Discount is earned on the TOTAL NET COST amount for the MERCHANDISE ONLY portion of your order to be shipped and billed at one
time. Multiple items may be combined on one order for this discount. Discount will be applied to the merchandise portion of your invoice.
Blank Merchandise ONLY Total at Net COST: $500+ $1,000+ $2,500+ $5,000+ $10,000+
Blank Merchandise ONLY Discount: -2% -4%-6%-8% -10%
MINIMUM ORDER-$100Net of BLANKmerchandise per order. Less will incur a $15.00Net Less Than Minimum(LTM) surcharge.
1 - ORDER ENTRY - FAX your P.O. to 847-864-8838.OR, EMAIL your P.O. .
2 -STENCIL SET-UP CHARGE-$25.00 (G) stencil set-up charge the first item # in your order and $12.50(G) for each additional item # and/or
each addition area etched per piece.
3 - ARTWORK REQUIREMENTS–Email artwork to . Complete, black & white vector line art withno half-tones or gray
scale art.Emailed in CorelDRAW7- X3 or Adobe Illustrator Cs5, or older, files in.eps or .pdffor PC, notMac. All text must beconverted
to curves(outline),orattachthe True Type font(PC) file to be used. If complete art is not provided asabove, an art-prep charge for type-
set & lay out will be incurred starting at $25.00 Net minimum.
4 - Ultra Etching Surcharges PER PIECE, PER ITEM # - ALL PRICES on this website ARE FOR BLANK GOODS, NOT ETCHED.
Should you want us to etch your items, determine the PERPIECE, PER ITEM # ultra etching surcharge by the number of pieces
of each different item # in your order. Example: Retail etching surcharges for one large award and ten small awards would be
$20.00 for the large award, plus $18.00 each for the ten small ones.
Quantity PER ITEM #:1-3 Pcs. 4+ Pcs. 10+Pcs.25+Pcs. 50+ Pcs. 100+ Pcs.
$/Pc: $25.00 $22.00$20.00 $18.00$16.00 $15.00(6G)
5 - PERSONALIZATION-COPY CHANGE -There will be a$5.00 (G) charge for each piece in an order with
changes.Complete art for changes is to be provided by customer or art-prep charges will be incurred.
6 - ADDITIONAL AREA ETCHING - Charges are at 50% of the first etching charges as determined by the
number ofpieces etched (see chart above), PLUS personalization/copy change charges, if applicable.
7 - COLOR-FILL - There will be a$5.00 (G) charge for a one color-fill when it is possible. Check with customer service.
8 - ARTWORK FOR APPROVAL - A charge of $5.00 Net for first item # and a $1.00 Net for each additional item # will be incurred.
9 - PRODUCTION TIME - 10 working days from receipt of purchase order andapprovedartwork/copy @ List Prices.
RUSH ORDERS - 5 working days fromreceipt of purchase order andapproved artwork/copy @ List+25%.
- 3 working days from receipt of purchase order andapproved artwork/copy @ List +50%.
10– BLANK GOODS – Blank Optical Crystal items ending in -/B or -/AB and items with Luxury Stars or Diamonds are all shipped
unassembled with presentation boxes. Blank Starfire Crystal Glass plaques are all shipped unassembled in bulk packs.
Blank Jade Crystal Glass plaques with jade crystal or walnut bases are shipped unassembled in bulk packs.
Jade Crystal plaques with aluminum, brass or chrome holders are shipped unassembled with cardboard gift boxes.
11- CANCELLATION OF ORDER - Subject to Factory’s APPROVAL.
12- RETURNS- BLANKS ONLY - Subject to Factory’s APPROVAL and a 20% or minimum $10 per piece re-stocking fee.
13 - SPECULATIVE & PRE-PRODUCTION SAMPLES - Available at list prices with all additional costs incurredand are not returnable.
14 -RANDOM BLANK SAMPLES - Available at list prices with customer supplying their FedEx or UPSaccount number for postage charges.
15 - PACKING CHARGES - Over-pack, master cartons for safe shipping - $5.00 Net per carton.
16 - HANDLING CHARGES - UPS, FedEx or other carriers - $5.00 Net per order.
MINIMUM ORDER-$100Net of BLANK merchandise per order. Less will incur a $15.00Net Less Than Minimum (LTM) surcharge.
TERMS - 1) PREPAID 2) Prices aresubject to change without notice.
3) Blank goods are FOB So. Cal. Blank Goods Warehouse.
4) Etched goods areFOB So. Cal. Blank Goods WarehouseANDFOB our So. Cal. etching studio.
February 1, 2013