Katie Morris

Pauline Central Primary

Lesson Title: KindergartenHeartsLesson

Key Ideas: This lesson is intended to teach students about the Elements of
Art (especially shape and texture), repetition,healthy hearts, Jim Dine’s heart artwork, and printing.


  1. The students will describe, analyze, interpret, and judge Jim Dine’s Hearts (on 57 canvases).
  2. The students will understand that the heart shape is not what the hearts in our bodies look like.
  3. The students will review and list things to do for a healthy heart.
  4. The students will use crayon to create a colorful background with texture and patterns.
  5. The students will print hearts on top of their background to add shape and repetition to their artwork.

Resources: Teacher example, image of painting


Elements of Art- Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Value, Space

Repetition, Pattern

Composition (how things are arranged in a piece of art)



Symbol, Realistic

Heart, Healthy


8x10 inch White Paper



Tempera paint: red, black

Paint trays

Heart stamps (formed from toilet paper tubes)

Presentation: This assignment will cover one (or two) 40-minute class period.

Day 1: The teacher will lead the class in a discussion of Jim Dine’s Hearts (on 57 canvases). The class will describe, analyze, interpret, and judge the work.

  • Describe: What do you see? What shapes? What kind of colors? Are there patterns or texture?
  • Analyze- What Elements of Art did Jim Dine use?
  • Interpret- Why do you think Jim Dine made this painting? What is this painting about?
  • Judge- Is this a “good” painting? Do you like it? Would you want to hang it in your house?

Jim Dine, Hearts (on 57 canvases)

Next, the teacher will ask the students if the hearts in the artwork look like the hearts in our body do. The teacher will remind the students that they have been learning about healthy hearts in PE (Hoops for Heart is coming up) and they will quickly list some things they can do to have healthy hearts. The teacher will pass out paper and after the students have labeled their name and class code, she will introduce the first step of the assignment: use crayons to color the background of your paper to make texture and patterns. If time allows, the teacher will demonstrate using toilet paper tubes turned heart stamps to print heart shapes on top of the crayon backgrounds. The students may print the shape wherever they want on their artwork. The teacher will tell them to think about the composition (how things are arranged in artwork) they want to make. If time runs out, the project will be finished in the next class.

Day 2 (if needed): The teacher will review the assignment from Day 1 and the students will use crayon to finish coloring until all the space is filled in. Next, she will demonstrate using toilet paper tubes turned heart stamps to print heart shapes on top of the crayon backgrounds. The students may print the hearts wherever they want on their artwork. The teacher will tell them to think about the composition (how things are arranged in artwork) they want to make.

Assessment: The teacher will observe the students during class to make sure that they are on task and following directions.

Kansas Visual Arts Standards Met:

Standard 1: Understanding and Applying Media Techniques and Processes

Benchmark 3: The student experiments with various media, techniques, and processes to develop manipulative skills.

Benchmark 4: The student employs media, techniques, and processes to communicate through works of art.

Benchmark 5: The student uses control in handling art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner

Standard 2: Using Knowledge of the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design

Benchmark 1: The student recognizes key elements and key principles used in works of art.

Benchmark 2: The student responds to art works based on the use of key elements and key principles

Benchmark 3: The student visually communicates by incorporating the elements and key principles in works of art.

Standard 3: Creating Art Works Through Choice of Subjects, Symbols, and Ideas

Benchmark 1: The student identifies visual images, subjects, and symbols in works of art.

Benchmark 2: The student incorporates images, subjects, and symbols into art works.

Standard 4: Understanding the Visual Arts in Relation to History and Cultures

Benchmark 3: The student creates art based on historical and cultural ideas of diverse people.

Standard 5: Reflecting Upon and Assessing the Characteristics and Merits of Art

Benchmark 1: The student describes characteristics evident in art works.

Standard 6: Making Connections Between the Visual Arts and Other Disciplines

Benchmark 3: The student identifies connections between the visual arts and non-art disciplines.