CASL/Program Review Committee Minutes
March 28th, 2018
BONH 330 1:30-3:00
Faculty Attendees(Voting members) / Jason Burgdorfer, Nicole Faudree, Kelly Burke, Howard Fisher, Erin Delaney, Anne Marenco
Other Attendees / Daylene Meuschke, Omar Torres, Jim Temple, Noris Lee, Michael Dioquino
Topic / Discussion/Conclusion / Recommendations/Actions/Follow-up / Status
Minutes / One abstention
Nicole motioned; All were in favor; / Approved
2. PR
Discussion of what data is being transferred to the new program review module and new three year cycle / A summary of the last PR meeting items was provided for the committee members by Jason Burgdorfer
The summary included a review of the following:
- Items in a Program Review (PR) that would go forward in the new PR: a program’s mission statement, program description, goals achievements.
- Items that would be archived: strategic plan update, data trends from the previous year
- Narratives that could be new:CSLOs narratives, and those that could remain unchanged as is the case with PSLOs
3. PR
Preview of Program Review Edits with
Noris Lee and Jim Temple,
2-3pm / Jim Temple VPTechnology, introduced Michael Dioquino, director of enterprise services and Noris Lee, Web Programmer/Analyst to the committee members.
Noris Lee started his presentation on the PR edits by explaining the changes and additions of the different tabs. Additional items included in the edits were as follows:
- CTE is moved and updated;
- Program Outcomes and Achievements are now separated;
- Open objectives are separate from completed, yet to begin, cancelled Objectives.
- Page 1: when it is done the budget button will show the Budget request/ status of the funding
- CTE addendum and Mission alignment changes were confirmed
- Location of Outcomes and achievement Data and Tableau
- Separating the achievement data and the SLO information.
- Labor Market data will have a visualization that is drawn from Tableau.
There was discussion on identifying what parts to include in the training.
The preview and suggestions included:
- Include staffing data-connection to education facilities and masterplan, staffing forms -mention that the forms are being updated.
- Include information on asset management projection and review, and where it goes.
- Include any modernization that is needed change I on page E
- C, D, E F G prompts are now pushed to curriculum (instruction list maintained by department for course revision and the process.
- CID descriptors, implications –go with outside factors
- Allow the completed objectives to be re-ordered by user, add a date stamp on the background.
- Accomplishments are housed under objectives;
- Under year 1 everything gets erased
- Under budget – page 0 is Jerry’s activity form
- New budget display was shown so instead of the budget, augmentation, it will be 5 step process.
- Location code/ Activity Code/ Potential Funding Sources –It shows categoricals
Discussion of subservices and objective codes that might not yet be listed. Goals and line items are listed: so one can create a request for a group of things that one needs
- Links for the documents and ability to remove.
- Forced cost display
- Clarification on requests for Fund 12 augmentations.
Noris was invited to the May 18th PR overview presentation. / Daylene will work on creating language for that prompt.
Updates / Nicole Faudree reported that the main focus of the SLO Coordinators has been mapping the CSLOs; SLO coordinators have been providing faculty with information and support by holding Mapping sessions, open lab sessions as well as one on one meetings. Explanation has been provided to faculty on the ways to accomplish the mapping: it is really on whatis being assessed.
Kelly Burke provided a quick update on the one unit CETL course on Assessment best practices; working groups where people work on improving assessments and work with each other; course would be offered in Spring 2019.
Associate VP of Academic Affairs Omar Torres, reported that: Alexa Dimakos and Brittany Applen are currently working in creating a CETL course for e-portfolios. They still have to design the course but they are setting the shell.
Here a question raised about competency based grading was followed by a discussion on what could make a really good SLO. Anne Marenco reported that here work in the mastery and learning mastery grade book has been an interesting exercise. Anne was invited to think of presenting her findings in a Flex session for interested faculty.