Parade Participant Form
Name of Organization______
Contact Person______Phone #______
Cell Phone Number______
If outside CCHS, please list contact person’s address:
The following information will be needed from each organization participating in the home coming activities.
Type of unit (check all that apply):
_____ car / _____ truck / _____ float_____ walking unit / _____ music / _____ Other (please describe):
Would you like to enter the float competition?
_____ Yes / _____ NoDivision (check one):
_____ Elementary & Middle / _____ High School / _____ Community· ALL parade participants and units must enter from the second Riley Road entrance (Gate 3) to the fairgrounds. Parking is to be in the lower lot unless the vehicle is to be used in the parade. No vehicles may enter the fairgrounds from Rt. 10. No extra vehicles are allowed in the staging area.
· All participants must be at the fairgrounds prior to 6:00 p.m.; parade starts at 6:30 p.m.
· There will be shuttle buses from CCMS to the fairgrounds from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
· Units must line up in the parade as assigned. Penalty – elimination of the organization from the remaining of Homecoming activities
· I am responsible for making sure my unit’s area is cleaned. If not, I will be responsible for paying a $50 clean up fee.
Contact’s signature:______
Please return to Mrs. Pam Hamons by Friday, September 5, 2014
CCHS Room B201 909 Camel Crossing
Alexandria, KY 41001
Phone 859-635-4161 ext. 2201
Fax 859-448-4886