Elizabeth L. Pierce
Columbia University 2007-present
Pursuing a doctoral degree in Earth and Environmental Sciences (Expected graduation: 2012)
M.A. in Earth and Environmental Sciences 2009
Williams College 2007
B.A. with honors in Geosciences
Current Research 2007-present
Antarctica's Geologic and Climatic History from Isotopic Sedimentary Provenance Studies of Marine Sediments
Fieldwork- Norway August 2009
Worked with Dr. Brent Goehring (PSU) to collect samples for cosmogenic dating; collected samples to begin my own pilot project looking at the provenance of ice-rafted grains in the North Atlantic
Fieldwork - Antarctic Peninsula November 2009
Collected Cretaceous sedimentary rocks as a field assistant for Dave Barbeau (U. South Carolina), with the goal of better constraining when the Drake Passage opened; assisted in collecting paleomagnetic samples.
Honors Thesis Research, Williams College July 2006-May 2007
Conducted strain analysis in a quartz-pebble conglomerate that is found in outcrops throughout the Day Mountain (western Massachusetts) thrust sheet, and constructed strain ellipsoids to investigate the type of strain experienced in this formation during thrusting.
Fieldwork - Baja, California January 2006
Took field measurements, identified and collected fossils, interpreted sedimentary structures, logged stratigraphic sections.
NSF-REU Fellowship, University of Delaware – Center for Marine Science 2005
Compiled 18O and 13C records that span 8.5–2.6 Ma using the foraminifera Globigerina bulloides from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1088.
Pierce, E.L., Williams, T., van de Flierdt, T., Hemming, S.R., Brachfeld, S.A., Goldstein, S.L.
(in revision: Paleoceanography): Marine sedimentary provenance evidence for massive discharges of icebergs from the Aurora and Wilkes sub-glacial basins.
Billups, K., Kelly, C., Pierce, E.L. (2009) The Late Miocene to Early Pliocene Climate Transition
in the Southern Ocean, Paleoclimatology, Paleocology & Paleoceanography 267, 31-40.
Abstracts and Presentations
Pierce, E.L., van de Flierdt, T., Hemming, S.R., Williams, T., Cook, C.C., and Expedition 318 Scientists (2011):
Sedimentary Insights to the Mid-Miocene Climate Transition from IODP Site U1356A. ISAES Abstract.
Van de Flierdt, T., Kim, S., Cook, C., Hemming, S., Williams, T., Pierce, E.L., Passchier, S., Jimenez-Espejo,
F., Rol, U., Bohaty, S.M., Tauxe, L., and Expedition 318 Scientists (2011): The Fingerprint of the First Oligocene Ice-Rafted Debris Around East Antarctica – Lessons to be Learned about the Initial Expansion of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. ISAES Abstract.
Cook, C., van de Flierdt, T., Williams, T., Hemming, S., Pierce, E.L.,and Expedition 318 Scientists (2011):
The Evolution of the Pliocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet Revealed By Detrital Marine Sediment Provenance Studies. ISAES Abstract.
Cook, C., van de Flierdt, T., Williams, T., Hemming, S., Pierce, E.L.,and Expedition 318 Scientists (2011): Ice
Sheet Stability in the Vicinity of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin During The Pliocene. ISAES Abstract
Williams, T., Hemming, S., van de Flierdt, T., Brachfeld, S., Pierce, E.L., Dale, C., Cook, C., Goldstein, S.L.,
Roy, M. (2011): Isotope geochemistry of circum-Antarctic marine core tops for sub-glacial geology and sediment provenance. ISAES Abstract.
Brachfeld, S.A., Cuomo, D., van de Flierdt, T., Hemming, S.R., Dale, C., Goldsteing, S.L., Pierce, E.L.,
Williams, T. (2011): Iron oxide geochemistry and texture as a tracer of Antarctic sediment provenance. ISAES Abstract.
Pierce, E.L., Williams, T., van de Flierdt, T., Hemming, S.R., Brachfeld, S.A., Goldstein, S.L.
(2010): Marine sedimentary provenance evidence for massive discharges of icebergs from the Aurora and Wilkes sub-glacial basins. AGU Fall meeting, abstract C43C-0562.
Brachfeld, S.A., Cuomo, D.M., van de Flierdt, T., Hemming, S.R., Dale, C.L., Goldstein, S.L.,
Pierce, E.L., Williams, T. (2010): Integrated Mineralogic, Magnetic, Geochemical, and Isotopic Tracers of Sediment Provenance for the Circum-Antarctic Margin. AGU Fall meeting, abstract GP33D-02.
Dahlhauser, E.M, Pierce, E.L., Hemming, S.R., Williams, T., Steponaitis, E.A., Brachfeld, S.A.
(2010): Ar-Ar Age Distributions of Glacially Derived Hornblende Grains in the Eastern Weddell Sea. AGU Fall meeting, abstract C43C-0554.
Mabson, M., Pierce, E.L., Dale, C.L., Williams, Hemming, S.R., van de Flierdt, T., Cook, C.,
Goldstein, S.L. (2010): Variations in the Nd isotope composition of Late Miocene to Early Pliocene glacially derived sediments in Prydz Bay; East Antarctica. AGU Fall meeting, abstract PP13D-1551.
Hemming, S.R., Goldstein, S.L., van de Flierdt, T., Pierce, E.L., Dale, C.L., Williams, T.,
Brachfeld, S.A., and Licht, K.J., 2010, Tracing Antarctica’s terrigenous sediment contributions to the Southern Ocean, Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol 74, N p. A398
Cook, C., van de Flierdt, T., Hemming, S.R., Williams, T., Pierce, E.L. (2010): Instabilitiy of the
Pliocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet and Implications for Sea Level. 10th International Conference on Paleoceanography, San Diego.
Pierce, E.L., T. Williams, T. van de Flierdt, S.R. Hemming, S.L. Goldstein,and S.A Brachfeld
(2009),40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology of Australia’s conjugate margin in Antarctica form ice-rafted hornblende, biotite and feldspar grains, GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 41, No. 7, p. 427. (oral presentation)
Pierce, E.L., E. Steponaitis, S.E. Cox, G.E. Gehrels, S. R. Hemming, S.L. Goldstein, S.A.
Brachfeld, T. van de Flierdt, T. Williams ( 2009) U-Pb zircon and 40Ar/39Ar hornblende ages of glaciogenic detritus around East Antarctica, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, V 73, p. A1027.
Karabinos, P., Pierce, E.L., Warrner, C., (2008) Applications of an interactive computer program to
measuring heterogeneous strain in a thrust sheet. GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol 40, No. 2, p. 3.
Pierce, E.L., T. Williams, T. van de Flierdt, S.R. Hemming, S.L. Goldstein,and S.A Brachfeld,
(2008) Ar-Ar ages of glacially transported hornblende, Wilkes Land, Antarctica, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, V 72, N12S, p. A747.
Williams,T, T. van de Flierdt, S. R. Hemming, S. L. Goldstein, S. A. Brachfeld, and E.L. Pierce,
(2008) Provenance of ice–rafted debris offshore of East Antarctica and delimitation of source areas, 33rd IGC (Abstract).
Pierce, E.L, and Karabinos, P., (2007) Strain Gradients in the Day Mountain Thrust Sheet, Western
Massachusetts. GSA Abstracts with Programs: Vol 39, No. 1 p. 98. (oral presentation)
Invited Talks
Workshop on Past, Present and Future Antarctic Ice Sheet Stability (4/14/11)
Weleyan University (9/23/10)
Columbia’s Summer Internship Program (6/29/10)
______Teaching Experience
Death Valley, CA Excursion for UndergraduatesTeaching Assistant, Columbia University Spring 2011
Assisted in the field and with all logistics of running the trip.
Mono Lake, CA Excursion for Undergraduates Teaching Assistant, Columbia University Spring 2010
Developed field guide for trip, including itinerary and background information on stops, planned logistic for the time in the field.
Advanced General Geology Teaching Assistant, Columbia University Fall 2008
Responsible for the lab section (undergraduate and graduate students); developed, wrote and graded weekly lab exercises, weekly homework assignments, a midterm exam and a final exam.
Oceanography Teaching Assistant, Williams College, Spring 2007
Structural Geology Teaching Assistant, Williams College Fall 2006
Multivariate Calculus Teaching Assistant, Williams College Fall 2005
Writing Tutor, Williams College 2003-2007
Ashland Nature Center, Hockessin, DE Summer 2001
Student Travel Grant, AGU ($500) 2010
LEEFS Fellowship July 2010-2012
Learning through Ecology and Environmental Field Studies. Graduate students selected for LEEFS receive National Science Foundation GK-12 Fellowships that includes a stipend and tuition assistance. In return the fellows each work with one of our partnering schools, enhancing science education for grades 6 through 12.
26th Annual Sarah Fitzgerald Langer Book Prize, Columbia University 2009
The prize is awarded by peer selection to a pre-orals student for contributions to both academic and student life at Lamont.
LDEO Climate Center Grant 2009
(Title: Investigating the Provenance of the Hematite-stained Grains in the North Atlantic. $7976)
Student Travel Grant, First Antarctic Climate Evolution Symposium ($1400) 2009
Student Travel Grant, Goldschmidt Conference ($1000) 2008, 2009
Student Travel Grant, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research ($2750) 2008
David N. Major, Class of 1981, Memorial Prize in Geology, Williams College 2007
Awarded to an outstanding graduating senior in geology
NSF-REU (U. of Delaware’s Center for Marine and Geological Sciences) Summer 2005
Master’s Committee Member for Steven Schwarz (Wesleyan University). 2011.
Thesis title: TBD
Columbia University REU students
Ethan Dalhauser. 2010. Project title: Ar-Ar age distributions of glacially-derived hornblendes in the Eastern
Weddell Seaa
Michelle Mabson. 2010. Project title: Variations in the Nd isotope composition of Late Miocene to Early
Pliocene glacially derived sediments in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
Outside Reader (Senior Honor’s Thesis) for Steven Schwarz (Wesleyan University). 2010
Thesis title: Miocene-Pliocene Wedell Sea Record of Antarctic Glacial and Geologic History
LDEO Geochemistry Seminar Coordinator 2010-present
Plan weekly seminar; invite speakers and coordinate their visits.
Graduate Student Committee Co-Chair 2008-2010
Welcome incoming students, plan and facilitate activities for students throughout the year, manage the GSC budget.
Departmental Representative for WISC (Women in Science at Columbia) 2007-present
Encourage departmental participation in WISC, develop geology-related demonstrations/hands on experiments to be used during outreach events.
Webmaster for AGES (Argon Geochronology for the Earth Sciences) Lab Group 2010-present
Webmaster for WISC website Webmaster for LDEO Radiogenic Isotope Lab website 2008-2009