Prof. Daphne Barak-Erez

36 Harav Amiel St

Tel-Aviv 62263

Tel: 972-3-6057159

Fax: 972-3-5445538



First Name: Daphne.

Family Name: Barak-Erez.

Marital Status: Married (to Dr. Chen Erez) + 2 children.

Academic Education.

laude, valedictorian 1984-1987 LL.B., Tel-Aviv University (summa cum

of the Tel Aviv University Law Review). board editorial of the of class, member

1987-1989 LL.M., Tel-Aviv University (summa cum laude).

1990-1992 J.S.D., Tel-Aviv University (recipient of the Colton Fellowship).

Military Service.

1987-1990 Legal Officer (Captain) in the Military Attorney General

in the I.D.F. (promoted to Major in the reserves).

Academic Experience.

1986 Research Assistant, Tel-Aviv University.

1987-1988 Teaching Assistant, Tel-Aviv University.

1991-1995 Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Haifa University.

1993-1994 Visiting Researcher, Harvard Law School


1999- Visiting Faculty, School of Law, College of Management

1995-1999 Visiting Faculty, School of Law, The Interdisciplinary Center

1992-1997 Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University.

1997-2000 Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University.

2000 Visiting Fellow, Max-Planck Institute, Heidelberg.

2000-2004 Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University.

2002 Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Department of Laws, University College London.

2004 Visiting Researcher, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, Lausanne.

2004- Professor, Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University.

2005 Visiting Professor, Institute of Federalism, University of Fribourg, Switzerland (Fall).

2005 Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, Toronto University (Fall).

2006 Visiting Professor, Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action, University of Siena


2006 Fellow, Schell Center for International Human Rights, Yale Law School.

2006 - Stewart and Judy Colton Professor of Law, Chair of Law and Security.

2007 Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, Toronto University (Winter).

2007 Visiting Professor, School of Administration and Management, Rzeszow, Poland (Winter).

2007 Visiting Professor, Asia-America Institute in Transnational Law, Duke Law School in

cooperation with Honk Kong University, Hong Kong (Summer) (invitation).

2007 Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, Queens University, Kingston, Canada (invitation).

Other Tenures.

1996-1999 Deputy Commissioner of Disciplinary Matters, Tel-Aviv University

2000 Commissioner of Disciplinary Matters, Tel-Aviv University

1998-2000 Chairperson of the Council of Administrative Tribunals, Ministry of Justice

2000-2001 Director of the Minerva Center for Human Rights, Tel-Aviv University.

2000-2002 Deputy Dean, Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University.

2002 Tel-Aviv University Rector's series of lectures.

2003 Broadcast University Radio series of lectures.

2002- Official Developments Correspondent, ICON – International Journal of Constitutional Law (published by OUP).

2003 Member of the Corporate Subcommittee, Committee on the Status of the National Library,

Hebrew University and Rothschild Foundation.

2004 Member of the Selection Committee of the Prosecutor General.

2004-2005 Chair of Committee for Reform in Students' Disciplinary Matters.

2004-2005 Member of Committee for Evaluating the Israeli Academy of Science.

2005- Member of Committee on Nominations for High Positions in the Civil Service.

2007 - Member of Israel's Council of Higher Education.

Professional Memberships.

1988- Israel Bar Association

(2005- Chair) 1988- The Israeli Association of Public Law

1997- Law and Society Association

1998- International Association of Constitutional Law

1998- Israeli Law and Society Association

Academic and Professional Awards:

LL.B. Studies
1985 Rector's List of Tel Aviv University
1986 Rector's List of Tel Aviv University
1987 Rector's List of Tel Aviv University
1988 LL.B. Summa Cum Laude
LL.M. Studies
1990 LL.M. Summa Cum Laude
J.S.D. Studies
1991-1992 Colton Fellowship
Teaching Excellence

2002 Rector's Prize for Excellence in Teaching

2006 Rector's Prize for Excellence in Teaching

Academic Excellence

2006 The Zeltner Prize

Professional and Public Recognition

2006 Woman of the City Award (by the Municipality of Tel-Aviv)

2006 Women in Law Award (by the Israeli Bar Association)


Books –

In English –

1. Human Rights in Private Law (Hart Publishing, 2001) (editor, with Prof. Daniel Friedmann) (393 pages).

2. Outlawed Pigs: Law, Religion and Culture in Israel (University of Wisconsin Press, 2007) (188 pages).

In Hebrew –

2. Contractual Liability of Public Authorities (1990) (250 pages).

3. Constitutional Torts (1993) (358 pages).

4. A Jewish and Democratic State (1996) (editor) (308 pages).

5. First Judgments (1999) (editor) (143 pages).

6. Army, Society and Law (2002) (editor) (478 pages).

7. Milestone Judgments of the Israeli Supreme Court (2003) (138 pages).

8. Legal Feminism in Theory and Practice (Collection of articles) (2005) (editor) (233 pages).

9. Studies in Law, Gender and Feminism (2007) (chief editor) (1010 pages).


In English -

Public Law Rights in 1. "Damages Actions as a Means of Protecting

Israel" 12 Tel-Aviv Stud. in Law (1994) 67-80.

. From an Unwritten to a Written Constitution: The Israel2

Challenge in American Perspective" 26 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev.

(1995) 309-35.

3. "A State Action Doctrine for an Age of Privatization"

45 Syracuse L.Rev. (1995) 1169-1192.

4. "Codification and Legal Culture: In Comparative Perspective"

13 Tulane European and Civil Law Forum (1998) 125-137.

5. "Civil Rights in the Privatized State: A Comparative View"

28 Anglo-American L.Rev. (1999) 503-534.

6. “The Delusion of Symmetric Rights” 19 Oxford J. of Legal Stud. (1999) 297-311 (with Prof. Ron Shapira).

7. "Civil Rights and Privatization in Israel" 28 Isr. Y. Hum. Rts. (1998) 203-216.

8. “Constitutional Limitations on Privatization in Israel" Israeli Reports to the XV International

Congress on Comparative Law (1999) 317-332.

9. “Collective Memory and Judicial Legitimacy: The Historical Narrative of the Israeli Supreme Court" 16 Canadian Journal of Law and Society/Revue Canadienne Droit et Societe (2001) 93-112.

10. “Introduction” Human Rights in Private Law (Daniel Friedmann and Daphne Barak-Erez ed., Hart Publishing, 2001) 1-9 (with Prof. Daniel Friedmann).

11. “The Primaries System and Its Constitutional Effect: Where is the Revolution?” 3 Theoretical

Inquiries in Law (2002) 197-206.

12. “Judicial Review of Politics: The Israeli Case” 29 Journal of Law and Society (2002) 611-631.

13. “The Israeli Welfare State: Growing Expectations and Diminishing Returns” The Welfare State,

Globalization and International Law (Eyal Benvenisti and Georg. Nolte editors, Springer, 2004), 103- 133.

14. "Assigned Residence in Israel's Administered Territories: The Judicial Review of Security Measures" 33 Isr. Y. Hum. Rts. (2003) 303 -313.

15. "The International Law of Human Rights and Constitutional Law: A Case Study of an

Expanding Dialogue" 2 ICON – International Journal of Constitutional Law (2004) 611- 632.

16. "The Administrative Process as a Domain of Conflicting Interests" 6 Theoretical Inquiries in Law

(2005) 193 – 213.

17. "The Doctrine of Legitimate Expectations and the Distinction between the Reliance

and Expectation Interests" 11 European Public Law (2005) 583 – 601.

18. "An International Community of Legislatures?"

The Least Examined Branch: The Role of Legislatures in the Constitutional State

(R. W. Bauman and T. Kahana editors, Cambridge University Press, 2006) 532 – 547.

translated to Italian: "Una Comunita Internazionale Di Legislatori?" Il Filangieri

(Rivista trimestrale de Scienza della Legislazione e Diritto Pubblico) (2005) 57-83.

19. "Law in Society: A Unifying Power or a Source of Conflict?"

Law and Sociology (M. Freeman editor, Oxford University Press, 2006) 165 – 184.

20. "The Security Barrier: Between International Law, Constitutional Law and Domestic Judicial Review" 4 ICON - International Journal of Constitutional Law (2006) 540 – 552.

21. "Applying Administrative Law to Privatization in Israel" Israeli Reports to the XVI International

Congress on Comparative Law (2006) 47-68.

22 “The Law of Historical Films: in the aftermath of Jenin Jenin” USC Interdisciplinary L. J. (forthcoming, 2007).

23. "The Feminist Battle for Citizenship: Between Combat Duties and Conscientious Objection" Cardozo J. of Law and Gender (forthcoming, 2007).

24."Israeli Administrative Law at the Crossroads: Between the English Model and the American

Model" 40 Isr. L. Rev. (2007) 57 - 71.

25. "Human Rights in Private Law: The Israeli Case" Human Rights and the Private Sphere – A Comparative Study (Routledge-Cavendish, Dawn Oliver and Jorg Fedtke editors, 2007) 252-275.

26. "Terrorism and Profiling: Shifting the Focus from Criteria to Effects" 29 Cardozo L. Rev.

(forthcoming, 2007).

In Hebrew –

27. "The Individual's Access to the Media: Balance of Interests and

. the Freedom of Speech" 12 Tel Aviv U. L Rev. (1987) 183-204

28. "The "Employment Contract" of Individuals in the I.D.F. on

. Regular Service" 40 Hapraklit (1991) 114-124

29. "The Right of Public Employees to Freedom of Expression" 16

. Tel Aviv U. L. Rev. (1991) 369-390

30. "Shooting and Training Areas - The Legal Aspect" 11-12 IDF L. Rev.

. Military (1991) 153-170

31. "The Enforcement of the State Budget and Administrative Contracts" 1 Hamishpat

(1993) 253-257.

32. "Civil Liability of Public Bodies: Normative Duality" 1 Mishpat

. Umimshal (1993) 275-294

33. "Administrative Damages and Public Tenders" 2 Mishpat Umimshal

(1994) 35-54.

34. "Administrative Law" Yearbook on Israeli Law 1992-1993 (1994)


35. "Relative Voidness and Judicial Discretion" 24 Mishpatim (1995


36. "Corporations in Public Law" 19 Tel Aviv U. L. Rev. (1995) 273-308.

37. "The High Court of Justice in the Role of the Attorney General" 5

Plilim (1996) 219-235.

38. "Symmetry and Neutrality: Reflections on the Nachmani Case" 20

Tel Aviv U. L. Rev. 197-219 (1996).

39. "Protecting Reliance in Administrative Law" 27 Mishpatim (1996) 17-69.

40. "Administrative Law: Review and Development" Yearbook on Israeli

Law 1996 -1997 (1997) 307-355.

41. "The Reasonable Woman" 6 Plilim (1997) 115-135.

42. ""An acre here, an acre there" - Israel Land Administration in

the Vise of Interest Groups" 21 Tel Aviv U. L. Rev. (1998) 613-636.

(published also in: Land Law in Israel: Between Private and Public (H. Dagan editor, 1999) 371 - 394.

43. “Israeli Codification in the Perspective of Contract Law” 22 Tel Aviv U. L. Rev. (1999) 793 - 818.

44. “Public Law and Private Law: Overlaps and Mutual Influences" 5 Mishpat Umimshal (1999) 95 - 115.

45. “The Judiciability of Politics” 8 Plilim (1999) 369 - 387.

46. “Israel Lands Between Public Administration and Privatization: Distributive Justice in the

Administrative Process" Distributive Justice in Israel (M. Mautner ed., 2000) 203 - 219.

47. “The Democratic Challenge of Administrative Law" 24 Tel Aviv U. L. Rev. (2000) 369 - 412.

48. “Human Rights in an Age of Privatization” 8 Labor, Society and Law (2001) 209 - 224.

49. “Teaching Administrative Law: Between Constitutionalization and Privatization" 25 Tel Aviv

U. L. Rev. (2001) 503 - 522.

50. “The Israeli Welfare State – Between Legislation and Bureaucracy” 9 Labor, Society and Law

(2002) 175 - 194.

51. “And Thou Shalt Tell Thy Son: History and Memory in the Court" 26 Tel Aviv U. L. Rev. (2002) 773 - 802.

52. “Protecting Expectations in Administrative Law” 27 Tel Aviv U. L. Rev. (2003) 209 – 256.

53. "The Transformation of the Pig Laws: From a National Symbol to a Religious Interest?" 33 Mishpatim (2003) 403 - 475.

54. "Distributive Justice in Israel Lands: Following the Agricultural Lands Case" 18 Hamishpat (2004) 54 - 63.

55. "Social Feminism and Social Rights of Women" Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Israel

(Y. Rabin and Y. Shany ed., 2004) 855 – 892.

56. "Planning in Israel Lands: Toward Sustainable Development" 7 Mishpat Umimshal (2004)

865 - 908 (with Dr. Oren Perez).

57. "The Legal Feminism of Catharine MacKinnon and the Move from the Margin to the Center"

Legal Feminism in Theory and Practice (Collection of articles, Daphne Barak-Erez editor,

2005) 7 – 19.

58. "The Recision of a Government Contract: A Test Case of Normative Duality" 20 Hamishpat

(2005) 14 - 25.

59. "On Cinematographic Lies and Historic Truth: Between the Voice of the People and 'the Voice of the People' Precedent" Be Quiet, Someone is Speaking! - The Legal Culture of Freedom of Speech in Israel (M.ichael Birnhack editor, 2006) 141 - 172.

60. "Constitutional Torts in the Era of Basic Laws" 9 Mishpat Umimshal (2005) 103 – 136.

61. "The Military Service of Yeshiva Students: Between the Citizenship and Justiciability Dilemma" 22 Bar-Ilan L. Rev. (2006) 227-267.

62. "On Women Pilots and Women Conscientious Objectors: One Battle or Different Ones?" Studies in Feminism, Gender and Law (Daphne Barak-Erez Chief Editor, 2007) 65-98.

63. "Administrative Law and the Struggle against Government Corruption" 37 Mishpatim (forthcoming).

64. "The New Civil Code: Between the Professional Community and Society" 24 Bar-Ilan L. Rev. (forthcoming).

65. "Relative Voidness in Administrative Law: On the Price of Rights" Itzhak Zamir Book: On Law, Government and Society (Ariel Bendor and Yoav Dotan editors, 2005) 285-323.

66. "Introduction: Law, Gender and Feminism in Israel" Studies in Feminism, Gender and Law (Daphne Barak-Erez chief editor, 2007) (with Shlomit Yanisky-Ravid, Yifat Bitton and Dana Pugach) (7 pages).


In Hebrew -

1. Tel-Aviv University Law Review, Vol. 19 (1994-1995) (editor) (758 pages).

2. Plilim, Vol. 9. (2000) (editor) (490 pages).