AP Test Taking Strategies & Tips


Multiple Choice Tips

1.  Read each question closely! There is usuallyONE WORDthat defines (makes / breaks) the meaning of the question.

2.  Use SCRATCH PAPER to sort through any/all looping & recursion output questions!

3.  Only guess, if you canELIMINATE AT LEAST 2answers.

4.  Don't forget to use your Appendix A which lists common methods - especially, ArrayList methods

Free Response Tips

1.  Read the intro to the overall question (a line or two)then go immediately to Question A.

2.  Do not read the example first as you'll be influenced to use the example and hard code it!!! Most free response questions MUST HANDLE GENERIC INPUT VALUES - not the example explicitly.

3.  Work on one part of each question at a time! If you attempt to read part A, B, and C, your mind will be filled with too many details. "Divide and Conquer" each question.

4.  Rarely will you find a question that asks you to use the Scanner class to answer the whole question. Think in these terms when approaching any problem;

o  Be sure to reuse any code/methods that have been provided to you or you have implemented in Part A of the question. Re-implementing the code will result in losing all the points for that question.

o  You must think in terms of method reuse first – aka inherited methods

o  Constructors next

o  New methods last.

o  Note that in all likelihood, you will be using a "return" statement before you use Scanner or an SOP

5.  IF YOU DO NOTHING ELSE, make sure that you write/code the EASY STUFF for all the questions in the exam!
For example;

o  Each of you s/b able to write a method header. Do it for every question - THESE ARE THE EASY POINTS!

o  Do not get so bogged down in one free response answer that you do not complete all 4 of them on the AP.

o  Watch your time. You have ~20 mins per free response answer - And there are 4 of them on the exam.

o  Again, make sure that you GET THE EASY POINTS out of the way!!!

6.  Lastly, expect to see a GridWorld free Response question that forces you to use the API GridWorld methods (provided to you for the exam)

7.  And, don't forget to use your Appendix A for free response questions too!