January 7, 2005
Implementation of the Alternative Docket No. M-00051865
Energy Portfolio Standards Act of 2004
Notice of Technical Conference
(January 19, 2005)
Governor Edward G. Rendell signed into law the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards Act of 2004 (Act 213) (the “Act”) on November 30, 2004. The Act takes effect on February 28, 2005. The Act provides the Public Utility Commission (“Commission”) and the Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”) with various responsibilities associated with implementing the legislation.
To facilitate the implementation of the Act, the Commission will hold a technical conference on January 19, 2005, from 10 am to 4 pm in Hearing Room 1, CommonwealthKeystoneBuilding, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. All interested parties are invited to attend, and the meeting is open to the public.
The Commission encourages all interested parties to submit written comments to the Commission’s Secretary’s Bureau at the above referenced docket number by close of business January 14, 2005, with courtesy copies served on, via electronic mail (PDF format preferably), to Karen Mitchell () and Britte Earp (). Those parties interested in presenting at the technical conference must inform the Commissionby close of business January 14,2005, by e-mailing Karen Mitchell. Presenters will be allotted 10-15 minutes for their presentations. The conference agenda will be released prior to the technical conference and the conference will be transcribed. All comments will be posted on the Commission’s website and available to the public by using the “Search for Documents” feature and inputting the docket number listed above. Therefore, service to entities other than the Commission and DEP is at the discretion of the commenter.
To assist all interested parties in preparing comments and presentations, the Commission has identified the following areas for concentration:
- Force Majeure (Availability and qualification of eligible alternative energy resources);
- Deferrals and cost recovery;
- Creation of alternative energy credits program and trading platform;
- Alternative compliance payments;
- Portfolio requirements of other states and regional coordination;
- Development of technical standards for verification of energy efficiency and demand side management activities, and proposed depreciation schedules for alternative energy credits resulting from such measures;
- Development of technical standards for net metering;
- Development of technical standards interconnection
This list is intended to serve as a guide as parties mayrespond to all or some of the issues in their written comments and presentations. Issues not includedin this list may be addressed by the parties. Any comments or questions about this technical conference may be directed to Karen Mitchell at (717) 787-1925.
Very truly yours,
James J. McNulty