Page 1 of 12 December, 2008


“The Bull Horn”

December, 2008 Volume 3, Issue 4

This newsletter is for the reading enjoyment of all amateur radio operators (ARO) and bull net members (BNM). If you have received a bull net number and/or have knowledge of the secret frequency, read on and enjoy the pasture. Watch where you step!

In this issue:

Bull Thoughts: Pages 1, 2 and 3

Bull Dozed: Pages 4 and 5

Bull Happenings: Pages 6 and 7

The Triple Play WAS: Pages 8 and 9

The Bull Sheet: Pages 10 and 11

Number 17: Page 12

Bull Thoughts:

"The wireless telegraph is not difficult to understand. The ordinary telegraph is like a very long cat. You pull the tail in New York, and it meows in LosAngeles. The wireless is the same, only without the cat." Albert Einstein
“The Bull Horn”

Page 2 of 12 December, 2008 Volume 3, Issue 4

Bull Thoughts Two:

The CW mode for the Bull net seems to be of to a very slow start. Here some frequencies where you might look for a Bull working the CW mode. The reason I mention these frequency is this is where the Straight Key Century Club slow CW can be found. 1.818 MHz, 3.518 MHz, 7.048 MHz, 7.114 MHz, 7.118 MHz and 10.118 MHz. Many SKCC member operators can be found on the above frequencies ± 10 KHz. They will slow down to match your sending speed so make sure not sending faster then you can receive. On 40M, 7.114 MHz is the Elmer frequency and you will find stations that will go as slow as you need to make the QSO. The Straight Key Century Club - a/k/a SKCC is the fastest growing group of straight key, Morse code operators in the world. First organized in January of 2006 the membership has rapidly grown to include thousands of members from all corners of the globe. The last time I checked the member count was 5.025. My number is 2,451. Membership is free and you can find out more and join at This is a good group of operators and you will find your code speed getting faster without really trying, plus you will be having a good time.

“The Bull Horn”

Page 3 of 12 December, 2008 Volume 3, Issue 4

Bull Thoughts Three:

We have two people who have really gone out of their way to help us set up the PSK-31 station. Alan, KB1KRX and Bob, KB1JZU. Thanks again for the help guys.

The Bull Net web site has been updated to include the PSK-31 information. Thanks Mick.

With any luck, I’ll be trying the PSK-31 very soon. I received my Tigertroncis, Signalink™ USB unit and should be on the air with it soon. Now I have something new to try. Now, if I can get this to work, I’m well on my way to the starting on the Triple Play Award. (See pages 8 and 9).

Bull Thoughts Four:

New members;

Please welcome Bull 58 to the pasture.

ARS: AA1XD, Gene Giddings, 287 East Road, Fayette, ME 04349

Please welcome Bull 59 to the pasture.

ARS: W1LGX, Dale E Lingley, PO BOX 204, Baileyville, ME 04694

“The Bull Horn”

Page 4 of 12 December, 2008 Volume 3, Issue 4

The Bull Dozed Award

The December bull dozed award has been award to KB1CJG, Cobby, cause he has such a way with the words and to AA1BQ, Tom, (alias Bomber) for his odorless caper.


Have ever asks yourself why people do so much more listening than talking? Last month while putting the finishing touches on the November Bull Horn, I heard KB1CJG, Cobby and KB1LAP, Lester, talking about the price of gas going down and the miles per gallon they were getting at the time. Lester said that he had just filled up and he was getting 32 MPG. Cobby says, “Now that’s better then a sharp stick in the eye!” Wow! Would say Cobby holds his gas mileage in very high regard. Yes indeed, point well taken.

Now if you’re ever having a non PTT QSO with Cobby and the subject of gas mileage comes up you have three very important things to do. 1. Put on your safety glasses. 2. Make sure even if you have to stretch the truth, that your getting at least 32 MPG and

3. Hope that his gas mileage standards have not changed.

“The Bull Horn”

Page 5 of 12 December, 2008 Volume 3, Issue 4


The other day, Tom told me of an act of heroism that just can not go without a Bull Dozed award.

The tale plays out as follows:

When Tom arrived at the sign storage area he was meet by screaming children and crying women and men were running in all directions and were pointing to the storage shed in horror. When Tom looked to the shed, he could see a Skunk moving at the door and to Tom’s amazement the Skunk was walking backwards. As we all know that is not the end of a Skunk you want to see coming at you. The Skunk had put his head in a mayonnaise jar and was trying to pull its head out. Tom sprang in to action, placing his own well being as insignificant, it was save the Skunk or stink!?! Taking two steps forward and one back, Tom approached; as he moved in, he backed the Skunk right up against the storage building. The Skunk was looking brave Tom right in the eye. As quick as a flash or as fast as an old duffer like Tom can move, he grabbed the mayonnaise jar and pulled it off the Skunks head and exited stage left, the Skunk in a flash, exited stage right.

Tom said later his was glad he had not stunk up the situation. All the neighbors and by standers all agreed! Phew!

After hearing this story, it was truly a very cleaver move to push the Skunk up to the building. Now think about this. What do you think Tom looked like to that poor little Skunk? No wonder the Skunk took off so fast. Tom must have looked like a Mack truck with arms. If you want to find out for yourself, put a mayonnaise jar on your head. I’ll believe you!

“The Bull Horn”

Page 6 of 12 December, 2008 Volume 3, Issue 4

Bull Happenings: December P C

We had 20 Bulls and 4 non-members check in. Not bad showing, thanks guys. The band held up well until the last 10-15 minutes. CHECK INS: In bull # order;

K1APM, Bill

N1RPH, Mick

N1LAW, John


WA1UFO, Hans

K1EMW, Don

N1NJB, Cliff

KB1LAP, Lester

WS1D, Warren

N1VFU, Gary

W1GRM, George

N1VVM, Ray

N1YPZ, Tim

K1JEK, Joe

N1KSQ, Dave


W1MEX, Kevin

N1UED, Bob

K9NCO, Bill

KB1IXI, Brian

Honorable mention for taking the time to let me know they might not or could not make it.

KB1KRX, Alan

KY1C, Paul

KA1KFC, Russ

The four non-member stations checked in; Thanks for stopping by.

AA1XD, Gene, Fayette, Me.

W1HZD, Dave, Hiram, Me.

W1LGX, Dale, Bailyville, Me.

VE1NIK, Rick, South Alton, NS, Canada

“The Bull Horn”

Page 7 of 12 December, 2008 Volume 3, Issue 4

Bull Happenings two: January Pasture Call (PC)

Day/Date: Thursday/ January 15, 2009.

Times: 15:30-17:30 EST.

Where: The Secret Frequency, (80M), 160M if needed.

Please help fill the PC Bull Sheet.

A Pasture Call Alert (PCA) will be sent out three or four days before.

Bull Happenings three:

If you could pick you own nick name, what would it be? Shouldn’t all the Bulls have a nick name? It is not right that only a few have a nick names. So now you all have nick names. Some nick names will be a repeat of the first. Some may wish to be called by something else. The Bulls came up with my nick name, being this net is all about having fun with radio, it is not a big deal what they call me. I’m sure I have been called worst. But, let this be a warning that you might not want to leave the choice to the Bulls.

The reason for this change and request is that I must update the bull sheet names and addresses for snail mail mailings. As you may remember, I lost a few of the bull net files when my computer went down. What I have for files on the bulls right now is a Mell of a Hess and old. The update process has begun. See the Bull Sheets for names/nick names. More updates will follow.

I will be taking all the full names and address from for the update of the master list. Please make sure is correct. If your address is no longer correct or if you wish a change to anything for what ever reason? My ad is

“The Bull Horn”

Page 8 of 12 December, 2008 Volume 3, Issue 4

The Triple Play WAS Award for ARRL members. -- As of January 1, 2009, the ARRL will offer another award: The Triple Play Worked All States Award.

1.  The Triple Play WAS (Worked All States) Award is available to all amateurs worldwide who use Logbook of the World (LoTW) to confirm QSOs with each of the 50 states on voice, CW, and digital modes. The Triple Play WAS Award is a serial-numbered award starting with # 1, as determined by the time stamp of the electronic application submitted via LoTW. Awards issued will be tracked and presented on the ARRL Website.

2.  Two-way communications must be established on amateur bands with each state on each mode. There is no minimum signal report required. Any or all bands (except 60 Meters) may be used for the Triple Play WAS. The District of Columbia may be counted for Maryland.

3.  Contacts must be made from the same location, or from locations no two of which are more than 50 miles apart. Club station applicants, please include clearly the club name and call sign of the club station (or trustee).

4. Contacts must be made after 0000Z on January 1, 2009 to be considered for this award. LoTW will be programmed to automatically use this criterion. Contacts must be confirmed via LoTW. Written confirmations will not be accepted.

“The Bull Horn”

Page 9 of 12 December, 2008 Volume 3, Issue 4

5.  There are no endorsements for the Triple Play WAS Award.

6.  Contacts made through "repeater" devices or any other power relay method cannot be used for WAS confirmation. A separate WAS is available for Satellite contacts. All stations contacted must be "land stations." Contact with ships, anchored or otherwise, and aircraft, cannot be counted. EXCEPTION: Permanently docked exhibition ships, such as the Queen Mary and other historic ships will be considered land based.

7.  A US applicant must be an ARRL member to participate in the WAS program. DX stations are exempt from this requirement.

8.  Attempts to falsify data, logs, or other application operations may be grounds for disqualification. The decision of the ARRL Awards Committee in such cases is final.

9. Please follow the instructions presented on the LoTW website. The cost of the Triple Play WAS award is $12 for a certificate delivered to a U.S. address, or $13 delivered to an address outside U.S.A. Per-QSO fees associated with using LoTW credits as normal will be charged via the online application.

I wonder who will get the first 100 awards. The official rules and such can be found on the ARRL web site.

The ARRL might change the rules, so look at the ARRL site for the official rules. The rules in this newsletter should be used as a guide only.

“The Bull Horn”

Page 10 of 12 December, 2008 Volume 3, Issue 4

The Bull Sheet: As of December 30, 2008

Bull Number Call Name Nick Name

2 K1APM Bill Willy

3 N1RPH Mike Mick-Mike

4 N1LAW John Uncle John

5 WB1FLA Tom Vox-2

6 WB1CIM Larry Larry

7 WA1UFO Hans Space Junk Radio

8 KB1KRX Alan Brutal

9 W1ALS Adolph Friday

10 K1EMW Don Don

11 KA1FKC Russ Walter

12 N1NJB Cliff Cliff

15 KB1LAP Lester Chester

16 KA1KLO John John

17 WS1D Warren Windy

18 KA1JWM Dave Scotch Pie

19 AA1BQ Tom Bomber

20 W1MWB Mike Vox-1

21 N1VFU Gary the Poet

22 W1GRM George Puffalump

23 N1VVM Ray Fast Ray

24 W1XER Scott Scott

25 N1YPZ Tim Jabba

26 KJ1Z Mike Mike

27 N1DOW Steve Steve

28 K1ADM Al Al

29 N1SDR Chad Chad

30 AA1LO Dave Dave

31 N1BOK Leo Leo

32 N1ULV Jim Jim

33 N1RXE Paul Paul

“The Bull Horn”

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The Bull Sheet: As of December 30, 2008

Bull Number Call Name Nick name

34 K2WOP Curt Curt

35 K1JEK Joe Joe

36 KB1JZU Bob Sugarloaf Bob

37 N1YFL Pat Pat

38 N1KSQ Dave Dave


40 WB1DVD Gil Gil

41 K2ANG Art Angus

42 KB1EJI Sidney Sidney

43 W1RUO Dick Dick

44 W1MEX Kevin Kevin

45 K1LLR Paul Killer

46 KY1C Paul Paul

47 KB1OCZ Ralph Ralph

48 N1UFU Ed Ed

49 N1UED Bob Bob

50 K9NCO Bill Bill

51 KB1CJG Mike Cobby

52 N1YMM Larry Larry

53 N1IRB Scott Mickey

54 WA1CFX Howard Howard

55 N1YDP Ken Ken

56 WF2H Francis Francis

57 KB1IXI Brian Izzy

58 AA1XD Gene Gene A Bull as of 12/17/08

59 W1LGX Dale Dale A Bull as of 12/21/08

“The Bull Horn”

Page 12 of 12 December, 2008 Volume 3, Issue 4


The Fish and Wildlife Dept. is advising hikers, hunters, fishermen and golfers to take extra precautions and be on the alert for bears this spring, summer and early fall.

They advise people to wear noise-producing devices such as little bells on their clothing to alert but not startle the bears unexpectedly. They also advise you to carry pepper spray in case of an encounter with a bear.