Indian Health CAre Improvement Act Phoenix Area Tribal Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2013
Phoenix Area Indian Health Care Improvement Act Priorities
At the Phoenix Area Fiscal Year 2013 IHS budget consultation meeting, IHS asked the Tribes to prioritize the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) provisions recommended to be implemented in FY 2013. An overview of S. 1790, the final enacted legislation was presented to the tribal representatives and they were asked to choose their top priorities for implementation. In addition to the provisions listed below that received the greatest number of “votes”, a discussion among the representatives about these led to a unanimous recommendation that the IHS and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) should immediately move forward on regulations development and policy implementation on the provisions that do not require new funding. Tribes viewed this process as requiring more administrative changes and therefore minimal resources and staff time would be required.
The provisions of S. 1790 that received the greatest number of “votes” by the tribal leaders at the meeting are listed below.
- Section 122 – Catastrophic Health Emergency Act (CHEF) Regulations/Funding
- Section 153 – Grants/Contracts with the Service, Indian Tribes, Tribal and Urban Organizations to Facilitate Outreach, Enrollment and Coverage Under Social Security Act Programs.
- Section 724 - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Grants
- Section 128 - Coverage of Screening Mammography/Other Cancer Screenings
- Section 704 - Comprehensive Behavioral Health Prevention and Treatment Program
- Section 123 - Diabetes Prevention, Treatment and Control/Dialysis Centers
- Section 173 - Nevada Area Office – Requires the Secretary to submit a plan on the establishment of a new Area office.
- Section 133 - Prevention, Control, and Elimination of Communicable and Infectious Diseases-Project Grants
- Section 137 - Contract Health Services Administration: Disbursement Formula
- Section 808 - Section Arizona as a Contract Health Services Delivery Area
The following sections also received mention:
Section 121 - Indian Health Care Improvement Act Fund
Section 124 - Assisted Living, Home and Community Based Services, Hospice, Long Term Care, Convenient Care Services
Section 142 - Priority of Certain Projects Protected (IHS Priority List)
Section 161 - Facilities Renovation-Grants for Facilities Construction, Renovation or Expansion
Section 714 - Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment
ITCA 1/7/11