Assistance Team Checklist
Prior to Initial Assistance Team Meeting:
Make sure the Parental Notification of Screening Procedures was sent home to parent with ALL concerns listed (e.g., reading, math, behavior)
Make sure observations of student from a third party have been completed in area of concern
Make sure vision screening from nurse has been completed
Make sure hearing screening from speech therapist has been completed
Make sure speech language screening from speech therapist has been completed
Make sure previous evaluations, if any, have been reviewed and documented
Make sure there is a copy of the Student Support Plan or Tier I/Tier II paperwork
Ensure that at least 2 parent contacts have been made
Initial Assistance Team Meeting:
Identify specific academic or behavioral area of concern
Determine what data will be used to supply baseline and measure progress
- IF baseline data is not readily available from the data you bring to the team (and it may not always be, especially with behavior referrals), your team may need to stop at this point and reconvene after baseline data is obtained
Determine current level of functioning in area(s) of concern
Identify appropriate research based intervention(s) for Cycle 1
Team members sign and date page 3 under Initial Assistance team meeting and development of Cycle 1 intervention
Record date of next meeting to review progress (Minimum of 3 weeks)
Provide Progress Monitoring Chart to document data
Second Assistance Team Meeting (Minimum 3 weeks):
Review effectiveness of Cycle 1 Intervention and record results
- If student was successful with Cycle 1 Intervention:
A-team meets to sign paperwork continuing intervention or ending A-teamprocess
- If student was not successful with Cycle 1 Intervention:
Continue with Cycle 1 Intervention
Modify Cycle 1 Intervention OR
Develop new, appropriate research based intervention(s) for Cycle 2 intervention with the team
If team develops Cycle 2 intervention, document on A-team form
Team members sign and date page 3 under Review of Cycle 1 Intervention and Development of Cycle 2 Intervention
Record date of next meeting to review progress (Minimum of 3 weeks)
Continue to document data on Progress Monitoring Chart
Third Assistance Team Meeting:
Review effectiveness of Cycle 2 Intervention and record results
Document Summary of Intervention Outcomes and Basis for Decision
- If student was successful with Cycle 2 Intervention:
A-team signs paperwork continuing intervention or ending A-team process
- If student was not successful with Cycle 2 Intervention:
Continue with Cycle 2 Intervention
Modify Cycle 2 Intervention OR
Develop new, appropriate research based intervention(s) for additional cycle(s) of interventions
Consider recommending an evaluation/reevaluation (for student currently receiving EC services under an IEP) to the IEP Committee
Team members sign under Team Decision and date