CDM APL Instruction Document
The offeror/vendor shall submit the evaluation package for review to .
The evaluation package shall include the following:
(1)Completed Product Evaluation Form to include the CDM Common Requirements
(2) Supporting Documentation (See 2(a) (b) and (c) below)
A. DHS will conduct a conformance review on the evaluation packageto ensure:
(1) All required supporting documentation has been provided and is complete
(2) Supporting documentation includes:
(a) VPATs (to include 508 Testing results)
(b) EULA (GSA approved Federal EULA)
EULA’s that have not been approved must be sent to GSA first for approval.
Offerors must submit for EULA approval prior to submitting for APL approval.
EULA’s can be sent or review and approval.
(c) Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) Plan
The SCRM Plan shall include the following:
(1) Product Assurance
(2) Counterfeit Avoidance and Mitigation
(3) Supplier Management
(4) Insider Threat Management
If submission fails conformance, DHS will notify the offeror/vendor and provide areas of non-conformance for resubmission.
B. DHS will conduct a technical evaluation of Completed Product Evaluation Form consisting of the following:
Tool Capability Validation:
(a) Ensure CDM Common Requirements are met
(1) Scaling (up to 1million objects)
(2) Operate in secure manner protecting data in transit and at rest
(3) Demonstrate CDM level of interoperability for information delivery
(4) Operate within the timelines (72 hour data currency) and completeness (covering at least 90% of
target objects)
(5) Support Reporting Groups
(6) Support Policy Decision mechanisms
(b) Validate offeror meets tool capabilities requirements as applicable to proposed subcategories
(c) For Emerging Technologies – validation of written narrative/justification to include description of
capability if not in CDM Requirements Document
If deemed acceptable, DHS will notify the offeror/vendor via email that the product has been approved and will be added to the CDM APL. Notification includes courtesy copy to ,
with GSA FASt Lane instructions to request a modification to the schedule or submission of offer. The offeror/vendor is responsible for submitting a formal modification request or offer through the e-mod/e-offer system.
If deemed not acceptable, DHS will notify the offeror/vendor and identify areas of non-acceptance.
GSA is responsible for the final approval to add the SIN and associated offerings or award offer. This includes End User License Agreements (EULAs) and Letters of Supply (LoS) if not the original manufacturer, and in accordance with GSA’s solicitation requirements.