Yael Aviad
Yael Aviad- Wilchek
Name: Yael Wilchek-Aviad
Address and telephone number at work: Ariel University
Address and telephone number at home: Margalit 13, Shoham, 6080153.
Tel. +972.3.9711887 (Home) ; +972.54.3231689 (Mobile); E-mail:
Year Degree Institution
1986 B.A. Bar Ilan University
1995 M.A. Bar Ilan University
2005 Ph.D. Bar Ilan University
M.A. Thesis Fears and anxieties among children living in single-parent families (due todeath or divorce).
Supervisors: Prof. M. Addad and Dr. A. Lasloi
Ph.D. Research Correlation between psychosocial factors and normative educational
integration among immigrants from Ethiopia and CIS countries (Former
Soviet Union).
Supervisor: Prof. M. Addad
1988 Specialization in the treatment of drug and Criminology, Bar Ilan
alcohol addictions University
1986 Practical experience during undergraduate studies, Youth Division, Israel Police
Force, Ramat Gan
Yaer Appointment
2015-2016 Deputy Head,Department of Criminology, Ariel University, Ariel
2010-2016 External Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Bar Ilan University.
2007-2016 Lecturer, Ariel University, Ariel
2005-2010 External Lecturer, Diploma Course in the Road SafetyProgram,
Criminology Department and IntegratedStudies, Bar Ilan University
2007-2008 External Lecturer, Criminology Department, BarIlan University
2005-2007 Lecturer: Doctoral Advisor, Academic College of Judeaand Samaria
1994-2004 External Lecturer, Academic College of Judea and Samaria.
1988-1994 Course Tutor, Introduction to Criminology and Psychopathology, under Prof.
M. Addad.
1988-1989 Research Assistant Sociological Institute for Communities Research, under
Prof. M. Bar Lev and Dr. A. Lasloi.
Positions in academic administration
2011-2014 Chairperson, Exceptions Committee, Criminology Department, Ariel
University Center.
2011-2014 Member of Teaching Committee and of EthicsCommittee, Ariel University
2015-2016 Deputy Institute: Family, Equality & Law Research Institute
Public Health, section Child Health and Human Development
Children and Youth Services Review
Urban Education
Deviant Behavior
Judea and Samaria research studies, (Hebrew)
Deviant Behavior
COURSES TAUGHT (During the years)
Name of course Level Institution(s)
Social Deviation B.A. Ariel University
Social Structuring B.A. Ariel University
Introduction to Criminology B.A. Ariel University and Bar Ilan University
Juvenile Delinquency B.A. Ariel University
Juvenile Delinquency – B.A. Ariel University
Prevention and Rehabilitation
Women Delinquency B.A. Ariel University
Coping with Stress and Crisis B.A. Ariel University and Bar Ilan University
Alcohol and Drug Abuse B.A. Ariel University and Bar Ilan University
White Collar Offences B.A. Ariel University
Academic Seminar: B.A. Bar Ilan University
Feminism and Crime
Empirical Seminars: B.A. Ariel University
Women, Pathology and Crime B.A.
Detached Youth B.A. Ariel University
2004 Lahad fellowship - department of criminology, Bar_Ilan University
2002 Criminology Department, Bar Ilan University
1998 Scholarship for Excellence, Bar Ilan University
1987 – Incentive Scholarship, Bar Ilan University
Year / (sample) / (amount)2016 Association: Dare To Share (Latet pe) Child sexual abuse 40,000NIS
prevention programfor research the effectiveness of prevention
2016 Mifalot religious Zionismfor Preliminary Study onThe 20,000NIS
characteristics of religious youths at risk.
2006 Research & Development Authority – Ariel University Center 14,500NIS
2011 The Israel Anti-Drug Authority for research on Intergenerational 106,150NIS
Transference of Migration Trauma and the Acculturation Process
Among –Youth from the Ethiopian Community.
2011 Regional R&D Center Samaria and the Jordan Valley for research 10,000NIS
on Differences Between Youth Residing in Judea and Samaria and
Youth Residing Within the Green Line regarding Attitudes Towards
Drug Use: as a Function of Type of Community, Social Control and
Meaning of Life.
Scientific Publications
Editorship of books published since last promotion
Wilchek- Aviad, Y. & Mazeh, Y. (2014). (Eds.) Silenced Violence – Men as Victims. Ariel: Ariel University. [Hebrew].
Peer reviewed chapters in edited book since last Promotion
1. Aharoni-Goldenberg, S. & Aviad-Wilchek, Y. (2008). Restitution and the Victims' Interests in the PunitiveProcess. In N. Ronel, K. Jaishankar and M. Bensimon.(Eds.). Trends and Issues in Victimology. (pp. 88-112). U.K: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Cited: 2
2. Aviad-Wilchek, Y. & Cohenca, D. (2011)Learning about Meaningful Life as a Way of Coping with Situations of Stress and Anxiety – The Instance of Second Generation Holocaust Survivors. In N. Davidovitch, D. Soen (Eds.).The Holocaust Ethos in the 21st Century: Dilemmas and Challenges. (pp.51-70). Ariel: Ariel Publishers. Cited: 3
3. Aviad-Wilchek, Y. (2015). Meaning in Life and Suicidal Tendencies among disadvantaged adolescent girls and normative adolescent girls. In Shechory, M., & Hovav, M. (Eds.). Girl and boys at risk: Vulnerability, resilience and social support. (pp.43-60). Jerusalem: Carmel. [Hebrew].
Refereed articles published since last promotion
1.Aviad, Y. (2009). Differences in Psychosocial Variables among New Immigrant
Boarding School Students and Students from Veteran Israeli Families. Sugiyot
Hevratiot B’Yisrael, 8, 200-228. (Hebrew with English abstract). (אינדקס חיפה )
2. Aviad, Y., Chasin, S., Malka, M. (2012). Connection between the Sense of Meaning in
Life and Leisure Time Activities, and Suicidal Tendencies. Hayoetz Hachinuch, 17,.
104-109 (Hebrew with English abstract).אינדקס חיפה) )
3.Goldenberg-Aharoni, S., Aviad-Wilchek, Y. (2011). Property Offences – An Economic
Punitive Model. Iyunei Mishpat ,32, . 699-762. (Hebrew with English abstract). אינדקס חיפה) )
4. Aviad-Wilchek, Y. Cohenca-Shiby, D. (2013) Depression and Anxiety Symptoms
among Second Generation Survivors as an Outcome of Parents’ location during the
Holocaust and Circumstances of their survival., Sugiyot Hevratiot B’Yisrael,16,
113-133. (Hebrew with English abstract). (אינדקס חיפה )
5.Aviad-Wilchek, Y. (2013)Ego Identity levels and Ego Identity Profiles Among
Adolescents residing in Boarding Schools Compared to Those Living with Parents.
Mifgash,38 (21),.55-78.(Hebrew with English abstract). (אינקדס חיפה)
6. Aviad-Wilchek Y.,(2014). Connection between Ego Identity and Dropping Out of the
Educational System Among Adolescents in Israel, by Gender, Country of Origin and
Age Group. Studies in Education, 3 (9-10), 288-308. (Hebrew with English abstract).אינדקס חיפה) )
7. Aviad- Wilchek, Y. & Neeman- Haviv (2014). Attitudes towards and Use of Psychoactive Substancesamong Youth Living in Judea and Samaria. Judea and Samaria research studies, 23, 349-370. (Hebrew with English abstract). (אינדקס חיפה )
8. Aviad-Wilchek, Y. & Cohenca, D. Sasson, Y. (2013). The Effects of the Holocaust Survivor Parent’s Survival Characteristics on theOffspring’s Anxiety and Depression Symptoms. Israel Journal of Psychiatry , 50(3), 210-216.
5- years IF: 1.204 Ranking:Q4, 116/139, Psychiatry, Cited: 3
9. Aviad- Wilchek, Y.. (2014). Meaning in Life and Suicidal Tendency among Immigrant (Ethiopian) youth and native-born Israeli youth. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 17(4). 1041-1048. 5- years IF:1.685 Ranking:Q2,66/153public, environmental & occupational health,Cited:4.
110. Aviad- Wilchek, Y. (2015). Ego-Identity among Immigrant Dropout Youth. Journal ofPsychiatry, 18, 1-6. doi: 10.4172/Psychiatry.1000226.
5 years IF: 1.85,
111. Wilchek-Aviad, Y. & Ne’eman-Haviv, V. (2016). Do meaning in life, ideological
commitment, and level of religiosity, related adolescent substance abuse and attitude?
Child Indicators Research,9(1), 261- 276 5- years IF:1.187 Ranking:Q2, 36/95, Social sciences, interdisciplinary,Cited:1.
12.Aviad- Wilchek, Y. & Malka, M. . (2016). Religiosity, Meaning in Life and Suicidal
Tendency among Jews. Journal of Religion and Health,55(2.480-494 (5- years IF:1.153
Ranking:Q3, 113/153, public, environmental & occupational health.
113. Aharoni-Goldenberg, S. & Wilchek-Aviad, Y. Punishing Property Offenders: Does
Moral CorrectionWork? Touro law review, 32(2). 407-440. Indexed in: Law Review:
(Bar Ilan-C). Cited:1
14. Aviad-Wilchek, Y. & Ne’eman-Haviv, V. Connection between the Sense of Meaning in Life and Suicidal Tendencies among teenage girls in distress compared with 'normative' teenage girls. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 5- years IF: 1.224 Ranking: Q2, 25/57, Criminology & Penology.
15. Aviad- Wilchek, Y., Ne’eman-Haviv, V. & Malka, M. Meaningful Life, Leisure Activities and Suicidal Tendencies. Deviant Behavior. 5- years IF:0.955 Ranking: Q4, 39/57, Criminology & penology.
Articles accepted for publication
1. Ne’eman-Haviv, V. & Wilchek-Aviad, Y. Differences in psychoactive substance abuse between youth residing in and outside conflict zones as a function of level of religiosity, level of political commitment and town size. Substance Use and Misuse. 5- years IF:1.477 Ranking: Q3, 25/34, Substance abuse.
Articles submitted for publication
- Aviad-Wilchek, Y., Levy I., & Ben-David S. Psychoactive substance consumption
among Ethiopian youth in Israel and their parents' migration-related trauma.Substance
Use and Misuse
- Cohenca-Shiby, D & Aviad-Wilchek, Y. The effects of gender and survival
situation of the parent Holocaust survivor on their offspring: An Attachment Perspective
Israel Journal of Health Policy Research
3. Wilchek-Aviad Y. & Timsit A. Cultural adjustment strategy, level of identity
consolidation and a sense of alienation among adults in the Ethiopian community in
Israel, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Research in progress
Subject / Other participants- Integration among Ethiopian Youth in Israel and Inna Levy & Sarah Ben-David
Their Parents' Integration in Israel and Their Parents'
migration trauma.
- The connection between cultural compatibility strategy, None
ego identity formation, sense of alienation among
Ethiopian and Russians immigrants in Israel.
- Connection between the Sense of Meaning in Life None
Meaning in life, Self- esteem, locus of control and
Suicidal amond Participants drug parties.
- The Relation between a Sense of Meaning in Life , locus None
of control, self-esteem and Suicide Potential among
patients hospitalized.
- Child sexual abuse prevention program.The effectiveness Yoav Mazeh, Ono
of preventionprograms. College.
Refereed articles published before last promotion
1 .Aviad-Wilchek, Y. (2005). Model for Predicting Learning Perseverence Among Boarding
School Students in Israel. International Journal of Disability & Human Development,
4(2), 121-130.5- years IF:0.285 Ranking: Q4, 152/158, Environmental &
occupational health Cited:9
2.Aviad, Y. (2007). Correlation between the Cultural Gap and Learning Perseverance
among Boarding School Pupils. M’nituk L’Shiluv, 14, 94-112. [Hebrew]
3. Aviad, Y. (2007). The Source of Bad Deeds. Panim, 38, 84-91 [Hebrew]
4.Aviad, Y. (2009). Incest in Families of Female Alcoholics. Kivuniv Hadashim,. 17, 261-248. [Hebrew]
Published since last promotion
1. Ben-David, S., Wilchek-Aviad, Y., & Levy, I. (2014). The relationship between trans-generational transmission of trauma, acculturation style and consumption of alcohol and illegal drugs among Ethiopian adolescents. Jerusalem: Israeli Anti-Drug Authority. )Hebrew(
2. Lahav, H., Ne’eman-Haviv, V., & Wilchek-Aviad, Y. (Not publish yet). Study on the characteristics of religious youths at risk.Jerusalem:Mifalot religious Zionism
Organization of conference
- Victimology – Social Sciences Department, Academic College of Judea and Samaria, Israel, May,2004. (Members of the Academic Committee).
- The Ethiopian Struggle for Independence and Equal Rights. Department of Multidisciplinary Social Science, Academic College of Judea and Samaria, Israel, April, 2007. (Chair).
- Pink Crime – Women, Crime and Punishment. International Conference, Ariel University Center in collaboration with Netanya Academic College. Israel, May, 2011. (Chair).
4.Different Aspects of Domestic Violence.Criminoligy Department Conference, Ariel University Center,Israel,November, 2011.(Members of the AcademicCommittee).
5. Violence, Conflicts and Unity in Family Context. International Conference, Department of Criminology, Ariel UniversityAriel,Israel, April, 2013.(Chair).
6. Who pays the price? Society victims and offenders. International Conference, Department of Criminology, Ariel University, Israel,March, 2014. (Members of the Academic Committee).
Papers presented at scientific conferences
1.Connection between Psychosocial Variables and Normative Educational Integrationamong Immigrants from Ethiopia and Russia(Former Soviet Union).
Youth in a Changing World - The Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Policy and Care of Children and Youth – Tel Aviv University, June, 2005
2.Should Israel adopt the Punishment of Restitution in its penal code? A proposal for modification . International Conference on Victimology and Law, Bar Ilan University, May, 2007
3.Connection between Cultural Gap and Psychosocial Variables among Adolescents in Boarding Schools Compared to Adolescents in Regular Schools.
International Conference on Ethiopian Jews: Identity, Heritage, History and Society. Dahan Center, Bar Ilan University, May, 2008
4. Imprisonment of Female Offenders. International Conference: Pink Crime – Women, Crime and Punishment. Ariel University Center in collaboration with Netanya Academic College. May, 2011.
5. The Effects of Holocaust Survivors’ Gender, Age and Survival Situation on their Offspring’s Anxiety and Depression. The 10th International Holocaust Studies Conference. Middle Tennessee State University. U.S.A. October, 2011
6. Depression and Anxiety Symptoms among Second Generation Survivors as an Outcome of Parents’ Location during the Holocaust and Circumstances of their survival.Conference: From Helplessness to Active Coping – Two Mental Health Interventions for Emergency and Disaster Situations – Practical ApplicationTel Hai Academic College. October, 2012.
7. The connection between drug abuse and the sense of meaning in life. Who pays the price? Society victims and offenders. International Conference. Department of Criminology, Ariel University. March,2014.
8. Learning about Meaningful Life as a Way of Coping with Situations of Stressand
Anxiety- The Instance of Second Generation HolocaustSurvivors.ISCAL 2013,
International Symposium on Culture, Art and Literature. Bangkok, Thailand.
November, 2013
9. Religiosity, Meaning life and Suicidal Tendency.ISCAL 2013, International
Symposium on Culture, Art and Literature. Bangkok, Thailand. November, 2013
10. The relation between a sense of meaning in life and suicide potential among disadvantaged adolescent girls. Positive Criminology and Victimology Conference. International Conference. Department of Criminology, Bar Ilan University. January, 2016
11. Moral Correction of Property Offenders as the Goal of Criminal Law. 17th
Investigative Psychology Conference, Jay College of Criminal Justice, City
University of New York.New York, May, 2016