian federation lands under one central leadership;
B. the creation of the national state under the leadership of Ukrainian Hetman and the Parliament;
C. creation of a national republican-democratic state, that would ensure the development of the Ukrainian nation;
D. the creation of a parliamentary republic Ukrainian people, but with an absolute majority at the Ukrainian authorities;
E. Ukraine for the Ukrainian.
53. Indentify the most complete definition of the political system of the society:
A. set of political, economic and social institutions and relationships;
B. set of political institutions, relationships, resources, norms within which achieved and implemented the political life of society;
C. set of organizations of the institutions, through which power is exercised;
D. set of bodies and institutions of state power, means and methods of realization of the power;
E. 0.
54. Which of the provisions in the greatest measure expresses the functionality of the political system of the society:
A. exercise of political power;
B. regulation of the economy;
C. the solution of social problems of the society;
D. creating the conditions for political participation of the people.
E. conduct an effective foreign policy.
- The power in the most generalized definition is:
56. А. the coordination by someone’s, (the person, the organization) actions of participants of those or other processes
B. possibility of one person or certain group to subordinate to itself, the will of others and achieve performance of this will
C. establishment of certain order in society
D. such order in society, when someone has possibility to show their will, irrespective of resistance
57. E. possibility to use public wealth for their own needs.
58. Political power is required:
A. understanding, comprehension and awareness of the political and the needs and interests of society;
B. the dominant position of the subject of power in society;
C. the ability and willingness of the subject of the authorities to carry out their political will and take responsibility for it;
D. the presence of political organizations for the exercise of power.
E. all mentioned above.
59. Forms of political power are:
A. State power;
B. party power;
C. all of mentioned forms;
D. the power of civil society organizations;
E. informational power.
60. State power, in the first place, represents the will:
A. the indigenous population of the country;
B. the total population of the country;
C. economically and politically dominant part of society;
D. political elite of the society;
E. head of state.
61. State laws (including the Constitution) apply to the means of power:
A. utilitarian;
B. enforcement;
C. traditional;
D. normative;
E. authoritarian
62. State is:
A.determined territory with population;
B.especial form of political authority organization, which have sovereignty, realize administration, organization of social life in country;
C. country that has borders and authority;
D. territorial union of citizens, which ruled by authority.
63. Main signs of the state are:
A. availability of state attribute: blazon, hymn, flag
B. B.availability of territory
C. C.availability of the law
D. D.availability of special organs and institutions, which realize authority
E. E.answers A and B are correct
64. Absolute monarchy – such form of governing, when: