Ballylanders Newsletter Week Ending 15thOctober


Roger O’Donnell Ballyduff - 7pm.

Recently Deceased:

Rory (Roger McGrath) Tallaght Dublin, late of Ballyduff, Ballylanders Co. Limerick, after a brief illness. Former employee of Guinness’s. He was laid to rest in Noonan’s Cemetery. Sadly missed by his wife Peggy (Margaret) nee Condon, Sons, Daughters, his brother Michael and sister Nancy, extended family and friends. May he rest in peace.

Child Safeguarding:

The Cashel diocese has introduced Child Friendly safeguarding poster, which can be found in the porch. The more detailed leaflets are in the sacristy. The purpose is to ensure that the children are welcomed, cherished and protected in a manner consistent with their central place in the life of the church.

Limerick Suicide Watch:

We at Limerick Suicide Watch would like to thank you very much for your very kind donation of €500. These funds will go towards the cost of providing vital equipment and gear for the patrols which operate four nights a week around the bridges of Limerick. As you probably know we depend exclusively on the generosity of members of the public such as your kind self to allow us to continue our work.

Glenroe/Ballyorgan Active Group:

Chair Yoga with Ann Byrnes continues on Tuesday next,October10th atGlenroe Hall, 10 to 11am.All are welcome.

Art andCraft Classes with Rose Hanley:

A six week series of classes will commence in Glenroe hall onWednesday October 18th, 2.30 to 4.30 pm each day. Details will follow. This course proved very popular last term so pleasecontact either of the following numbers to register your interest.Mary 087 6412483 or Ann 086 8337696.

Peoples Bus:

A new wheelchair accessible bus is not something we can walk into any garage to buy. It is a special order with a turn-around time of 5-6 months. An order for the new bus was placed in August and we are now under time pressure to raise the monies required. To date our fundraising has brought in €22,000 which reflects the generosity of the local community. Intensive fundraising is planned for the next few months to raise the remainder.

Monster Raffle / Draw to take place on 28th October in Gallahue’s Bar
Tea-party / 12th November in the GAA Complex
Bus-parts catalogue / Available on our Facebook page or from any committee members
Joe Dolan Tribute Band / 22ND Dec in Gallahue’s Hall
30th Anniversary Commemorative book / To be produced as part of our 30th Anniversary celebrations in 2018

One big part of our fundraising initiative will be to sell the bus parts. We have prepared an itinerary of parts which we plan to sell from as little as €10 for a wheel-nut, €50 for a wheel, €250 for a seat, all the way up to €1000 for the engine itself. All buyers of bus-parts will receive a mention in the Day Care Commemorative book which will be produced during the Day-care 30th Anniversary year 2018. The catalogue of bus-parts will be sent to all of the businesses in the area, is available on our Facebook page or from anyone of the committee members and your support to buy any part no matter how small is very much appreciated.

Stars in Their Eyes – Bally Style:

Stars in their Eyes Bally Style – Countdown to Show-Time! There are only 10 days left to get your tickets for this show which takes place in the Firgrove Hotel for one night only on 21st October at 8 pm. Tickets at €20 per person are now on sale from the contestants, Firgrove hotel, Centra Mitchelstown and businesses in Ballylanders and local villages. The contestants are putting a huge effort into the rehearsals. It will be a great night with a lot of variety so come along to support them. The proceeds of the night are going towards renovations at Ballylanders church and a donation will also be made to the Peoples’ Bus. There is a good prize on the door tickets, numerous raffle prizes and an auction of some valuable items as well. So don’t miss out get your tickets now!

CJ Kickham Brass and Reed Band:

The CJ Kickham Brass and Reed Band, Tipperary Town are holding an open night onTuesday 24th Octoberat 7pm. If you have an interest in music or want to learn an instrument then maybe the Kickham band is for you. Come Along to our open night, have a listen to the band, enjoy a cuppa and a look around our band room and see what we are about. It doesn't matter if you are a musician or a beginner everything you need will be provided. We would also love to see some past members on the night also.Any queries contact Eleanor on 086-3732610 or Cathy on 085-1046959

Ballylanders Newsletter Week Ending 15th October

Ballylanders Ladies G.A.A.

Ballylanders senior ladies play Clonmel commercialson Saturdaynext 14th in Lattin at1.00pmin the Munster semi-final. Please support.

Also Congratulation to the Ladies u16’s County final win on Saturday in Adare.


Coshlea Employment Company Ltd. has5 vacancies, 4 for Environmental Workers, 1for Health & Social Care. Please contact Coshlea Employment Company Ltd. Contact Supervisors on 062 46959.

Coshlea Employment Company FÁS would like to let the public know that the rules regarding the age at which people can apply for a place on the scheme has been changed. Anyone over theage of 21 can now contact the office in Ballylanders for more information. There are 4 places available in the scheme.

Set Dancing:

Set dancing classes will commence in the Day Care Centre on Tuesday 26th September at 8.15pm. New members are welcome.

Ballylanders Parent & Toddler:

Runs in Ballylanders Day Care Centre every Tuesday morning from 10am to 12pm. All parents, carers, grandparents, dads welcome to attend. It’s a fun morning of Arts & Crafts and for everyone to come together to have fun. Please come and join parent support worker Michelle Stack telephone: 086 8888105

An Garda Siochana Tipperary Town

Top 5 Burglary Prevention Tips:

1.Secure all doors and windows. 2.Light up your house use timer switches when out. 3. Store keys safely away from windows and letter boxes. 4.Record details of valuables and do not keep large sums of money at home.5.Use your alarm even when at home.

Ballylanders AFC Draw Monday October 9th:

Numbers:17, 18, 20, 23.

Winners: Tom Bourke c/o Ciarans, Sarah O’Neill c/o Gallahues, Michael Casey c/o Poc Fada

Next Draw: October 16th

Venue: Ciarans

Next Week’s Jackpot: €19,100

Ballylanders GAA Fortnightly Lotto Results:

Numbers: 4, 7, 9, 20

Winner: Lorraine McCarthy (online), Mag Kirby, Danny Murphy, Margie Healy & Michelle Murphy

Next Draw: 21st October 2017

Venue: Kingdom

Next Jackpot: €4,200

Cards WednesdayOctober 11th

Mossie Morriarty & Moss Hanley, Ann Cleary & Geraldine Noonan, Willie O’Mahony & Billy Bourke, Dinny Morrissey & Jim English.

Raffle: Dinny Morrissey, Mike Finn, Tom Kenny, Deirdre Browne.

Table Prizes: Pat Condon & Mike Greene, Joan Gallagher & Pauline McGrath, Mike Finn & Gene Wymns, Joe Birrane & Mary Murphy, Ger Leahy & Catherine O’Donovan.

Games start at8:45 SHARP every Wednesday.

Parish News Letter:

Send your emails to . Tuesday or Wednesday. All information to be in by 4.00pm on Wednesday of the week it goes to print please. You can now view our Newsletter online at We can now add pictures to the online Newsletter please send in with your news, you can email us or drop it in and we will do the work for you. To ensure that the Ballylanders Newsletter can keep running we would like to ask Readers New and Old if they would like to contribute to the running costs. If this is something you would like to do please see below Account Details, we at Ballylanders Newsletter would like to Thank you all in Advance for your continued support in this essential community project.
Account No: 65027815 B.I.C.: MIEUIE21

Sort Code: 99-10-62 IBAN: IE82MIEU99106265027815