Aboriginal Studies - Health - Past HSC Questions
Question 11a
Outline the importance of having identified (targeted) employment positions in addressing the health issues of Aboriginal peoples. In your response, refer to Source D on page 3 of the Source Booklet and your own knowledge.
Criteria / Marks- Demonstrates sound understanding of the importance of targeted positions in addressing Aboriginal peoples’ health issues
- Demonstrates knowledge of health issues of Aboriginal peoples Integrates source material
- Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of targeted positions in addressing Aboriginal peoples’ health issues Makes reference to the source material
- Makes general statement(s) about targeted positions AND/ OR Aboriginal health
- May refer to source
- Provides some relevant information
Answers could include: Source reference: Cultural knowledge / break down barriers / understanding of the challenges facing Aboriginal peoples. Paul Keating’s Redfern speech 1992 (25 years ago).
• Reference to the value of identified positions in Aboriginal health (such as AMS) and the areas of Aboriginal control of health delivery. Provides culturally appropriate health services.
• Employment of Aboriginal peoples in mainstream and community health can improve health outcomes.
• Closing the Gap and statistical evidence of the relationship of health outcomes to the involvement of Community.
• Positions in specific programs and areas can be referenced include NCIP, Mothers and Babies, Quit Smoking, Domestic Violence, Mental Health.
• Candidates may also refer to Northern Territory Intervention and the value of Elders in the Community.
• Use of Aboriginal role models, advertising, community transport, nursing and mens’ and womens’ targeted positions.
Question 11 (b)
Assess the effectiveness of strategies that have been implemented to improve Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples’ health standards. In your response, refer to both an Australian Aboriginal community and an international Indigenous community.
Criteria / marksDemonstrates detailed knowledge of strategies that have been implemented to improve Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples’ health standards
Makes a clear judgement about the effectiveness of the strategies Presents a sustained, logical and cohesive response integrating relevant concepts and terms Makes detailed reference to an Australian AND an international Indigenous community / 9–10
Demonstrates sound knowledge of strategies that have been implemented to improve Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples’ health standards
Makes a judgement about the effectiveness of the strategies Presents a logical and cohesive response applying relevant concepts and terms
Makes reference to an Australian AND an international Indigenous community / 7-8
Demonstrates knowledge of strategies that have been implemented to improve Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples’ health standards
May make a judgement about the effectiveness of the strategies Presents a structured response using some relevant concepts and terms May refer to an Australian AND/OR an international Indigenous community / 5-6
Demonstrates limited knowledge of strategies that have been implemented to improve Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples’ health standards Uses some relevant concepts and terms May refer to an Australian AND/OR an international Indigenous community / 3-4
Makes general statements about Australian Aboriginal AND/OR international Indigenous health strategies and/or related lifestyle issues May refer to an Australian OR international Indigenous community / 1-2
Answers could include:
Makes judgement about the effectiveness of strategies. As well as an outline of health strategies such as the creation of AMS in 1971 to meet the specific needs of Aboriginal peoples, similarities in experiences between communities include: remoteness, historical mistrust of government, racism, cultural barriers, employment prospects as well as other socioeconomic factors.
•Funding strategies by governments with a focus on Indigenous health including emotional wellbeing.
•The 2016 Closing the Gap report makes little mention of food and nutrition issues and yet the ABS cites alarming prevalence of food insecurity among Australian Aboriginal communities.
•Stronger futures and NACCHO
•The political commitment and funding by government may be supported by statistics that may be used to demonstrate knowledge of strategic targets (eg infant mortality, youth suicide and drug abuse).
•Strategies include those arising from Aboriginal and Indigenous peoples’ health and its relationship to lifestyle. The life expectancy of Aboriginal peoples is considerably lower with the gap for men continuing to be more than 10 years. Aboriginal Australians have a higher incidence of smoking-related illnesses, renal failure, diabetes, infant mortality and communicable diseases. The relationship between health standards and lifestyle needs to be explicit in linking the physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing. These are government commitments as a strategy to address disadvantage.
•For example diabetes is experienced at a rate of 800 times greater than in non-Aboriginal Australians. There is a gap in access to health services, and barriers to participation. There may also be links to spiritual and cultural maintenance and strategies to restore cultural connections. Specific strategies include the ATSI Chronic Disease Fund/home nursing.
•Availability of Obama Care Health Insurance an issue for Native Americans. Health care is very expensive and prescription medications are expensive (not subsidised). Specific strategies eg Lakota Sioux Porcupine Centre/closing off reservation alcohol suppliers by government revoking licences.
•Strategies my include Inuit Health Branch, Nutrition North.
Question 17 (15 marks)
Describe the political changes needed to improve the socioeconomic status of Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples.In your answer, refer to both an Australian Aboriginal community and an international Indigenous community and TWO of the following topics:• Health• Education• Housing• Employment• Criminal justice• Economic independence.
Criteria / Marks• Demonstrates extensive understanding of the political changes needed to improve the socioeconomic status of Aboriginal and Indigenous peoples • Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of the socioeconomic status of Aboriginal and Indigenous peoples • Presents a sustained, logical and cohesive response • Integrates detailed references to the Comparative Study and TWO listed topics / 13–15
• Demonstrates sound understanding of the political changes needed to improve the socioeconomic status of Aboriginal and Indigenous peoples • Demonstrates sound knowledge of the socioeconomic status of Aboriginal and Indigenous peoples • Presents a well-structured response • Makes reference to the Comparative study and TWO listed topics / 10–12
• Demonstrates understanding of the political changes needed to improve the socioeconomic status of Aboriginal and Indigenous peoples • Demonstrates knowledge of the socioeconomic status of Aboriginal and Indigenous peoples • Presents a structured response • Refers to at least one study AND at least ONE of the listed topics / 7–9
• Demonstrates limited understanding of the political changes needed to improve the socioeconomic status of Aboriginal and Indigenous peoples AND/OR • Demonstrates limited knowledge of the socioeconomic status of Aboriginal and Indigenous peoples • Refers to one study AND/OR one of the listed topics / 4–6
• Makes general statements about socioeconomic status • May refer to an Indigenous community / 1–3
Answers could include:
•Political changes refer to local, state, national and international levels
•Reference to specific situations for their relevant Communities
•Specific reference to the needs present in their Australian Aboriginal and international Indigenous Community
•Commitment to redressing disadvantage, discriminatory practices, racism and injustice
•Political will and opportunity
•Recognition of the need for changes and improvements
•A greater level of focus on limiting the effects of poverty cycle
•Greater understanding of the underlying contributing factors that affects growth
•More holistic approaches to solving identified issues
•A recognition of the interconnection between land, health, relationships, literacy levels, with social and cultural wellbeing
•Well-resourced community controlled, culturally appropriate and accessible programs
•Government institutions that deliver local, diverse and culturally developed programs and strategies for success
•Participation of Aboriginal staff in support and delivery of programs
•Clear and actively supported pathways to further opportunities
•Respect for the role of intergenerational knowledge transfer and the role it will play in the programs
•Consistent effort to break down negative stereotypes in mainstream society and government institutions
•Implementing programs that will maximise leadership opportunities
•Programs that focus on the engagement and empowerment of youth.
Question 11a
Describe the indicators that are used to measure changes in Aboriginal health standards.
In your response, refer to Source D on page 4 of the Source Booklet and your own knowledge. 5 marks
Criteria / Marks- Clearly identifies at least two indicators which are used to measure the change in Aboriginal health standards
- Provides a detailed and relevant description of these indicators to support response
- Integrates information from the source material
- Identifies at least one indicator which measures the change in Aboriginal
- health standards
- Provides a relevant description of the indicator to support response
- May refer to the source
- Makes a general statement about indicators in Aboriginal health standards
Answers could include:
Source D references 2010–12 life expectancy as being 10 years less. Two indicators showing improvements have been made:
•Smoking rates have reduced from 51% in 2002 to 41% in 2012 due to Quit Smoking campaigns
•Health services employ 14.6% of Aboriginal peoples making it the largest source of
employment Other improvements can be seen due to the following initiatives:
•Close the Gap
•NCIP, Mothers and babies groups, domestic violence and mental health programs
•Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS)
•Community health, seniors health programs, community transport for appointments
•University and college training for Aboriginal doctors and nurses.
Question 11 (b)
Discuss the similarities and differences in health issues affecting Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples. In your response, refer to both an Australian Aboriginal community and an international Indigenous community.
Answers could include:
Communities may experience common factors:
•Remoteness (distance to adequate care)
•Cultural barriers including availability of appropriate personnel
•Lifestyle issues of diabetes, heart disease, drug and alcohol abuse
•Life expectancy statistics including infant mortality
•Access to services catering to physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing eg Headspace
Differences may include:
•The Otitis Media incidence in each community
•Availability of health care (Medicare Aust/NZ is different in cover to Obama care (USA))
•Non-subsidised prescription medication and treatment costs generally
•Nature and type of local health centres
•Initiatives such as Close the Gap
•Availability of baby health clinics, playgroups and support
•Funding models of government and community/costs of health insurance
Question 17(15 marks)
In what ways have Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples achieved some social equality?In your answer, name and refer to both an Australian Aboriginal community and an international Indigenous community and TWO of the following topic areas:• Health• Education• Housing• Employment• Criminal justice• Economic independence.
Criteria / Marks•Demonstrates extensive understanding of the ways Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples have achieved some social equality
•Presents a sustained, logical and cohesive response
•Integrates detailed references to the Comparative Study and TWO listed topics / 13–15
•Demonstrates sound understanding of the ways Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples have achieved some social equality
•Presents a well-structured response
•Makes references to the Comparative Study and TWO listed topics / 10–12
•Demonstrates understanding of the ways Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples have achieved some social equality
•Presents a structured response
•Refers to at least ONE Study and at least ONE of the listed topics / 7–9
•Demonstrates limited knowledge of the ways Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples have achieved some social equality
•Refers to ONE Study AND/OR ONE of the listed topics / 4–6
•Makes general statements about the ways Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples have achieved some social equality
•May refer to an Indigenous community AND/OR a listed topic / 1–3
Sample answer:
Aboriginal and Indigenous peoples worldwide have been successful in achieving some level of social equality. At an international level, there have been campaigns for recognition and protection of rights. Indigenous peoples have also sought to gain recognition and protection at the domestic government level. For example, these changes are evident in the improvements within social equality for the Darkinjung people of the NSW Central Coast and the Lakota Sioux of North America, in the areas of health and criminal justice.
Improvements within health for both the Darkinjung and Lakota Sioux can be seen through the implementation of community driven organisations and services such as the Eleanor Duncan and the Porcupine health clinics. These culturally-appropriate health services encourage access, support and education to minimise disadvantage. Both communities have seen an increase in overall health since being implemented. These are similar to nationwide programs that have seen a reduction of 10 years in the life expectancy gap of Aboriginal people (as quoted in Source D).
The area of criminal justice has also seen some improvements for both the Darkinjung and Lakota communities. There has been greater awareness of criminal justice and early intervention programs aimed at reducing offending/re-offending and reconnecting people to community. The Darkinjung community has access to the Aboriginal Legal Service and Restorative Justice programs that reflect culturally-appropriate techniques for sentencing. These programs support offenders in navigating the criminal justice system by providing culturally-appropriate services/people/support and often prevent re-offending. Similarly, the Dakota Sioux have the Dakota Plains Legal Service that promotes equal access to justice and improves the lives of the community. They do this by providing legal representation, advocacy and community education.
Question 11
Question 11 (a)
(a) Describe ONE Aboriginal initiative that has addressed the health issues of Aboriginal peoples.
Marking Criteria / Marks• Demonstrates sound knowledge of the initiatives in Aboriginal peoples’ health
• Provides a detailed and relevant description to support response / 5
• Demonstrates some knowledge of the initiatives in Aboriginal peoples’ health
• Provides a relevant description to support response / 3–4
Makes general statement(s) about initiatives in Aboriginal health
• Provides some description / 1-2
Answers could include:
- Reference to initiatives such as AMS and the areas of Aboriginal control of health delivery
- Employment of Aboriginal peoples in mainstream and community health
- Closing the Gap and statistical evidenceof initiatives
- Specific programs and initiatives can include NCIP, Mothers and Babies, Quit Smoking
- Candidates may also refer to NorthernTerritory Intervention
- Use of Aboriginal role models, advertising, community transport, nursing and men’s andwomen’s targeted initiatives
Question 11 (b)
(b) How do health issues affect Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples?
In your response, refer to both an Australian Aboriginal community and an international Indigenous community.
Criteria / Marks- Demonstrates extensive knowledge of the impact of health issues
- Presents a sustained, logical and cohesive response integrating relevant concepts and terms
- Makes detailed reference to an Australian AND an international Indigenous community
- Demonstrates detailed knowledge of the impact of health issues
- Presents a logical and cohesive response applying relevant concepts and terms
- Makes reference to an Australian AND an international Indigenous community
- Demonstrates sound knowledge of the impact of health issues
- Presents a structured response using some relevant concepts and terms
- Refers to an Australian AND/OR an international Indigenous community
- Demonstrates knowledge of the impact of health issues
- Uses some relevant concepts AND/OR terms
- Refers to an Australian AND/OR an international Indigenous community
- Makes general statements about Australian Aboriginal and/or Indigenous health issues
- May refer to an Aboriginal or Indigenous community
Sample answer:
- Similarities in experiences between communities include: remoteness, historical mistrust of government, racism, cultural barriers, employment prospects as well as other socioeconomic factors.
- Statistics may be used to demonstrate knowledge of what health indicators are affected (eg infant mortality). Issues include those arising from Aboriginal and Indigenous peoples’ health and its relationship to lifestyle. The life expectancy of Aboriginal people is considerably lower with the gap for men continuing to be more than 10 years. Aboriginal Australians have a higher incidence of smoking related illnesses, renal failure, diabetes, infant mortality and communicable diseases. The relationship between health standards and lifestyle needs to be explicit in linking physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing. Diabetes for instance is experienced at a rate of 800 times greater than in non-Aboriginal Australians. There is a gap in access to health services, and barriers to participation. There may also be links to spiritual and cultural maintenance.
- Availability of Obama Care Health Insurance an issue for native Americans. Health care isvery expensive and prescription medications are expensive (not subsidised).
Notes from the marking centre
Candidates showed strength in these areas:
• identifying the main issues that affect Aboriginal peoples
• demonstrating knowledge and understanding of programs and initiatives used by Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples
• assessing the effectiveness of particular programs.
Candidates need to improve in these areas:
• referencing Australian and international Indigenous communities appropriately
• analysing or referencing Aboriginal/Indigenous programs and/or the communities
• using appropriate terminology such as, Aborigines/clans/nations
• making specific reference to an Aboriginal community
Question 17
(15 marks)
How effective have government initiatives been in addressing social justice and human rights issues for Aboriginal and Indigenous peoples?
In your answer, refer to both an Australian Aboriginal community and an international Indigenous community and TWO of the following topics:
•Criminal justice
•Economic independence
Marking Criteria / Marks- Demonstrates extensive understanding of the effectiveness of government initiatives in addressing social justice and human rights issues of Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples
- Presents a sustained, logical and cohesive response
- Integrates detailed references to the Comparative Study and TWO listed topics
- Demonstrates sound understanding of the effectiveness of government initiatives in addressing social justice and human rights issues of Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples
- Presents a well-structured response
- Makes references to the Comparative Study and TWO listed topics
- Demonstrates understanding of the effectiveness of government initiatives in addressing social justice and human rights issues of Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples
- Presents a structured response
- Refers to the Comparative Study and one or more of the listed topics
- Demonstrates limited knowledge of the effectiveness of government initiatives in addressing social justice and human rights issues of Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples
- Refers to the Comparative Study AND/OR one of the listed topics
- Makes general statements about government initiatives AND/OR social justice and/or human rights
- May refer to an Indigenous community
Sample Answer