Impact of Pupil Premium 2017
Contextual information:
PPG Numbers as of July 2017:
Year Group / Number in cohort identifiedR / 9
1 / 4
2 / 13
Attainment and Progress Outcomes:
Year 2
Headlines: We are above national average for ARE and GD in all areas. Progress is 100% expected or better.
The outcomes of our disadvantaged groups in year 2 is shown above. National comparisons for 2017 are not yet available. Our numbers are relatively small, we have 13 pupils on our register in year 2. A significant number have complex needs. Please view this with the awareness of the context of our school.
This shows the progress of our disadvantaged pupils in Year 2. The good progress is stronger in maths and writing, but with examples of exceptional progress in reading. This is a positive indicator for the use of the PP funding and intervention impact.
Year 1
Headline: We have 100% or better progress in all areas. Phonics outcomes for children obtaining the pass mark or above is significantly above the national average.
This graph shows how the disadvantaged pupils have done in their year 1 outcomes and progress. It is similar to the picture of progress for year 2. No pupil has made less than expected progress with a quarter making good progress in reading and maths.
Headline: Significantly above national average in year 1 outcomes. Progress in year 2 from starting points is overall good.
The numbers of pupils are low and need to be considered with the contextual basis: we can be aware of gaps closing and or widening, but it is the case studies of each child that really show the progress of an individual. We could look at this outcome as a great success, and it is, but each year is highly contextual and needs investigation.
Positive outcome in phonics test scores: Disadvantaged groups and SEND pupils achieving highly.
PPG groups have performed favourably in the year 2 phonics in comparison. Results overall have dropped but the progress rates have been good.
Headlines: EYFS GLD is significantly above the national average. Progress is 100% expected or above.
This graph shows the progress rates in reception. Ultimately, most of our children make good or better progress in reception.
EYFS Progress from the groups starting points on entry / EYFS PPG/FSM/E6 Progress % / Combined %Reading Below / 0
Reading Expected / 55 / 100%
Reading Above / 33
Reading Exceptional / 12
Writing Below / 0
Writing Expected / 88 / 100%
Writing Above / 12
Writing Exceptional / 0
Number Below / 0
Number Expected / 78 / 100%
Number Above / 22
Number Exceptional / 0
This shows that the pupils make very good progress from low baselines.
The graphs show that the progress rates of these pupils are good, sadly, this does not mean it results in ARE/ Expected outcomes.
Soft data:
Our intervention programmes have success beyond attainment and progress towards academic outcomes.
Our Pupil Premium pupils have diverse needs as do all our children and we address those on an individual basis. This is with the notion that we can alter our provision to meet the needs of the child rather than force a child to alter their needs to meet the provision we have.
This means we utilise, as it says in our summary of provision booklet for parents, diverse opportunities that are monitored for impact by the lead staff on a regular basis.
An example of an effective alternative provision: horse riding, music lessons, play therapy, Forest Schools, ELSA, outdoor therapeutic learning, sports and healthy lifestyles programme.
All these programmes have positive impact on the child and often their family as well. This in turn we have seen, in some cases, has really had a positive effect on the pupil’s ability to engage with learning in an academic sense.