Cortlandt Warren

Final Exam

Tech & Assess

23 April 2016


Health Profile

  1. Health profile
  2. This site is easy to use. I feel it would be useful for someone who has very little knowledge of fitness and health. If someone was following a fitness program prescribed by a personal trainer or health professional this site would be useless. The health professional would be able to give them a very accurate result of how their fitness level improved.
  3. When receiving the results, I think they should have added links to websites that had more detail about each result, such as when I got my BMI result they stated I might be in risk for CVD. They should add a link , so I could learn more about CVD.
  4. I would dress the site up more with colors. The site is very plain and not many pictures at all. I would have stayed on this site, if I came across it because it’s so plain.
  5. I took the basic test to see how it worked, and knowledge wise I was bothered by the BMI statement. I am one of those people whose BMI results states I am overweight or obese, but clearly I am not. So, I think instead of them telling me I am overweight they should suggest seeing a physician for further understanding. I could see the BMI results steering someone with little knowledge down the wrong road about their weight, when they’re not truly overweight.
  6. As a personal trainer I could see this brining more clients my way. I could tell potential clients to take the test. Then go over their results with them followed by ways we could work on their weaknesses or risk areas.
  7. Based on the basic quiz I was 76% healthy. My problem areas were my BMI and diet. It stated I was overweight or obese. My diet was okay, but needed work. I feel my diet was just okay because I am a vegetarian, so it seems as though I don’t get any protein in my diet because I checked no to eating meats or fish.

Fitness Level

  1. Fitness Level
  2. This site is a breeze. It’s great for fitness crazed people to see where they are physically according to the website. I don’t believe it’s really useful at all. Doesn’t give me any real knowledgeable feedback.
  3. Technology wise I feel this site was good. I like all the heading and how organized it was. I was simple but colorful.
  4. As far as content, the site should add some more in site or factual information to the result as to how or why they feel I got the result I did.
  5. There was no real factual information on site. The end result was very general. It stated that I was strong and had great endurance based off my answer that I lift weights and can run longer 30 minutes. I could be lifting 5-pound weights for months. I don’t believe that makes me strong. It’s generic.
  6. I could use this site to encourage my low level clients by simply letting them take the test and getting their results. Then going in detail for them where each component of fitness they lack is important.
  7. From the survey I am Fitness Buff. I feel that I have a high fitness level, but I really didn’t gain any feedback from the information give with my results. I would like more detail into why they believe I am a Fitness Buff.

Selecting a Workout Routine

  1. Selecting a Workout Routine
  2. I feel this website is useless. If someone wanted to google home workouts or fitness plans I feel they would find the same thing. It just links to other sites.
  3. At each page they should have a home page link, so you able to go back to where you started. Also the colors of the site were black and royal blue. It was so dark. If I am looking for a site for fitness I want to see something bright and welcoming.
  4. The site domain being its title makes the site feel like a scam as well as everything just being links to other sites. They should add a title name to the site home page and maybe a little paragraph about each site suggesting what makes it unique.
  5. There was no information just links to other workout and fitness sites. I checked some of the links and they worked accurately.
  6. I could suggest this site to my clients if I or they went on vacation. They would have a workout bank to go to. They would be able to find workouts to do without needing a gym or much space.
  7. There is no calculator.

One Rep

  1. One Rep
  2. This is an easy site to use for anyone who lift weights. If someone wants to know what’s a good weight for them to lift for building muscle or increasing muscle endurance this is the site they should use.
  3. I would add more space between the tables. Everything seems bunched together. The instructions should go above the one rep max table.
  4. To enhance the content of site they could add information about why each percentage, such as doing a 1RM at 100%, 50%, or 25%, would make a difference or enhance your workout.
  5. They information was accurate. It had reference as well of where the information to make the chart and calculator was from.
  6. I could use this site as a personal trainer with my clients who are looking to gain muscle or to make sure they are using enough resistance to achieve the results they want.
  7. I tried the one max rep calculator and it worked well. I like how it also gave my one rep max at different percentages, so if I wanted to work on muscles endurance instead of doing another calculation I could just look at the chart provided.

Target Heart Rate

  1. The Walking Site
  2. This site is easy to use, it’s just very wordy. I would say someone new to fitness wanting to know how hard to work could use this site.
  3. Technology wise I feel this site should have added a chart to make it easy for someone to plug in their information and type of level want to work at, so they could see their own personal target heart rate. Similar to the one rep max site.
  4. I would add a section on different exercises you could do to reach each of these target zones, such as a section about interval training, sprinting, or distance running, and how the zones effect each.
  5. The target heart rate formula and the training zones were accurate. They should add to consult with your physician if someone is unsure how hard or what zone they should be working in.
  6. As a professional I could use this site as a reference to the training zones. If I had a client I wanted to work in a low zone to target fat loss I could see how hard they need to work. If I had a client that is training for a marathon or race I could see what training zone they would be in.
  7. This site has no calculator. My target heart rate is 197 and I would be working in the aerobic zone, since I like to do distance running.