NAME ______

Literary Analysis

  1. Identifies the title and author 0 1 2 3
  2. Brief descriptions of relevant characters0 1 2 3
  3. Writes in present tense0 1 2 3
  4. Includes adequate background information to enable

the audience to understand the issue0 1 2 3

5. Prompt is addressed clearly, directly, and fully0 1 2 3

6. Demonstrates clearly how evidence illustrates and reinforces

the thesis0 1 2 3

7. Presents an interpretation that approaches the text

analytically0 1 2 3

8. Elaborates on the analysis with specific evidence from the text,

including quotations when appropriate0 1 2 3

9. Uses a logical, effective organization strategy0 1 2 3

10. Uses a variety of sentence structures0 1 2 3

11. Includes transitional words and phrases to show

relationships among ideas0 1 2 3

12. Writer’s style is fluent and flexible0 1 2 3

13. Appropriate tone (attitude) and diction (word choice) 0 1 2 3

14. Is free of punctuation and capitalization errors0 1 2 3

15. Is free of spelling errors and contractions0 1 2 3

16. Is free of grammar and usage errors0 1 2 3

17. Is typed in MLA format (double spaced, page header,

12 font and titled)0 1 2 3



Letter Grade

(This is how the rubric appears to an AP Reader for an 8 or 9: These papers demonstrate originality and imagination. They are clearly focused discussions made up of coherent arguments of exceptional clarity. These papers leave the reader convinced of the soundness of the discussion, impressed with the quality of the writing style, and stimulated by the intelligence and insight of the writer. The writer’s style is fluent and flexible. It is also free of mechanical and grammatical errors.)

9 Point Rubric for Grading AP Open Ended Questions about Literature

An 8-9 essay responds to the prompt clearly, directly, and fully. This paper approaches the text analytically, supports a coherent thesis with evidence from the text, and explains how the evidence illustrates and reinforces its thesis. The essay employs subtlety in use of the text; the writer’s style is fluent and flexible. It is also free of mechanical and grammatical errors.

A 6-7 essay responds to the assignment clearly and directly but with less development than an 8-9 paper. It demonstrates a good understanding of the text and supports its thesis with appropriate textual evidence. While its approach is analytical, the analysis is less precise than in the 8 or 9 essay, and its use of the text is competent but not subtle. The writing in this paper is forceful and clear with few if any grammatical and mechanical errors.

A 5 essay addresses the assigned topic intelligently but does not answer it fully and specifically. It is characterized by a good but general grasp of the text using the text to frame an apt response to the prompt. It may employ textual evidence sparingly or offer evidence without attaching it to the thesis. The essay is clear and organized but may be somewhat mechanical. The paper may also be marred by grammatical and mechanical errors.

A 3-4 essay fails in some important way to fulfill the demands of the prompt. It may not address part of the assignment; it may fail to provide adequate textual support for its thesis or base its analysis on a misreading of some part of the text. This essay may present one or more incisive insights among others of less value. The writing may be similarly uneven in development with lapses in organization, clarity, grammar, and mechanics.

A 1-2 essay commonly combines two or more serious failures. It may not address the actual assignment; it may indicate a serious misreading of the text; it may not offer textual evidence or may use it in a way that suggests a failure to understand the text; it may be unclear, badly written, or acceptably brief. The style of this paper is usually marked by egregious errors. Occasionally a paper in this range is smoothly written but devoid of content.