Agency Wellness Champions TeamMarch 14, 2017Minutes
In Attendance:
In Person:
Angie Discher
Genny Johnston
Josephine Opong-Vaughn
Ned Rousmaniere
Linda Feltes
Sandea O’Brien
Dawn Cvengros
Nick Boettcher
Lynn Burwell
Holly Glaubitz
Nikki Trifilette
Stephanie Peterson
Sandy Karnowski
Via WebEx
If you participated via WebEx and your name isn’t listed, please send an email to and we will update the attendance list.
Sarah Pook
Christie Husby
Tari Vannelli
Sally Kupferschmidt
Noel Gageby
Chris Morris
Kacey Geiger
Robin el-Ibrahim
Ten others whose names we did not collect
Presenter: Jill Haring, Stay Well
StayWell Health Assessment Key Findings Report
Jill presented data form the StayWell Personal Health Assessment conducted during open enrollment in November, 2016. Jill also introduced us to StayWell’s new online portal and features.
Energy Break
Jenny Johnston led us through several desk exercises and stretches. She recommends You Tube search for 5-minute desk exercises.
Presenter: Josephine Opong-Vaughn
Josephine reports that the posting for the Well-Being Program Manager previous position in SEGIP Health Solutions will expire this Friday, March 17.
AWC Updates
AWCs reported activity and plans for each agency represented
Tari Vanelli: LOTTERY Tari is looking for wellness posters. Discussion yielded these resources for posters: the Work Well site has a posters page, and American Heart Association has posters on this page as well as other program-building tools. Tari is the only wellness committee member until her retried colleague is replaced.
Christie Husby: 6th JUDICIAL DISTRICT has quarterly wellness meetings, focusing on a different topic on the SEGIP HEALTH SOLUTIONS website. Participants take the information to share with peers and workplaces. Here’s an example of a poster from the American Heart Association site.
Sarah Pook: AFFINITY PLUS is developing a focused wellness initiative for the year.
Angie Dischel: HEALTH DEPT. wellness group will sponsor a challenge in spring – either about drinking water or physical activity; Angie is measuring indoor workspace walks so employees know where to go to walk a mile, etc.
Holly Glaubitz: HEALTH DEPT. One division conducted a wellness needs assessment and reported its result. Leadership support has been really helpful! Wellness committee is creating walking maps (with distances) for the St. Paul skyway system
Stephanie Pearson: HEALTH DEPT. There are about 20 subscribers to a CSA which drops off produce conveniently. Four Square is being played regularly during breaks; 15 – 20 participants so far.
Linda Feltes: HEALTH DEPT. Sit-Stand study is continuing; Health employees take advantage of yoga classes at Union Depot in downtown St. Paul; you can join the planning committees for the Capitol Walk/Bike/Carpool event on May 17 and the 5K Run/Walk/Bike in September. Linda will test the concept of “laptop-free meetings” to improve focus and participation. She finds that the Health Dept’s extra incentive for purchasing Metro Passes is making it easier for her to bike as well as use public transit.
Sandea O’Brien: HUMAN SERVICES DEPT. We can use Google maps to find distances and create walking routes for employees.
Sandy Karnowski: MN OFFICE OF TOURISM is seeking additional wellness committee members.
Nick Bettcher: MN HOUSING FINANCE held a successful step challenge. He will connect you to the coordinator for info! The wellness team is measuring and mapping and walking routes for downtown St. Paul. They will partner with a CSA (the Hmong American Farmers Ass’n). MHFA still part of the Sit-Stand study.
Lynn Burwell: MMB’s SEGIP division helped with DEPT OF REVENUE’s very successful health fair recently. Lynn is helping to introduce StayWell’s new portal to agencies.
Genny Johnston: DEPT of ADMIN’s wellness committee sponsored a demo on healthy food preparation by Taher (the onsite cafeteria vendor). 12 people attended. This year’s wellness theme is “move more.” The committee also promoted the Heart Association’s Go Red For Women.
-Via WebEx section: If you participated via WebEx and your name isn’t listed, please send an email to and we will update the attendance list.
-Josephine reports that the posting for the Well-Being Program Manager position in SEGIP Health Solutions will expire this Friday, March 17.
Next Meeting
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Ladyslipper Room, ground floorTopic: Visit Wellness Champions Meetings page on the Health Solutions Page
Centennial BuildingEnergy Break: Volunteers needed. Send an email to .
658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN 55155