May 17th 2016 Minutes
Meeting opened and brought to order.
Members Present: Amy Boes, Amy DeMarsh, Mike Fennema, Mary Goebel-Komala, Mindee Heater, Jen Keys, Christie Lammers, Mary Pat Longo, Michael Lutz, Tim Manley, Cassie Muzy, Jen Warner
Members Absent: Robin Ayers
Election of Executive Board & Committee Positions
Executive Board:
President-Michael Lutz
Vice President-Tim Manley
Secretary-Christie Lammers
Treasurer-Cassie Muzy
Controller-Mary Pat Longo
§ Testing/Competitions-Cassie, Mary GK, MP Longo, Tim
§ Rules/Ice-Tim Manley
§ Professionals-Tim, Jen Keys
§ Membership-Amy D., Jen Keys, Robin Ayers, Amy Boes
§ Special Events-Amy Boes, Christie L., Mindee H., Amy D.
§ Team Skating-Jen Keys, Amy Boes, Mindee H.
§ Volunteers-Mike Fennema, Amy DeMarsh
§ Ways and Means/Fundraising-Jen W., Christie L., Amy D.
§ Show Chairs-Cassie, Mary Pat, Michael Lutz
Committee-Mike, Jen W. Amy B., Amy D., Tim, Christie L
Website-John DeMarsh
Bulletin Board-Mindee Heater
Publicity-Mike F., Christie L.
Old Business:
Approval of Minutes from last meeting, 4/18/16. Changes were made to the minutes. Mary Pat motioned to amend, Tim seconded the motion. All in Favor-12, Opposed-0
New Business:
Date for head pro application deadline extended to Friday, May 27th, after the coaches meeting.
Update the Ongoing Projects/Action Plan Report:
The Action Plan was reviewed.
Ø Tim Manley reported on the status of the jump harness. Project is completed.
Ø Amy DeMarsh-rewriting music playing guidelines, will have by next meeting.
Ø Michael Lutz-Refund due to injury policy update. Injury policy was reviewed and changes were made. SB Injury/Refund Policy was adopted;
Tim Manley motioned to adopt the policy, Mike Fenema seconded the motion. All in Favor-12-, Opposed-0
Ø Michael Lutz-SB Concussion Policy reviewed and discussed.
Ø Mary Pat Longo-passed on the compilation of Board Meeting Minutes to Christie Lammers, secretary.
Ø Michael Lutz/Cassie Muzy-revamping competition process-ongoing.
Ø Tim Manley-trophy case-ongoing
Ø Jen Warner-Kroger shopping pass, in process.
Michael Lutz presented the updated Instructor/Coach Application. Certification levels (bronze, silver, gold) were added. Opportunities for coaches to volunteer were added. Coaches will be encouraged to volunteer for at least one activity/event. Requirements were also added including concussion training.
Social Media intolerance of any kind will be added to the SB handbook.
Christy Wronkowicz and Molly Kerr joined the meeting. The Synchro packet for parents and skaters was shared. A discussion was held regarding all synchro teams included in the annual Ice Show. A motion was made to include synchro teams in the ice show annually.
Amy DeMarsh made a motion to include synchro teams in the Ice Show annually. Amy Boes seconded the motion.
All in Favor-12, Opposed-0
At this time, Meredith Pitt joined the meeting. She addressed the board regarding the decision made at the April board meeting that moved the show try-out level requirement from FS4 to FS5. She proposed that the try-out level for seniors remain at a FS4 for the 2017, 2018, and 2019 seasons as a “buffer” to the new FS5 requirement.
A full discussion regarding the decision that was made on April 18th followed. Pros and cons of changing the try-out requirement to FS5 and solo try-out requirement to FS6 were discussed, as well as allowing seniors at the FS4 level to continue to be eligible to try out for the 2017-2019 seasons. Amy Boes voiced her concerns regarding the timing and voting on the changes, specifically her concerns regarding limiting solo parts to FS6 and above. Jen Keys also mentioned that with the higher level of skating being performed it was more in standing with an audiences expectations for an Ice Show, with several other members in agreement. Jen Warner noted, as per the previous conversations on the FS change, that the seniors will continue to have a senior feature and is referred to as the “Senior Salute”.
Michael Lutz did ask the Board if anyone wanted to further discuss the issue and if there were any other concerns, and all were in agreement that there was nothing else to discuss. It was then presented directly to the board if anyone would like to make a motion to change the FS level try-outs for seniors at a FS 4 to tryout, or to change the FS level at which solos are received for the Ice Show. No other concerns were voiced on the topics. At this time, no motions were made to change the Board’s vote on 4/18/16 in regards to “the FS 5 and above eligibility for Ice Show try-outs and the FS 6 and above eligibility for solos”.
Review of Spring Ice Sheets; signing in and punch cards for new Board members. File cabinet keys were handed out to the three new members present.
Cassie Muzy shared that the ISI new handbook is available and proposed that the board will buy an ISI handbook for the discounted price (25$) for the coaches volunteering their time on the ice during Spring Ice. She also proposed that the Board buy ISI handbooks at the discounted rate for the rest of the coaches for 15$ (10.00$ discount). Mary Pat motioned to approve the purchasing of the handbooks for the coaches. Tim Manley seconded the motion. All in Favor-12-, Opposed-0
Board Meetings will be held the 3rd Monday of each month.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 20th at 6:30 at the Cube.
Tim Manley motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mindee Heater seconded the motion.
Respectfully submitted by Christie Lammers, secretary