Chairman Ed Nicholas Website: westfeltonparish.co.uk ~ see MEETINGS page April 2016
MEETING 164 Tues 12th APRIL 2016 MINUTES 164
F.1 Alma Close Residents Chris Smith and Lee Osborne sought WFPC's support for the Carnival Committee's Alma Close Christmas Tree Project. The Clerk advised that the responsible authority will be SC and the Clerk will email Chris with the contact details of SC Officers Mark Blount and Jason Hughes. See 5.2 ↓
F.2 Chris and Lee also asked if WFPC could help to ensure that the Tedsmore Road 35 New Houses Scheme does not obstruct the Carnival and support the pedestrian use of the lane shown on the plan but WFPC does not know the starting date or the time frame for this scheme nor any specific plans for this lane. ONGOING
1. ATTENDANCE at WFPC Routine Meeting 164 held at 7.30pm in West Felton Methodist Church Hall:
1.1 Present Parish Cllrs: Chair Ed Nicholas, David Curtis, Carole Coles, Roger Hampson, Kay Kynaston, Marian Hesketh, John Houghton, Pat Mabe, Rachelle Lloyd Jones. NOTED
Plus Ian Hutchinson Parish Clerk. Plus 2 residents. NOTED
1.2 Apologies from Cllrs Chris Jones and Dianne Barnes were received and ACCEPTED: All AGREED
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Meeting 164 held on 12 April 2016
2.1 Neighbour John Houghton declared a non-pecuniary interest in the 35 Houses Scheme: see 4.1 below ↓
3. PREVIOUS MEETING 163 held on Tue 8 Mar 2016
3.1 Minutes 163 The Chair signed the minutes of the last meeting as a true and accurate record: All AGREED
3.2 Matters Arising from the minutes and any other ongoing items outstanding from previous meetings:
a. Maintenance Contractors Oswestry unpaid grass invoices: Bibby+MCO have not replied to the Clerk's email request for clarification of the status of MCO so the Clerk will send them a reminder. All AGREED
4. PLANNING MATTERS Clerk to email WFPC Comments 4.1 and 4.2 to SC Planners tomorrow:
4.1 15/05619/REM AMENDED off Tedsmore Road new details of 35 houses+4 shops: re-consultation.
As previously stated in Minute 162-4.2 dated Tues 9 Feb'16 WFPC still OBJECTS in principle to any plan that disregards West Felton's Open Countryside status as this one does. WFPC is also disappointed that the amended plan reduces the number of affordable houses and increases the number of more expensive homes and WFPC notes that the old drainage plan no longer matches the new development plan. All AGREED
4.2 16/01180/FUL Common Cottage Grimpo Alan Law build a new detached garage on new foundations
WFPC has NO OBJECTION to this plan which will not intrude upon neighbours or detract from the area.
4.3 Any LATE Planning Applications received at the Parish Office after the distribution of this agenda:
16/01429/CPL 25 School Road Ben Hunter seeks a Certificate of Lawful Development for the proposed conversion of existing garage into additional living accommodation: the Clerk tabled an initial email from SC Planners but no info is available on the SC website so this plan is DEFERRED to next Meeting 165.
5.1 Mud on Roads residents' complaints about tractors spoiling verges+lay-bys round Grimpo and Tedsmore:
Suckley's can be now contacted on 01743 741 269 or by emailing NOTED
5.2 Alma Close Christmas Tree Scheme WFPC is NOT the responsible authority for this scheme but WFPC SUPPORTS this scheme in principle: Clerk to email Chris Smith to confirm WFPC support. All AGREED
5.3a Playing Field The Carnival Committee seeks WFPC permission to roll it: WFPC has NO OBJECTION.
b. 'Plan B' The Clerk's initial draft of WFPC's Community Right to Bid Nomination Form to designate the Playing Field as an Asset of Community Value will now be upgraded by extra input from Cllrs Pat Mabe and John Houghton which the Clerk will collate and send to SC's Strategic Asset Manager. All AGREED
c. 'Plan A' WFPC's approach to the Trustees is on hold until the end result of 'Plan B' is known. ONGOING
5.4 WFPC's Hanging Baskets Scheme is on hold for 2016 but it will be discussed at the APM'16: see 5.6 ↓
5.5 The Queen's 90th Birthday WFPC wishes the Queen every happiness on her special day. All AGREED
5.6a Annual Parish Meeting 2016 see APM Agenda 2016: At the APM the Chairman will raise the matter of Hanging Baskets under APM'16 Agenda Item No. 3) Reports from Parish Organisations. All AGREED
b. The Clerk will contact as many Parish Organisations as possible and invite them all to attend. All AGREED
5.7 Heath House Car Park Queens Head-Rednal Straight: Howard Griffiths of North Wales Borders has confirmed that The Canal and River Trust owns this land and it has since been 'litter-picked'. NOTED
5.8 Tree Preservation Order 2016 Oaks+ash+field maple trees near Tythe Barn Felton Park: WFPC fully SUPPORTS these TPO's as a matter of principle: Clerk to email SC Natural Environment: All AGREED
MINUTES 164 Continues Over CHAIRMAN'S INITIALS: ______
MINUTES 164 Continued Tuesday 12th APRIL 2016 Page 164 b
6.1 Finance Cashbook-16 line 60 and Bank Statement 262 at 31 Mar'16 = £35,739.29 VERIFIED by members.
6.2 Audits for Year-16 ended 31 Mar 2016: a) WFPC Audits Review-15 b) The Clerk's Budget Report-16.
c) Internal Audit Report-16 on Page 5 of Annual Return-16. d) Annual Return-16 were all tabled by the Clerk and APPROVED en bloc and the Chair signed Sections 1+2 of the Annual Return-16. All AGREED
Note: The Clerk was congratulated on achieving a clean Internal Audit Report-16 from Bernie Townson and the Clerk was asked to email Bernie to thank him for his full audit of ALL Year-16 transactions. All AGREED
6.3 General Review of Year-17 papers as from 1 Apr 2016: a) Members Interests-17. b) Standing Orders-17.
c) Finance Rules-17. d) Publication Scheme-17. e) Keeping Records-17. f) Managing Risk-17. The Clerk tabled all the above papers and they were all duly APPROVED en bloc with no amendments. All AGREED
Note: The Clerk tabled these folders: Accounts, Statements, Vouchers, Audits: and NO PROBLEMS were raised.
7. ACCOUNTS Meeting 164 Date: Tues 12 April 2016 Financial Year-17
These accounts were PAID at this meeting: Proposed: Cllr Hesketh; 2nded: Cllr Kynaston: All AGREED
Min / Chq / DATED / Minute / PAYEE/PAYER ITEM DESCRIPTION / CATEGORY / £ CREDITS / £ DEBITS / BALANCE7.1 / 397 / 12.04.16 / 164-7.1 / The Web Orchard New website set-up+service-17 / OTHER-17a / 0 / 468.00 / 54356.34
7.2 / 398 / 12.04.16 / 164-7.2 / James Bardsley Home+Garden new compost unit / Ground-17a / 0 / 100.00 / 54256.34
7.3 / 399 / 12.04.16 / 164-7.3 / SP Manweb PLC connect Light-14 at Wheatlands / LIGHTS-17a / 0 / 268.60 / 53987.74
7.4 / 400 / 12.04.16 / 164-7.4 / Lewis Arborcare Ltd trees management work etc / Ground-17b / 0 / 990.00 / 52997.74
7.5 / 401 / 12.04.16 / 164-7.5 / West Felton Methodist Chapel Room Hire Year-17 / ROOM-17 / 0 / 180.00 / 52817.74
8. EXTERNAL ITEMS including routine mail and any other general information from outside the parish:
8.1 Information Commissioner's Office Recent advice was taken in the context of a Tribunal Ruling by Judge Warren on 19.03.14 published by HM Courts & Tribunals: Google "West Felton Parish Council". NOTED
9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS plus any items for future agendas may be noted at the Chairman's discretion.
9.1 Any LATE Correspondence not on this agenda plus any other LATE items of information from the Clerk:
a. SALC membership fee for WFPC for 2016/17 is £504.77. Members are not convinced that this represents best value for our taxpayers' money so WFPC is unlikely to renew its SALC membership for next Year-17.
9.2 Any Other Parish Reports plus comments and queries from Councillors going in turn around the room:
a. Rachelle Lloyd Jones requested VAS 30mph signs for Queens Head: for inclusion on next Agenda 165.
b. Roger Hampson mentioned incidents with flooding under the railway bridge and sheep loose on the road.
c. Pat Mabe asked if WFPC could ask OTC to maintain the Mile End Roundabout: Clerk will email OTC.
d. Kay Kynaston handed the Clerk £20 cash in respect of the approved WFPC fee for her Memorial Plaque to her husband on our new Memorial Wall in the Burial Ground. The Clerk will bank this money at once and anyone else who wishes to install a similar Memorial Plaque for a departed loved one can contact the Clerk.
10. NEXT MEETING 165 to be held on Tuesday 10 May 2016 at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall
Note: Annual Parish Meeting 2016 (APM'16) to be held at 7.30pm in the Village Hall on Wed 20 April 2016.
MEETING 164 CLOSED 9.45 pm duration: 2¼ hours
Chairman's Signature Dated: 10 May 2016
Ian A. Hutchinson West Felton Parish Clerk Tel: 01743 850504 1432 words Draft-3 printed: 14.04.16
West Felton Parish Council Minute Book Ten Page 164 a