Subject/Course: Digital and Design Technologies / Teacher(s):
Other subject areas to be included, if any / Grade Level: 9
Significant Content:
- Drone Technologies
- Design
Key Knowledge
Key Skills
A / B / C
Processes and production skills:Generating / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics: / The student work has the following characteristics:
purposefulcreation and connection of design ideas and processes of increasing complexity and discerning justification of decisions
- design ideas very clearly sketched, annotated and justified / effectivecreation and connection of design ideas and processes of increasing complexity and informed justification of decisions
- design ideas clearly sketched, annotated and justified / creation and connection of design ideas and processes of increasing complexity and justification of decisions
- design ideas sketched with some justification
comprehensive and effectivecommunication and documentationof projects, including marketing for a range of audiences
- Design Brief comprehensivelyanswers all questions in full sentences
-Instructablehas all sections of the engineering process fully documented and very well communicated / effectivecommunication and documentationof projects, including marketing for a range of audiences
- Design Brief answers all questions in full sentences
-Instructablehas all sections of the engineering process fully documented and well communicated / communication and documentationof projects, including marketing for arange of audiences
- Design Briefanswers all questions
-Instructablehas most sections of the engineering process fully documented and communicated
Processes and production skills: Evaluating / discerningevaluation (using the detailed criteria for success) of: their ideas; designed solutions; processes
- Explains the topic, concept or issue. Provides a detailed account including causes, reasons or mechanisms.
- Analyses: Breaks down into component parts to show the essential parts and relationships
- Evaluates: Makes a judgement based on strengths and weaknesses, positives and negatives. / informedevaluation (using the detailed criteria for success) of: their ideas; designed solutions; processes
- Explains the topic, concept or issue. Provides a detailed account including causes, reasons or mechanisms.
- Analyses: Breaks down into component parts to show the essential parts and relationships / evaluation (using the detailed criteria for success) of: their ideas; designed solutions; processes
- Explains the topic, concept or issue. Provides a detailed account including causes, reasons or mechanisms.
Enterprise Skills: / 1. Teamwork / 2. Presentation
Growth Mindsets / 1. / 2.
Project Summary:
Create a board game that has a series of obstacles and challenges that a Parrot Mambo drone can manoeuvre around in the fastest time.
Driving Question: What kind of board game can we make to time and test the skill level of a micro drone pilot
Entry Event:
Class/Team Building: Heterogeneous
Deliverable Products (Individual):
Deliverable Products (Team):
Drone Board Game
Public Audience:Instructable website
Resources Needed / On-site people, facilities
Equipment / Parrot Mambo x 6
Materials / Cardboard, tape
Community Resources
Reflection Methods / Individual:
WALT/WILF at the end of each phase / Class/Team:
Instructional Strategies for All Learners / Learning Goal(WALT/WILF at Proficient) / Checkpoints/Formative Assessments
- Team Name Activity
- Team Plan
- Design Brief – team devised, individually authored / effectivecommunication and documentationof projects, including marketing for a range of audiences
- Design Brief answers all questions in full sentences / Design Brief
- forming questions, using 5W1H
- divide questions and research
- ideation process
- justify decisions / creation and connection of design ideas and processes of increasing complexity and justification of decisions
- design ideas sketched with some justification / Ideation
- sketch final design / creation and connection of design ideas and processes of increasing complexity and justification of decisions
- design ideas sketched with some justification / Design sketches
- Build and test Board Game
- publish Instructable / effectivecommunication and documentationof projects, including marketing for a range of audiences
- Design Brief answers all questions in full sentences
-Instructablehas all sections of the engineering process fully documented and well communicated / Instructable
- Write evaluation / informedevaluation (using the detailed criteria for success) of: their ideas; designed solutions; processes / Evaluation