University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning
Certification Process and Requirements
SIM Professional Developers in Learning Strategies
These requirements enable individuals to be certified to conduct SIM professional development in elementary, middle and high school settings. Certified SIM Professional Developers may also conduct professional development in preservice settings.
Knowledge / Skills / Performance DemonstrationContentList the principles of strategic instruction.
Explain the metacognitive underpinnings of the Learning Strategies Curriculum.
Identify the purposes of a variety of Learning Strategies.
Explain the goals and procedures of the stages of acquisition and generalization for Learning Strategies.
Explain the scoring processes for each strategy used. / Demonstrate effective learning strategy teaching with students.
Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills with colleagues.
Incorporate critical teaching behaviors embedded in each stage of acquisition and generalization.
Model effectively, using 4 phases.
Score strategies accurately. / 1. Participate in one or more SIM Overview sessions[*].
2. Demonstrate understanding of the big picture of SIM principles.
3. Participate actively in professional development for at least 4 Learning Strategies across at least 2 strands.
4a). Teacher who has taught a minimum of four SIM Learning Strategies, from the Learning Strategies Curriculum through Generalization to students – minimally two 8-Stage Strategies and up to two of the
Explain how the Learning Strategies Curriculum promotes student mastery of state curriculum standards.
ProcessList the requirements for the Professional Developer Induction Process. / Provide elaborated feedback on strategy use, based on scoring
Collaborate with school partners (parents, teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, students) to ensure successful implementation. / Lesson-Based strategies, one from each strand (Acquisition, Storage and Expression), OR
4b). Supervisors, coordinators, and university personnel who have taught at least two (2) 8-stage SIM strategiesfrom two strandsthrough Generalization to students, OR
4c). Teachers who have had two years of SIM® experience in implementing minimally one 8-Stage Learning Strategies and one of the Lesson-Based strategies. This teacher will fulfill (1a) requirements as co-requisites during apprenticeship.
Teach learning strategies for 2 years.
Submit portfolio:
- A completed application form with responses that reflect satisfactory prior experience, understanding of SIM and commitment.
- One video conducting the Model Stage with students.
- Two student folders (products from teaching two learning strategies).
- One letter of reference from school, district, or agency supervisor, attesting to effective interpersonal skills with colleagues and successful collaborative experiences.
KUCRL 2016
Potential Professional Developer Institute
Knowledge / Skills / Performance DemonstrationContent
Discuss the mission of KUCRL and the values that guide SIM implementation.
Explain the big picture of SIM.
Explain the philosophical underpinnings of SIM.
Describe the metacognitive underpinnings of SIM components.
Name all the SIM components (categories).
Name the strategies in the Learning Strategies Curriculum and explain how they are interrelated.
Explain the relationship between the Learning Strategies Curriculum and Content Enhancement Routines.
Explain the interplay among all the SIM components.
Answer basic questions about SIM validation research and expected outcomes.
Explain the Content Literacy Continuum.
Identify how scoring processes and mastery requirements can be used for student assessment and for effectiveness of instruction.
Describe the components necessary for a SIM school.
Explain how SIM components address school goals.
Identify how SIM components support school initiatives.
Discuss the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Development and relate these to professional development with SIM.
Articulate the differences between teaching Learning Strategies to students and teaching others to teach Learning Strategies.
Discuss the issues related to working with adults.
Identify principles of adult learning theory.
Name and explain the principles and structures of Partnership Learning.
Summarize principles of collaboration.
Identify logistical processes for setting up professional development sessions.
Identify various forms and purposes of job-embedded professional development processes. / Design professional development so that student impact results are the targeted outcomes of the professional development program.
Organize professional development (adhering to the Learning Forward standards), including content, format and logistics.
Use Partnership Learning principles and structures and other research-validated practices that attend to adult learning principles.
Use Learning Strategies guidebooks and required readings to assist in developing and supporting professional development initiatives.
Access the KUCRL website as a professional development resource. / Attend a minimum of 40 hours in a Potential Professional Developer Institute and fulfill requirements of the professional development activities as set by the SIM Professional Development Leader.
Explain scoring and elaborated feedback procedures of a selected strategy to peers.
Present a 10-15 min. overview of SIM, highlighting the Learning Strategies Curriculum, using appropriate professional development methods, procedures and materials.
Present a 20 min. lesson to teach strategy modeling to teachers.
Plan a 1 or 2 day detailed professional development plan for presenting learning strategies, including an evaluation plan and follow up.
Access the tools of the SIM Network to support self-growth and partnership with KUCRL.
Draft an action plan for the district or agency as a springboard for professional development.
Apprenticeship (complete within 2 years of the Potential Professional Developer Institute)
Knowledge / Skills / Performance DemonstrationKnow or know where to find appropriate materials for professional development.
Describe how to evaluate professional development based on Learning Forward standards, including obtaining student impact data.
Identifies the principles and practices of adult learning. / Employ ethical conduct during professional development sessions.
Demonstrate a wide variety of effective professional development techniques, devices, and activities.
Incorporate Partnership Learning principles and structures and other research-validated tools in professional development activities.
Use feedback and evaluation information to enhance own professional development skills.
Troubleshoot anticipated problems in implementing the Learning Strategies Curriculum.
Provide appropriate feedback to teachers about their implementation of the Learning Strategies Curriculum.
Assess the professional development needs of a school or district.
Collect data that document the impact of the use of Learning Strategies on student achievement.
Refine instructional skills through ongoing teaching of the Learning Strategies. / Teach a minimum of 4 strategies through the 8 stage instructional process.
Continue to teach the Learning Strategies Curriculum to students.
Serve for one year in an apprenticeship relationship with an active, certified SIM (Learning Strategies) Professional Developer.
Read specified research articles.
Respond adequately in writing to 15 frequently asked questions encountered during professional development.
Prepare written outlines of a SIM overview session, highlighting the Learning Strategies Curriculum, and a specific learning strategy professional development session.
Conduct a SIM overview in one or more professional development sessions, highlighting the Learning Strategies Curriculum with an active, certified SIM (Learning Strategies) Professional Developer.
Conduct a learning strategy professional development session with an active, certified SIM (Learning Strategies) Professional Developer.
Perform successfully during an observation (live or video) by an active, certified SIM (Learning Strategies) Professional Developer during the overview and strategy professional development sessions.
Demonstrate the appropriate use of technology in the delivery of professional development.
Design a written plan for professional development for school, district or agency in collaboration with other stakeholders.
Submit all professional development records and evaluations to the Professional Development Leader.
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Develop a personal professional development plan for role as a professional developer.
Session evaluations indicate that the targeted content outcomes and desired outcomes of professional development (e.g. engagement and connectedness to content) are achieved.
Knowledge / Skills / Performance DemonstrationExamine school culture, resources, and other contributing factors that affect planning and implementation of SIM.
Relate specific assessment measures to correlate SIM impact with school goals and initiatives.
Explain the relationship between SIM validation research, expected outcomes and local, state and federal initiatives.
List new research-validated products connected with SIM.
Identifies the steps for micro-credentialing. / Continue to demonstrate effective professional development skills and ethical conduct when designing, delivering, implementing and evaluating professional development programs.
Tailor professional development to meet the needs of participants.
Tailor professional development by matching setting demands and content.
Demonstrate leadership skills in facilitating implementation of SIM at various stages of the innovation.
Assist in developing a school mission/vision that integrates SIM.
Use the Content Literacy Continuum as a framework for providing professional development.
Use the relevant SIM Innovation Configuration(s) as tools to assist schools in becoming a SIM school. / Attend at least one state, regional, or national update session every two years to maintain active, certified status and integrated the new learning to existing practices.
Maintain a StrateWorks subscription.
Maintain a current library of SIM-related materials and resources.
Provide and monitor use of order forms for guidebooks and related SIM materials, by working closely with school personnel who place orders.
Submit professional development records, including documentation of design, delivery, follow-up, and evaluation of impact, and names and addresses of participants to the Director of Professional Development at the KUCRLEngages in micro-credentialing for capacity building and sustainability.
KUCRL 2016
[*]Professional development includes a variety of educational experiences leading to growth over time. The term “session” is meant to include any structured professional development encounter, such as a workshop, study group interaction, coaching activity, or electronic learning experience