Notes taken by Kim Walters at COAG Working Group on the Productivity Agenda –Education, Skills Training and Early Childhood Development 12 June 2008 Melbourne.
Julia Gillard spoke about the COAG reform agenda
COAG is establishing preliminary statements of objectives and outcomesfor each Specific Purpose Payment, establishing roles, responsibilities and performance indicators
What would we like children to achieve in EC?
No specific one way of doing this but specific outcomes and outputs expected to receive national funding
National Partnership agreements with states
Improving teacher quality
Universal access to ECE for children in the year before school
National specific purpose payments introduced
Different starting points around country
Pursuit of excellence. Equity and new ways of thinking about disadvantaged
December National Agreements delivered
Teacher quality retainment and recruitment priority for govt
Status of teachers (looking at UKmodel to improve this)
Mentoring and support, challengingrewarding excellence, create an inspirational career path
Performance pay to raw scores is a quick fix idea. Want ideas that can be explored
Dr Ken Henry Secretary, Dept of the Treasury gave an overview of new funding arrangements to states
Replacing lump sum payments to states with 5 specific purpose payments(may be 6 if EC Dev and Schooling split)
Independent assessment in meeting agreed targets in National Partnership Reform payments
New coherent payment arrangements
Specific Purpose Payments (SPP) $33 Billion will be more rational. Based on funding agreements.
Greater budget flexibility for states within each SPP.
States and territories to decide how they meet agreements
Governance will be imposed not by government but funding negotiated as a package and agreed by COAG later this year.
Outcomes based accountability with independent transparent reporting on how outcomes are being achieved.
Reporting agreed high quality performance bench marks.
National partnerships to drive reforms
Intergovernmental agreement signed off in December
National sectoral agreement subject to change by COAG. If objectives are achieved may move on or be more ambitious. Statements of objectives and outcomes
Outcomes: impact which the activity is expected to have on community wellbeing.
Outputs: services being delivered to achieve outcomes (may have to be used as proxy for some outcomes)
Roles and Responsibilities
Role of each jurisdiction and the responsibilities for which they undertake to be accountable for includes all factors in the sectors which may impact on the objectives.
Performance indicators eg. Data
Bench marks
Reporting and assessments
3 stage process
Statement of Objectives and Outcomes
Roles and responsibilities
Reporting framework
Performance indicators
National partnerships
Intergovernmental agreement IGA
Treasures negotiate funding
Preliminary Drafts
Reviewed (develop from existing funding)
Principles & guidelines
Reform directions
Reviewed new funding
Agree framework
Agree to package
Early Childhood Development subgroup
Chair: Wendy Jarvis
Proposed child health, learning and development outcomes
Enhance social inclusion, reduce disadvantage
Universal Access for all Children in the Year Before Formal Schooling
Early Years Learning Framework
National Early Years Workforce Strategy
Strong quality standards in child care and preschool
Changes to the Child Care Tax Rebate
JET Child Care fee assistance – extension of funding for study of up to two years
Additional Early Learning and Care Centres
National rollout of the Australian Early Development Index
Home Interaction Program
The Early childhood development working group has been divided into working groups
Quality working party
Early Years Learning Framework
Early Years Workforce A-E accreditation
Performance Information management group
51,500 3 year olds in Australia
Don’t have accurate data
20% of 4 year old missing out
Universal access: may mean increasing hours and reducing costs
Consultation consulting:
Parent and families
EC experts
EC workforce
Commitment to provide opportunity for all to provide feedback
260 early childhood centres where should they be built? Website will ask for feedback.
July Quality reform paper
July EYF discussion paper
Consultation July to September
Office of early childhood education and child care
Consultation papers posted on web
Email, mail-outs and information published in relevant sector newsletters etc.