March 2013
Mrs. Ahmad and Mrs. Edwards
MKGM.2a: Echo simple rhythmic patterns using body percussion as well as classroom instruments with appropriate technique.
MKGM.2c: Perform simple accompaniment patterns on instruments.
MKGM.10c: Move to a steady beat.
The student will identify short and long sounds in rhythmic patterns.
The student will transition naming long and short sounds to ta and ti-ti sounds while reading rhythms.
The student will clap, move to and play rhythmic patterns with ta and ti-ti.
The student will write 4 beat rhythmic patterns with ta and ti-ti from dictation and composition.
These concepts will be taught through the use of fun songs including: Little Spider, Down in the Meadow, Five Little Chickadees, Bam chi chi bam, Polly Wee, Little Snail and Kaeru No Uta (The Frog Song).
M1GM.2b: Perform a steady beat and simple rhythmic patterns using body percussion as well as classroom instruments with appropriate technique.
M1GM.2c: Perform simple accompaniment patterns on instruments.
M1GM.6c: Identify classroom, folk, and orchestral instruments by sight and sound using correct names.
The student will be able to identify and sort classroom instruments into three main categories.
The student will be able to identify and sort percussion instruments into pitched and non-pitched.
The student will be able to identify the four different families of the orchestra.
These concepts will be taught through the use of fun songs including: Thump, Rattle and Scrape, Chang (Elephant), Nampaya Omame, The Little Red Hen, and Fossils.
M2GM.2b: Perform simple body percussion and instrumental parts (such as ostinati) while other students play or sing contrasting parts.
M2GM.6c: Identify classroom, folk, and various orchestral instruments by sight and sound.
To aurally recognize percussion and brass instruments.
To visually recognize percussion and brass instruments.
To describe the differing sounds of percussion and brass instruments.
To sort rhythm instruments into families.
These concepts will be taught through the use of fun activities including: playing instruments, listening to instrumental excerpts, researching instruments in the computer lab and dividing rhythm instruments into families,
Third grade is continuing the recorder unit. Please help your third grade children remember to bring their recorders to school on their music day!
M3GM.1d: Sing and identify a simple sequence of pitches which include low Sol, low La, Do, Re, Mi, Sol, La, and high Do.
M3GM.10d: Demonstrate with Curwen hand signs low Sol, low La, Do, Re, Mi, Sol, La, and high Do.
M3GM.4b: Improvise simple pentatonic melodies and accompaniments.
The students will sing new songs using Solfege syllables.
The students will use correct hand signs to show the pitches of a new song.
The students will read and play the Pentatonic scale.
These concepts will be taught through the use of fun songs including: I See the Moon, Old Man Mosie, Hop Up My Ladies and The Magnificent Seven.
Quaver News: Quaver Marvelous World of Music is a new technology based music series that is being incorporated into the 4th and 5th grade music curriculum. This month’s themes are Dynamics, Articulation and Tempo.
In this unit students will learn:
1. The meaning and use of dynamic markings ff,f,mf,mp,p,and pp
2. The ways composers use dynamics in their music.
3. The effect dynamics have on musical expression.
4. How articulation and tempo add contrast and feeling to music
5. How ritardando, accelerando, and fermata change the mood of music
6. How tenuto, staccato and legato change the articulation of notes.
Quaver News: Quaver Marvelous World of Music is a new technology based music series that is being incorporated into the 4th and 5th grade music curriculum. This month’s themes are Dynamics, Articulation and Tempo.
In this unit students will learn:
1. The meaning and use of dynamic markings ff,f,mf,mp,p,and pp
2. The ways composers use dynamics in their music.
3. The effect dynamics have on musical expression.
4. How articulation and tempo add contrast and feeling to music
5. How ritardando, accelerando, and fermata change the mood of music
6. How tenuto, staccato and legato change the articulation of notes.
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The Lake Windward Chorus is busy preparing for our spring concert season. We have six songs that cover many different styles of music which we are working on at this time. Some concepts that are being taught include: phrasing, diction, dynamics, melodic movement, vowel sounds and choreography.
Our Lake Windward school concert date for both the 4th and 5th grade choruses is May 14. School concerts start at 7:00 pm. Students should be at school by 6:30 for a rehearsal prior to each concert. All students will wear a white shirt and black pants/skirts with dark colored shoes! We will also have assemblies on May 13 at 8:15 am and 9:00 am and parents are invited to attend those concerts as well!
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