Health and Wellness Fair

Vendor Tables

1.  Pharmacy

2.  Neighborhood Health Center

  1. Health Insurance Carrier

4.  Career Services

5.  Dental Clinc

6.  Diabetics

7.  Cooperative Fod Extension Program

8.  Bank-Financial Institution

9.  Local Hospital

10.  YM/WCA

11.  HIV Education

12.  State or County department of Health

13.  Smoking Cessation Program

14.  Cosmetology

15.  Cosmetology

16.  Peer Run Organiation or Family Support Organization

17.  Massage Therapist/Reflexology

18.  Grocery Store

Health and Wellness Fair: Overview Room 1

Station 1: Greeting area

Orient & greet health fair participants

1.  Health fair staff #1

2.  Health fair staff #2

Station 2: BMI

Take weight, height, and calculate BMI of health fair participants

3.  Health fair staff #3

Station 3: Waist/Smoking

Measure waist line of health fair participants, inquire about smoking status

4.  Health fair staff #4

Seating Area

Health fair participants wait for A1C results, wait for stations backed up from excess traffic, and socialize

Station 4: BP/A1C

Nursing staff takes BP and A1C of health fair participants

1.  Health fair nursing staff #1

2.  Health fair nursing staff #2

3.  Health fair nursing staff #3

4.  Health fair nursing staff #4

Station 5: Neighborhood glucose station

Volunteers &/or staff from local community agency provide health fair participants with literature on their associated community organization and take blood glucose level of health fair participants

1.  Neighborhood volunteer/staff #1

2.  Neighborhood volunteer/staff #2

Station 6: Checkout and literature table

Review passport with participant and provide with health literature

1.  Health fair staff #5

2.  Health fair staff #6

Station 7: Data entry and giveaway table

1.  Health fair staff #7

Enter health fair participant data

2.  Health fair staff #8

Give health fair partipants giveaways


1.  Health fair staff #9

Direct health fair participant traffic

Health and Wellness Fair: Overview Room 2

Greeting area

Orient & greet health fair participants

1.  Health fair staff #8

2.  Health fair staff #9

Vendor Tables

1.  Pharmacy

2.  Neighborhood Health Center

  1. Health Insurance Carrier

4.  Career Services

5.  Dental Clinic

6.  Diabetics

7.  Cooperative Food Extension Program

8.  Bank-Financial Institution

9.  Local Hospital

10.  YM/WCA

11.  HIV Education

12.  State or County department of Health

13.  Smoking Cessation Program

14.  Cosmetology

15.  Cosmetology

16.  Peer Run Organization or Family Support Organization

17.  Massage Therapist/Reflexology

18.  Grocery Store