Executive Engineer(Civil)

BSNL Civil Division -I

CTS Compound

Netaji Nagar

New Delhi –110023

No. 28(1) / EE (C) /CD-I /DB/ 2016-17/242 Dated:03.10.2016


NIQ No.-172/BSNL/EE(C)/CD-I/2016-17

1.SealeditemratequotationsfortheworksmentionedbelowareinvitedonbehalfofBharatSancharNigamLimitedfromapprovedandeligiblecontractorsofD.O.T./BSNL,CPWD,Delhi PWD (B&R), D.O.P., M.E.S. and Railways for the followingwork

2.Details of works are asunder:-

No. / Name ofWork / Estimatedcost / Date ofreceipt/Opening / Timeallowed
1. / A/R & M/O to Type-I, II , III,IV & V staff quarters at Kali Bari Marg, Peshwa Road, Telegraph square,Baba Kharak Singh Marg, New Delhi.(SH:Urgent day to day civil maintenance)-2nd call / Rs.94374.00 / 04.10.16 / 30days


3.30PMonthesameday.ThequotationsshallbesubmittedintheofficeofEE(C),BSNLCivil Division-I, CTS Compound, Netaji Nagar, NewDelhi.

4.Theagencieswhowishtoquotefortheworkshoulddownloadblankschedulefromthewebsite and submit their rates in the schedule, along with selfattested copy of followingdocuments:-

(a)Enlistment / registrationcertificate.

(b)Registration/TINcertificateissuedunderDelhiValueAddedTaxAct,2004bytheGovernmentofNCTofDelhi.(Note:-AgenciesnotregisteredunderDVATAct,2004shallsubmitanaffidavitinoriginalstatingthattheirtotalannualturnoverforworks in the state of Delhi is less than Rs. Twentylakhs).

5.Timeallowedforcompletionofworkshallbereckonedfromthenextdayofthedateofaward ofwork.



7.Terms and conditions as enclosed shall beapplicable.



Executive Engineer(C)BSNL Civil Division -I NewDelhi


  1. The Executive Engineer (C), BSNL Civil Division No.II,Atul Grove Road, New Delhi.
  2. The S.D.E.(C),BSNL Civil Sub-Divn CTS Netaji Ngr , Kali Bari, Dev Ngr , Vivek Vihar Janak Puri(Hort)
  3. Copy for work order file.
  4. Notice Board/General Circulation among contractors.



1.The work shall be carried out as per CPWD specifications and as per the directions ofthe Engineer-in-charge or his authorizedrepresentatives.

2.Theworkisofaveryurgentnatureandshallbestartedimmediatelyafterthereceiptof written orders to commence thework.

3.Thetimeallottedforcompletionoftotalworkshallbe30daysfromthedateofwritten orderstocommencethework.Thetimeallowedforexecutionoftheworkasspecified aboveshallbetheessenceofthecontract.(Thetimeallowedforworkisexcludingthe period required for curing/drying of cement works in case of cement basedworks)

4.The Engineer-in-Charge shall have power to make alteration in, omission from,additions to, or substitutions for the original specifications, drawings, designs and instructionsthat mayappeartohimtobenecessaryoradvisableduringtheprogressofthework,and contractor shall be bound to carry out the work in accordance with any instructionsgiven tohiminwritingsignedbytheEngineer-in-Chargeandalterations/omissions,additions orsubstitutionsshallformpartofthecontractasiforiginallyprovidedthereinandany altered,additionalorsubstitutedworkwhichthecontractormaybedirectedtodointhe manner specified above as part of the works, shall be carried out by the contractor onthesameconditionsinallrespectsincludingpriceonwhichheagreedtodothemainwork except as hereafter provided.

5.In case any additional, altered or substituted item of work, not specified in the scheduleof quantitiesisrequiredtobeexecuted,thesameshallbecarriedoutaspertermsand conditions contained in Clause 12 of the General conditions of contract (Form BSNL W-

8) for civil works in BSNL which is available on website

6.The contractor shall follow all labour laws asapplicable.

7.TaxesasapplicableforWorkscontractshallbedeductedwhilemakingpaymentstothe contractor.Formakingpaymentsofworkdone,procedureasperGeneralconditionsof contract (Form BSNL W-8) for civil works in BSNL shall befollowed.

8.If during any period after award of contract, it appears to the Engineer-in-charge thattheperformance of contractor is not satisfactory and he will not be able to complete theworkbythestipulateddate,BSNLmayforeclosetheworkandgetitdoneathisriskandcostthrough any other agency.

9.Ifacontractorwithdrawshisquotationaftersubmission,orfailstostarttheworkafter award of work, he may be debarred from future tendering inBSNL.

10.BSNLreservestherighttorejectanyorallthequotationswithoutassigninganyreason whatsoever.

11.The labour (skilled/unskilled) required on any day shall be at sole discretion of the Engineer in charge and the agency should contact the JTO concerned in advance for the labour required on any day.

12.The bill shall be paid to agency after complete payment has been made to all the labour supplied for maintenance services. The contractor shall make arrangement of money for making payment to the labour on weekly or fortnightly or monthly basis as per the direction of the Engineer in charge.


Name of Work: A/R & M/O to Type-I, II , III,IV & V staff quarters at Kali Bari Marg, Peshwa Road, Telegraph square,Baba Kharak Singh Marg, New Delhi.(SH: Urgent day to day civil maintenance)
Sl No. / Description of items / Qty. / Rate
(In Figures & Words) / Unit / Amount
1 / Providing carpentry/woodwork repair services for attending day to day complaints of various residential and non residential buildings. The work shall mainly include repairs to doors,windows,ventilators, frames, shutters replacement of glass panes and other miscellaneous works related to carpentry work. The nature of work allotted shall be such that can be handled by one carpenter (1st class).T&P shall be arranged by the contractor. Materials consumed in the work shall be provided by BSNL free of cost. / 33.00 / Days / Per Day
2 / Providing plumbing repair services for attending day to day complaints of various residential and non residential buildings. The work shall mainly include repairs to broken G.I.pipe,repairs/replacement of stop cock, bib cock, pillar cock,ball cock and other miscellaneous works related to plumbing work. The nature of work allotted shall be such that can be handled by one plumber/ fitter ( Ist class).T&P shall be arranged by the contractor. Materials consumed in the work shall be provided by BSNL free of cost. / 33.00 / Days / Per Day
3 / Providing masonry repair services for attending day to day complaints of various residential and non-residential buildings. The work shall mainly include repair to plaster work and other miscellaneous masonry works. The nature of work allotted shall be such that can be handled by one mason (1st class).T&P shall be arranged by the contractor. Materials consumed in the work shall be provided by BSNL free of cost. / 3.00 / Days / Per Day
4 / Providing sewer maintenance services for attending day to day complaints of various residential and non residential buildings. The work shall mainly include cleaning and opening of chocked main hole, W.C.pots,surface drains, sewer line and other such miscellaneous works. The nature of work allotted shall be such that can be handled by one sewerman. T&P shall be arranged by the contractor. Materials consumed in the work shall be provided by BSNL free of cost. / 33.00 / Days / Per Day
5 / Extra for making arrangements of a helper/ beldar in addition to skilled workers for assisting in plumbing/masonary/carpentry/sewer maintenance works. This item shall be paid for on a per day basis, in case the complaints to be attended in items 1,2, 3 & 4are such that it cannot be attended by a single skilled worker, the decision of the Engineer in charge regarding whether an extra helper is required for maintenance on a particular day will be final and binding on the contractor. / 100.00 / Days / Per Day
6 / Credit towards cost of unserviceable dismantled material:(a) Brass scrap (including C.P.Brass taps, ball cock rods, brass waste etc.) / 10.00 / Kgs / One Kilogram / (-)
(b)Iron / steel scrap (including cast iron, galvanised iron, mild steel etc.) / 100.00 / Kgs / One Kilogram / (-)
(c) PVC / Plastic scrap (such as PTMT , PVC pipe pieces, old PVC cistern ,PVC tanks etc and like.) / 25.00 / Kgs / One Kilogram / (-)

Signature of contractor -sd-

Executive Engineer(c)