Students will:
Week 1 / -Course Introduction
-Get Acquainted Activities
-Classroom Procedures /
2 & 3 / PL-HS-1.1.1
Students will explain the importance of effective social interaction skills (e.g., respect, self-advocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying, different perspectives and points of view, empathy, personal growth, relationship building, fulfilling commitments). DOK 2
Students will recommend interventions (e.g., cease enabling activities), treatments (e.g., AA, outpatient therapy, group therapy) and other strategies (e.g., enhancing self esteem, building skills for success) as forms of help for negative behaviors or addictions (e.g., drug addictions, eating disorders).
Students will describe team skills (e.g., setting goals, listening, following directions, questioning, communicating, problem-solving, dividing work, conflict resolution, mediation) and evaluate the role of team skills in today’s workplace. DOK 3 /
- identify ways of developing positive character traits.
- identify the characteristics of good mental health.
- examine the impact of role models on one’s life.
4 & 5 / PL-HS-1.1.2
Students will apply and justify effective strategies for responding to stress, conflict, peer pressure, bullying and harassment (e.g., problem-solving, decision-making, relaxation techniques, communication, conflict resolution, anger management, time management, refusal skills, self-advocacy. DOK 3
Students will identify and explain changes in roles, responsibilities and skills needed to effectively work in groups throughout life (e.g., setting realistic goals, time and task management, planning, decision- making process, perseverance).
Students will recommend and justify effective self-management and coping strategies (e.g., setting realistic goals, time, task and stress management, decision making, learning style preference, perseverance) for maintaining mental and emotional health. DOK 3 /
- identify ways of
character traits.
- identify the
mental health.
- examine the impact of
Week 6 / PL-HS-1.1.1
Students will explain the importance of effective social interaction skills (e.g., respect, self-advocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying, different perspectives and points of view, empathy, personal growth, relationship building, fulfilling commitments). DOK 2
Students will recommend and justify effective self-management and coping strategies (e.g., setting realistic goals, time, task and stress management, decision making, learning style preference, perseverance) for maintaining mental and emotional health. DOK 3
Students will identify individual work habits/ethics (e.g., individual/team responsibilities, willingness to learn, integrity, respect, confidentiality, self-discipline, problem-solving, punctuality, communication skills) and explain their importance in the workplace. DOK 2
Students will describe team skills (e.g., setting goals, listening, following directions, questioning, communicating, problem-solving, dividing work, conflict resolution, mediation) and evaluate the role of team skills in today’s workplace. DOK 3 /
- examine the effects of culture, stereotyping and prejudices on relationships.
- recommend ways to improve intergenerational relationships.
Week 7 / PL-HS-1.1.1
Students will explain the importance of effective social interaction skills (e.g., respect, self-advocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying, different perspectives and points of view, empathy, personal growth, relationship building, fulfilling commitments). DOK 2
Students will apply and justify effective strategies for responding to stress, conflict, peer pressure, bullying and harassment (e.g., problem-solving, decision-making, relaxation techniques, communication, conflict resolution, anger management, time management, refusal skills, self-advocacy). DOK 3
Students will recommend and justify effective self-management and coping strategies (e.g., setting realistic goals, time, task and stress management, decision making, learning style preference, perseverance) for maintaining mental and emotional health. DOK 3
Students will describe team skills (e.g., setting goals, listening, following directions, questioning, communicating, problem-solving, dividing work, conflict resolution, mediation) and evaluate the role of team skills in today’s workplace. DOK 3 /
- recommend ways of resolving conflicts.
- explain the need to respect property rights of others.
- practice using refusal skills to resist peer pressure.
8 & 9 / PL-HS-1.1.2
Students will apply and justify effective strategies for responding to stress, conflict, peer pressure, bullying and harassment (e.g., problem-solving, decision-making, relaxation techniques, communication, conflict resolution, anger management, time management, refusal skills, self-advocacy). DOK 3
Students will recommend and justify effective self-management and coping strategies (e.g., setting realistic goals, time, task and stress management, decision making, learning style preference, perseverance) for maintaining mental and emotional health. DOK 3
Week 10 / PL-HS-1.1.1
Students will explain the importance of effective social interaction skills (e.g., respect, self-advocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying, different perspectives and points of view, empathy, personal growth, relationship building, fulfilling commitments). DOK 2
Students will compare causes, symptoms, consequences and treatments of mental and emotional problems (e.g., depression, anxiety, drug abuse, addictions, eating disorders, aggressive behaviors) for individuals and families. DOK 2 /
- examine one’s relationship with friends.
Week 11 / PL-HS-1.1.1
Students will explain the importance of effective social interaction skills (e.g., respect, self-advocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying, different perspectives and points of view, empathy, personal growth, relationship building, fulfilling commitments). DOK 2
Students will apply financial management practices, including budgeting, banking (e.g., check writing, balancing a checking account), savings and investments (e.g., advantages and disadvantages of savings accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, certificates of deposit, IRAs, 401Ks) and credit (e.g., responsible use of debit and credit cards, establishing and maintaining good credit, cause and effect of bankruptcy) and explain their importance in achieving short and long-term financial goals.
Students will analyze and evaluate why people need to work and how a person’s career choice impacts life long earning potential, career opportunities and job satisfaction. /
- evaluate the significance
on the well being of
individuals and society.
- contrast characteristics
functional families.
- demonstrate etiquette
- skills used as an individ-
wage earner.
- predict how work and
based on values and goals.
- predict problems unique
12& 13 / PL-HS-1.1.1
Students will explain the importance of effective social interaction skills (e.g., respect, self-advocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying, different perspectives and points of view, empathy, personal growth, relationship building, fulfilling commitments). DOK 2
Students will identify and evaluate the risks (e.g., STDs, unwanted pregnancies, HIV/AIDS) of being sexually active, and the strategies (e.g., abstinence, using refusal skills, talking with parents, doctors, counselors) for delaying sexual activity.
Students will explain risks associated with unhealthy habits and behaviors (e.g., dietary, physical activity, tobacco, alcohol, steroids, other substance abuse, sexual activity, violent/aggressive behavior). DOK 2 /
- compare the similarities and differences of infatuation, sexual gratification and mature love.
- explain how premarital sexual intimacy could adversely affect
- describe prevention, treatment and the physical effect of sexually transmitted diseases
14 & 15 / PL-HS-1.1.1
Students will explain the importance of effective social interaction skills (e.g., respect, self-advocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying, different perspectives and points of view, empathy, personal growth, relationship building, fulfilling commitments). DOK 2
Students will apply and justify effective strategies for responding to stress, conflict, peer pressure, bullying and harassment (e.g., problem-solving, decision-making, relaxation techniques, communication, conflict resolution, anger management, time management, refusal skills, self-advocacy). DOK 3 /
- compare the
date to those of an
ideal mate.
- analyze the traits of a
- distinguish between real and ideal expectations in marriage.
16 & 17 / PL-HS-1.1.1
Students will explain the importance of effective social interaction skills (e.g., respect, self-advocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying, different perspectives and points of view, empathy, personal growth, relationship building, fulfilling commitments). DOK 2
Students will apply and justify effective strategies for responding to stress, conflict, peer pressure, bullying and harassment (e.g., problem-solving, decision-making, relaxation techniques, communication, conflict resolution, anger management, time management, refusal skills, self-advocacy). DOK 3 /
- assess the impact of types of abuse and determine methods of prevention.
Week 18
Daily Plans:
Topic: / Activities: / Resources:Personal Development
-Your Personality
-Heredity and Environment
-Building Self-Esteem
“I can develop better relationships by better understanding myself..”
Recognize unique qualities of your life path.
Relate major developmental tasks of the teen years to your future.
Evaluate the influence of heredity on personal characteristics.
Explain how factor in the environment can influence growth and development. / Brainstorm a list of changes that you can expect in your future
Self-Understanding Unit
-Relationships & You (activity)
-My Life Path
*Describe three major decisions that You must make in order to realize your projections.
-Developmental Tasks of Teens (notes)
What/who has been most influential in making you the person that you are?
-Read Chapter 1 (pp. 21-42)
-Complete “Review” questions for for Chapter 1 (p. 42)
(please write question or rephrase question as part of your answer)
Bell Work: Who Am I?
-My Roles/Who am I?
-Environmental Factors . . .
-Go over chapter 1 questions
-Erikson’s Theory
-Vocabulary Sheets / Quickest Personality Test:
Picture yourself in four, 10 and 30 years. List words that describe your physical appearance, personality, talents, skills, work and relationships.
-Personality (transparency)
-Pair-Share Personality Activity
-Self-Study Character Traits
-Growth & Development Crossword
List characteristics of events that make you feel positive and identify their common qualities. Do the same for events that make you feel negative?
Building Self-Esteem
1. What is Self-Esteem (transp.)
2. Characteristics
3. Self-Esteem Handouts
List three personality traits that makeyou unique.
Personality Inventories
Which of yesterday’s inventories was accurate? Did you disagree with anyof the results?
Maslow’s Hierarchy
Café Conversation – Ch. 1 & 2 Topics
Personality Tests
*Fun Personality Profile
*Birth Test
*Dalai Lama Personality Test
*Psychological Profile
*Keirsey Temperament Sorter
Assignment: Writing – making
On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 least to 10
highest), how would you rate your
Building Self-Esteem
-Brainstorm Characteristics
-Notes: Building Self-Esteem
-Boosters & Busters
-Class Valentine
-Assignment: Positive Affirmations / Self-Esteem Quotations:
How can you improve your attitude?
- Attitude by Charles Swindoll
- Values Activities
- 3. Group – Positive & Negative Attitudes
5. Kiersey Sorter - Results
Assessment #1 –
Writing Prompt:
Developing Self-Understanding & I am someone who . . .
Relationship Skills
“I can demonstrate effective
communication skills.” / Why are communication skills important?
Communication Skills (Ch. 5)
1. Communication Skills - Pretest
2. Intro Activity
“Building Blocks”
3. Crossword
& Vocabulary Worksheet
Describe the communication process.
Identify different forms of verbal and nonverbal communication.
Demonstrate effective speaking and listening skills.
Describe factors that affect communication. / 1. Finish Questions & go over
2. Communication Process
3. Levels of Communication
4. Communicating for Better
Relationships (Group)
Nonverbal Communication
What nonverbal messages do you use on a regular basis, such as sitting position, gestures, etc?
1. Actions Speak Louder
than Words (Activity)
2. Your Body Can Speak
3. Notes – Body Language
Verbal Communication
Why do you think it is difficult to learn new
patterns of communicating?
1. How to Talk . . .(notes)
2. 10 Secrets for Healthy
Communication (notes)
3. Rules for Good Communication
4. Passive/Assertive/Aggressive
5. Communication Skills (group)
Listening Skills
What are some characteristics of a good listener?
1. Listening Skills (activity)
2. Learn to Listen (notes)
3. How to Listen so People
will Talk (notes)
4. Active Listening
Nonverbal Communication
What nonverbal messages do you use on a regular basis, such as sitting position, gestures, etc?
1. Actions Speak Louder
than Words (Activity)
2. Your Body Can Speak
3. You Tube – Interpreting Body
Language Video
Why do you think it is difficult to learn new patterns of communicating?
Café Conversation
Anticipation Guide
-Communication Inventory
-Bonus: Communication Exercise for
Teenagers – Due Mon/Tues.
-Conflict Resolution
“I can handle conflict in a productive manner.”
Discuss common causes of conflict.
Identify strategies for reducing and preventing conflict.
Demonstrate effective conflict resolution strategies. /
Can all conflicts be avoided?
Finish I Statements
Brainstorm causes of Conflict
Conflict Resolution Questionnaire
Discuss Results
What roles can I-messages and you-
messages have in resolving conflicts?
Preventing & Reducing
Productive & Destructive
Eight Steps
Broken Record
Activity: Conflict in Relationships
Why is it often difficult to identify
the real issue in a conflict?
Steps to Resolving (H/O)
Choose one of two scenarios to answer
(Gridlock or Runaway Rose)
Conflicts Role-plays – Choose three, write
out in script or act out in class
Review – Cubes
Communication Exam
Test – Communication/Conflict
-Time Management & Stress Management
“I can build healthier relationships through managing my stress levels
and time more effectively.”
Recognize sources & symptoms of stress.
Describe stress management strategies.
Develop good time management skills. / Time/Stress Mgt
Stress PPT
How Does Your Stress Score?
Stress Tally
Ways to Handle Stress
Crossword Puzzle
(Teens & Stress 2:00)
What are the major stressors
in your life?
Vocabulary Map – Stress
Reading Road Map
Saving for Stress
The Stress Cycle
Stress Reduction Plan
(Ten Tips 2:00)
In what areas do you procrastinate most often?
Vocabulary Map – Time Mgt.
Write About – Ch. 22
Time Mgt. Handouts
(Time Mgt. Fairy 4:00)
Relationship Dynamics
“I can be a better friend.”
Identify levels of friendships.
Describe qualities of a friend.
Recognize ways that friendships help a person grow. / Relationships – Intro
Read “You Are Special” – discuss
Complete : Healthy Relationships
Breaking Down Walls
Supportive Relationships
Developing Boundaries
Make Circle of Support
(Chapter 7 Relationships – Write About & Vocabulary)
How do you decide if someone is a friend?
-Am I Friendship Material?
-Notes – A Friend Is . .
-Finding Fulfilling Friendships – Writing
What might cause a relationship to regress from close friend, to
mutual friend to frequent acquaintance?
1. Friendship Poems
2. Unfinished Sentences
Café Conversation - Friendship
-Family Relationships
“I can build healthy family relationships.”
Appraise benefits of living in a family.
De Desscribe the functions of families.
List the characteristics of various family structures.
Identify roles within the family.
Relate how family activities strengthen families.
Identify strategies for dealing with family challenges.
. / Family Relationships
How do you define “family?”
-Notes- What is a Family?
-Group: Family Structures & Functions of Family
Assign Group Project-
Changes in American Family
Colonial, Industrial Revolution
& Technological
What makes a family strong?
-Family Rights & Responsibilities
-Stages of Family Life Cycle
-Family Roles
-Building Strong Families
-Group Planning Time
-Group Presentations
-Activity: Make a labeled collage cartoon/comic Strip
that depicts different family structures , functions and stages
of the family life cycle
How could an event cause crisis in one family, but not in another?
Crisis Producing LifeEvents
The Pile-Up Effect
Jigsaw – Family Challenges
*Chronic Illness/Disability
*Drug/Alcohol Abuse
*Unemployment/Financial Problems
Friend s & Family Project
Work Day
Project Work Time
& Review for Test
-Dating Relationships
“I can prepare for healthy dating relationships.”
Explain the functions of dating in our society.
Recognize the stages in the dating process.
Describe strategies for beginning and ending dating relationships.
Compare and contrast true love and infatuation. / Course Overview for Scheduling
Hand back papers
Dating Unit Vocabulary
Connections Curriculum
“Getting Ready to Date”
Quick Write: Best & Worst Date
1. Intro – The Ideal Date
2. Brainstorm Dating Do’s & Don’ts
3. Notes: Functions of Dating,
Relationship Builders
4. Complete: “What It’s About”
& “Things to Know”
Assignment: A Dating Interview &
Crossword Puzzle
“Getting Ready”, continued
What do you need to do to be
a better “date”?
1. Discuss Yesterday’s Handouts
2. Complete “Am I Ready . . .”
3. Notes: Dating Patterns
“Going Out”
What dating situations do you find
difficult to handle?
-Activity: “This is Me”
- Notes: Ways of Knowing
-Workbook: What’s the Rush
& Feeling Another’s Feelings
“Is It Love?”
How do you know if it’s true love?
1. Definitions of Love
2. Ladder of Love
3. Love or Infatuation?
4. Staying Together
“Problems Ahead”
What are some signs that a relation-
ship is headed for trouble?
1. Problem People
2. Warning: Difficulties Ahead
3. When It’s Over
4. Moving Forward
Distribute Questions & go over
Movie: A Walk to Remember
Finish Movie & Questions,
turn in questions
Remind them that their dating interviews are dueTomorrow!!!!!
Project - Dating Scenarios
Dating Relationships – Choice
-Make Poster/Graph based on
survey results
-Analyze Love Song
Dating Relationships – Choice
Review for Test - Dating
Test – Dating Relationships
-Preparation for Marriage / What makes a happy marriage?
-Preparation for Marriage Pretest
-Vocabulary Worksheet
How would you describe your ideal mate?
-Truth or Myth? (transp.)
-Choosing A Mate (transp.)
-Evaluating a Relationship (transp.)
-Personal Independence/Think
About It (transp.)