Manuscript Guidelines

ENG 102/109 Internet Version)


·  use standard size paper (8 1/2 X 11) with clean edges (no ragged spiral, please)

·  type final drafts in black ink only

·  use only one side of the paper

·  always tear dot-matrix computer-printed pages apart; never hand in a scroll

·  send assignments in MS Word for Windows vers. 6.0/97 (or above) format when emailing assignments to the instructor or other classmates


·  double-space all assignments (see Lester for sample MLA Style of Documentation essay)

·  indent paragraphs five spaces or one tab

·  keep any hand corrections neat and to a minimum


·  always have an MLA Style of Documentation title page for every assignment or unit (see Lester textbook)

·  include name, social security number, email address, class/section, date, and instructor’s name

·  number pages as required in MLA Style of Documentation (see Lester textbook)

·  include any additional pages or sections (table of contents, outline, works cited page, appendices) as required by the assignment and your instructor

·  include edited rough draft, reader/peer response sheet(s), notecards, and any other pre-writing materials as required by your instructor

·  staple or paper clip pages (with final draft on top) when turning them in

·  use folders or manila envelopes according to your instructor’s requirements

revised 10/00:sld