Alzheimer’s Research UK Drug Discovery Alliance collaboration proposal

The ARUK Drug Discovery Alliance is looking to collaborate with researchers who have interesting ideas and data that could lead to drug discovery for neurodegenerative diseasesand dementia. Please contact the three Chief Scientific Officers at:

r individually at:

Cambridge Drug Discovery Institute – John Skidmore, , 01223 768607

Oxford Drug Discovery Institute – John Davis, , 01865 612883

UCL Drug Discovery Institute – Paul Whiting, , 07811137457

Alternatively, the following form can be completed and submitted using the same contact details above.

Target/hypothesisbrief description (e.g. kinase, receptor, ion channel, protein:protein interaction, pathwayetc.):
Primary Neurodegenerative Disease:
(Optional) Therapeutic Benefit (e.g. cognition enhancement, disease modifying):
Lead collaborator and other collaborators:
Organisation of lead collaborator:
Postcode: / Country:
Telephone: / Email:
Please provide a summary of your potential target or hypothesis, including any evidence for the potential impact of therapeutic modulation and the expected patient benefit. Word limit ~500 words

The Chief Scientific Officers will then contact you to discuss your ideas further. This discussion may include:

  • details of the molecule or mechanism to be targeted (e.g. receptor, enzyme, pathway, protein:protein interaction etc.), where it is expressed or present in healthy and diseased patients, and to which tissue and cellular compartment a therapeutic could be delivered;
  • the evidence for the association of the target or approach with disease (cellular or animal siRNA, knockout, GWAS, expression profiles, SNPs, tool compound or patient tissue studies);
  • the benefits of the proposed target or approach over current medicines and other existing targets or approaches(does this approach favour a specific subset of patients; investigate a less explored pathway, or a known pathway from a novel perspective?);
  • reagents/experimental resources (e.g. proteins, cell lines, antibodies, patient tissue, animal models) currently available or that could readily obtained to support a drug discovery collaboration;
  • availability of structural information for target or ligand, crystal structures or homology models; information on whether the target been screened previously, and what is known about native or synthetic ligands and their site of action;
  • existing Intellectual Property; third party interests that might affect freedom to operate.

Alzheimer’s Research UK Drug Discovery Alliance collaboration proposal form