Mr. Struebing


294-2410 ext. 410264

VISTA Mission Statement: Vista del Lago High School staff, in partnership with parents and community, is dedicated to developing engaged and ethical young adults who approach learning with courage, compassion and resilience in a diverse and changing world. Through a challenging curriculum, students are empowered with the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively, think analytically, express themselves creatively and appreciate the value of a healthy, productive lifestyle.

COURSE STRUCTURE: Biomed (PBS & HBS) courses are college preparatory lab science course. Successful completion of both terms fulfills the A-G requirements for a college prep lab science. Due to the nature of the course, attendance is both expected and required.


1. You are expected to be in your ASSIGNED seat and working on the warm-up activity when the bell rings or a late will be given- 1st, 2nd, 3rd = warning.

a. Fourth late = 15 minute detention/ Parent contact

b. Fifth late = 30 minute detention/ Parent contact

c. Sixth late = 50 minute detention/ Parent contact/ warning of class suspension.

d. Failure to show up for any of above teacher assigned detention will result in class suspension

2. You are expected to bring all needed materials to class: #2 pencil, blue/black pen, science binder, and paper.

3. You are expected to be polite and respectful to all people and their property.

4. You are expected to raise your hand and be acknowledged before talking out in class.

5. California Law mandates that no student shall bring food into a science classroom. NO FOOD OR DRINKS IN CLASS.

6. At the end of class the teacher dismisses you, not the bell.

7. Homework may or may not be assigned on a nightly basis.


1. Verbal Warning

2. Student/Teacher Conference

3. Referral to Vice Principle/Phone call home

4. Teacher suspension with parent conference

GRADING POLICY: Grades are a reflection of student mastery, and as such a high emphasis will be placed on students to demonstrate mastery throughout the term. Grades will be assigned according to the following percentage scale: (pluses and minuses are given at the discretion of the teacher)

A 90% - 100% D 60% - 69%

B 80% - 89% F Below 60% (student must repeat course)

C 70% - 79%


In a balanced assessment system, both formative and summative assessments are essential as tools for gathering and reporting student achievement. Formative assessments will make up no more than 30% of a student’s final grade. Summative Assessments will make up no less than 70% of a student’s grade.

FINAL EXAMS: Final exams are mandatory and cannot be scheduled early. Students who miss their final exams will be issued a grade of Incomplete for the semester. Students are required to make-up missed final exams during the first two weeks of the following semester in order to replace I with a letter grade. Failure to do so will result in a failing semester grade or of a grade calculated without the final exam included.

EXTRA CREDIT: In order to insure accurate, fair and consistent grades, extra credit will only be offered to students who have completed all assignments at a proficient level and only for standards-based work.

CITIZENSHIP: Citizenship is reported separately from academic grades. Course citizenship includes both work habits and attitude/behavior. Good citizenship is vital to a positive school environment. Because of this, students who receive two or more Unsatisfactory marks on a grade report may not be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities.

COURSE PROCEDURE: Each unit of study focuses on a particular aspect of the Biological Sciences. In each unit you will take lecture notes, a quiz, complete class assignments, homework assignments, and participate in labs/activities. In addition, there will be an exam at the end of each session.

A. Lecture Notes will be taken on a weekly basis. They are to be bound in your notebook in the specified area.

B. Quizzes will be given on a regular basis. They will incorporate vocabulary, content, and laboratory activities from the unit. If you miss a quiz, you are responsible for making the arrangements to complete the quiz within a week of your absence. If these actions are not taken, it will result in a INC for the quiz.

C. Benchmark Exams will be given at the end of each unit.

D. Homework: Expect to have homework in biology on a nightly basis. Homework not turned in on the specified date is unacceptable. Homework is due at the start of class, NOT in the middle or at the end of the period.

E. Lab Data: Lab data will be collected in your science notebook. Final lab write-ups will be announced in class and must be typed or neatly written in blue or black ink only!

TEXTBOOK: Textbooks will be issued at the beginning of the term and collected at the end of the term. A class set of books may be available. A lost or damaged book will cost you $96.00.


1. It is your responsibility to make up the work, not the teacher.

2. You will have 2 days for every day you were absent to make-up the work.

3. If you still have questions please see me.

PowerSchool Parent Portal: As a student and parent you have the option of using the internet to access your son/daughter’s progress via our website- I will update your progress in my class on a weekly basis. This includes formative assignments such as classwork, homework, projects, labs, essays, etc. I will also include Benchmark exams at the end of the unit.

Students need the following:

1. Composition notebook

2. 3 ring binder

3. College ruled binder paper (no rip out paper please)

4. #2 Pencil & blue/black pen

5. Calculator


I agree to:

Ø Follow all Safety Instruction on Flinn Safety Contract

Ø Act responsibly at all times

Ø Follow all instructions given

Ø Perform only those activities assigned or approved by my teacher

Ø Protect my eyes, face, hands, and body to wearing proper clothing and using protective equipment

Ø Leave the class as clean as you found

Ø NOTIFY teacher immediately of an emergency

Ø Never eat or drink in the lab, unless instructed to do so

Ø Never enter or work in a supply area unless instructed to do so by instructor

*Academic honesty is expected at all times. Cheating and/or Plagiarism is unacceptable and will result in a zero for the assignment, a suspension may be assigned and parents contacted. If you have questions, consult your Student Handbook.


I have four basic guidelines:

1. RESPECT each other’s right to learn.

2. RESPECT the teacher’s right to teach.

3. Try.

4. No Excuses.

Dear Parents,

Welcome to science at Vista del Lago High School. Despite having a great facility with lots of science equipment, we are always looking for ways to enhance your students’ science experience. The ability to offset some of our on-going costs through donations enables the science department to reallocate funds to enhanced experiments and projects. Below is a list of items that can assist us in offsetting some of our costs, allowing us to offer an enriched experience for your student. Donations are strictly voluntary.

There is $10.00 worth of consumable materials associated with Anatomy and Physiology. After polling my students, 95% said the materials cost for dissections and more in depth lab activities was the most enriching part of the class. All monies received for the materials cost is directly used in your student’s class.

We thank you in advance for support of our programs. Additional items are listed below.

*Kleenex & Sanitizing wipes

Please Cut & Return

Student Name (print) Student Number:

I have read and understand the above rules and procedures.

Student Signature

Parent/Guardian Name (Print) Parent/Guardian Signature

Parent/Guardian email address: