Idaho 99s Newsletter January 2012

Calendar of Events

The planning meeting held on the 14th was well attended (as usual) with 20 present. Activities for 2012 was the major topic for discussion. The evening meetings are an attempt to draw more people. Some meetings we will have guest speakers. Another meeting we will hear a presentation on available scholarships. Amanda Van Sickle has joined the Scholarship Committee as well. Some had breakfast with the EAA members beforehand and several stayed and had lunch at the Blue Sky Café afterwards. Great turnout and very enthusiastic about this year’s plans.

In addition to the evening monthly meetings, the plan is to fly on Saturdays.

This month’s Monday gathering was attended by about 8 members to watch “Pearl.” A story of Pearl Carter, part Native American from Oklahoma and her flying adventures in the 1920s, beginning at age 13.


January:Saturday, 14th 9am Nampa Airport. Annual Planning Meeting

Monday, 23rd. 6:30pm Movie Night @ Tawni’s

February:Sunday, 26th @ Westy’s Lanes (Bowling CCI) Chapter meeting beforehand

(Jan Peterson)

March:Saturday, 10th @ Payette

Fly It Forward, Jackson Jet (Ponderosa Aero Club)

Monday, 26th (LuAnn Lyon)

AprilSaturday, 21st Emmett

Monday 30th Boise; TNA

MaySaturday 19th, Idaho Falls Trade Show

Monday 21st, Boise Scholarship – (Amanda Vansickle)

JuneSaturday 9th, Smith Prairie (Beth Shannon)

Air Race Classis waxing; ACE Academy

JulyInternational Conference 11-14th Providence, RI

Monday 30th, TBA

AugustSaturday 9th, breakfast in Cascade (Patty Mitchell)

Section Meeting 23-25th in Walla Walla, Washington

Monday 27th, TBA

SeptemberSaturday 8th, McCall Fly-in (Beverly Anderson & Christina Chapman

Monday 24th, TBA

OctoberSaturday 13th, Jackpot, Nevada (Stacey Budell & Eastern Idaho 99s)

Monday 29th, TBA

NovemberTuesday 8th, Annual Membership Meeting

DecemberSaturday 1st, Christmas Party (Pat Jenkins)

***The meetings are also on our website events calendar. ***

Chapter Business/Meeting Notes/International Information

February Meeting – Sunday, February 26th – 11:30

Our February meeting will be held just prior to the Canine Companions for Independence Bowling Fun Day at Westys Garden Lanes at 5504 Alworth Street, Boise (located at the fairgrounds off of Chinden).

Jan has invited the 99s to participate in the CCI fundraiser and so far we have at least two – three teams of 99s lined up to bowl. This is a “fun day” and not a tournament! No bowling skills needed.

The cost is $20.00 for two games and includes shoes. There will be service dogs there bowling and a raffle so it should be a really fun event. Bowling begins at 1:30 pm (check-in is 12:30 ish).

The 99 meeting will be held at 11:30 in the restaurant at Westys in the private room in the back behind the bar! They have a lunch special of burger fries and drink for $4.00 along with many other food items.

If you would like to bowl, please contact Jan at or 208 867-0962 and she will make sure to get you on a team. RSVP by January 31st. If you don’t want to bowl, please come and cheer for your fellow 99s!

International News

Past AE Scholarship recipients, we need your help now. Spirit Media, the PR arm of The Lightspeed Pilot Choice Awards has asked The Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Board of Trustees to put together a document highlighting some of our past winners and how the AE Scholarship helped them achieve their aviation goals. We are soliciting your participation by January 31 in this opportunity to publicize the 99s and the Amelia Earhart Scholarship. The plan is for Lightspeed to use the document on their web site and in other advertising media. We have a wonderful opportunity here and would love to hear from you. The Ninety-Nines, Inc. and the AE Scholarship have once again been nominated to compete for The Lightspeed Pilot Choice Award for 2012. A joint submission will be made. Having our organization in the spotlight with the help of Spirit Media will certainly give us a better chance to once again be chosen as a finalist in the 2012 Lightspeed Pilot Choice Award Competition and win a generous award of $10,000. Please send a brief description of how the AE Scholarship helped you to:

AE Scholarship application for 2012 is now on-line.

The 2012 Ninety Nines International Conference is to be held in the Ocean State's capital city of Providence from July 11th - 15th, 2012. It is being hosted by the New England Section, Connecticut, Eastern New England & Katahdin Wings Chapters. The 5 day gathering of women pilots will showcase memorable and inspiring speakers, present seminars and much more.The Marriott Downtown Hotel in the heart of the city will be the site for all events and conference scheduled tour departures. Organizers are planninga well packed agenda

Member Chat/Miscellaneous Information

Gene Nora reports the application for the “three Musketeers” in the Air Race Classic has been submitted. She reports that 26 airplanes have already made the commitment to race so far.

We also have a new member: Sheri (Sharki) Kontra.

99sBIRTHDAY GIRLS--(the # after their names is the year they joined, not their age !!!): JANUARY


Membership Information

Please keep your membership current.

Are your Member Dues current?

Pay your dues if you haven’t for this year! Send your $10 (checks made out to Idaho Ninety-Nines) to our treasurer:

Treasurer: Lois Chattin

5080 N. Wildrye Dr.
Boise, ID 83703