1. ATHLETICS is a PRIVILEDGE and not a right.
2. Student athletes who represent Palo Alto and KISD are expected to conform to a more rigid code of behavior than the general student population.
3. If student athletes cannot conform to the rules set forth to our athletes, they will receive an athletic discipline report form (Red Card).
4. Athletes will be at all practices. (Exceptions: at the coach's discretion.) If an athlete leaves school sick, notify the coach. Two (2) unexcused absences may result in removal from the team.
3. Be on time for practice. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you are considered absent.
4. Athletes are expected to be at all scheduled competitions.
5. All athletes will sit in the stands together as a team. Do not go anywhere without the permission of your coach.
6. If your parents are going to pick you up from an athletic event, you must give your coach an Alternate
Transportation Slip and visual contact must be made between coaches and parents.
7. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. This behavior will result in at least a one game
suspension, conditioning drills, and any other action deemed necessary by the coaches.
8. Fighting will not be tolerated.
9. The time frame for athletes to be picked up from both practice and games is 15 minutes after the given time. (Example: practice is over at 5:00, students should be picked up by 5:15) If violation of pick up time occurs on a regular basis, your child may be removed from the team.
10. For class and practices, athletes will be issued an athletic shirt and blue shorts for practice. You will lose 20 points every day you do not dress out and / or participate. T-shirts will be tucked into shorts. No sagging!
11. You are responsible for all equipment checked out to you. If you lose it, you must pay for it before
participating in another sport.
12. Coaches and managers are not responsible for your valuables. You will be assigned a locker with a lock.
Lock all valuables in your locker. Do not leave anything lying out. Keep your locker room clean!
13. NO jewelry will be worn during the athletic period or during an athletic practice.
14. No hard hair accessories may be worn during class or during a game. This includes but is not limited to
beads, rollers, ponytail holders with balls, combs, or bobby pins. Only soft items may be worn.
15. No hair designs or colors are allowed in our athlete’s hair.
16. All athletes are to knock and be recognized before entering the coach's office.
If an athlete receives ISS / OSS or a comparable assignment (special programs):
1st Offense – Athlete is required to attend practice during their ISS assignment. Athlete will receive a one game / contest suspension.
2nd Offense – Athletic Probation and Athlete is required to attend practice during their ISS assignment. Athlete will receive a one game / contest suspension.
3rd Offense Removal from the Athletics class and removal from the team.
Severe Clause - Severe infraction of the rules will result in athletic probation and / or removal from the athletic program.
Any infraction while on Athletic Probation may result in the removal of the athlete from the Athletic
The Chain of Appeal for middle school is:
Coach of current sport
Boys/Girls Head Coach
Campus Athletic Coordinator
High School Athletic Coordinator
Director for Athletics
Assistant Superintendent
Remember: You are ladies and gentleman first and athletes second!
We are looking forward to working with you this year,
Coach Bains – Campus Athletic Coordinator
· 8th Football, 7th Boys Basketball, Boys and Girls Golf
Coach Foster –
· 8th Football, 8th Boys Basketball
Coach Thomason –
· 7th Football, Boys Soccer
Coach Kirshner –
· 8th Football, Boys Track
Coach Moreno –
· 7th Football, Boys Track
Coach Fogarty – kris.fogarty @killeenisd.org
· 7th Football
Coach Maxey – Girls Head Coach / Lead
· 8th Volleyball, Girls Track
Coach Giarrusso –
· 7th Basketball, Girls Track, Boys and Girls Tennis
Coach Adams –
· 7th Volleyball, Girls Track, Girls Soccer
Coach Salazar –
· 7th Girls Basketball, Girls Track
I understand and will follow the rules as stated. I understand that if I do not follow the rules, I am subject to disciplinary action.
Athlete (printed name):Athlete’s signature:
Parent’s signature:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Email address:
Please sign and return this sheet.