Course Syllabus


MonticelloAlternative School

World History

Instructor: Ms. Reavis

Text: World History

Course Purpose: This course will focus on the study of world history giving students the opportunity to explore recurring themes of human experiences common to civilizations around the globe from ancient to contemporary themes. World History fulfills the state requirements for one unit of world studies. All students must pass this course to graduate. Together, I am confident we can achieve our objectives.


  1. The Student will gain knowledge: by defining, filling in blanks, identifying, interpreting, labeling, listing, locating, matching, naming, recalling, spelling, stating, and intelligently discussing topics of world significance.
  2. The Student will be able to comprehend: by converting, describing, explaining, interpreting, paraphrasing, putting in order, restating, retelling in their own words, rewriting, summarizing, tracing, and translating issues of global and domestic importance.
  3. The Student will be able to apply their new skills: by computing, concluding, constructing, demonstrating, determining, drawing conclusions, discovering, illustrating, solving, stating and analyzing rules and principles of democratic and non-democratic principles, and using their newly acquired skills to address and intelligently discuss world affairs.
  4. The Student will be able to demonstrate critical analysis: by categorizing, classifying, comparing, contrasting, debating, deducting, determining the mitigating and aggravating factors, diagnosing, diagramming, dissecting, examining, inferring, and specifying they will become knowledgeable about the world and its relationship to the US culture, economy, and its politics.
  5. The Student will be able to synthesize data and doctrine: by changing, comparing and contrasting, combining, composing, constructing, designing, formulating, predicting, pretending, producing, reconstructing, suggesting, and writing.
  6. The Student will be able to effectively evauate: by appraising, choosing, comparing, concluding, deciding, defending, evaluating, formulating a fact based point of view, judging, justifying, prioritizing, ranking, rating, selecting, and supporting debatable points of view.

Taking Roll: class rollis consistent with the BHHS attendance policy.

Expectations: Students are expected to come to class and actively participate in activities. If a student has to miss class s/he is expected to show proof that their absence has been excused.

Bring your textbook, notebook, and pen or pencil EVERYDAY.

I will treat you with respect and I expect you to treat me and your classmates in the same manner. Anyone not doing this will be subject to the appropriate reprisal.

Do not do anything to prevent or otherwise hinder someone else from learning.

Each person will have 3 passes out of class each 9 weeks. When they are used up you will not be allowed to leave class unless requested by the office or another faculty member.

Class Participation: You are expected to do all class assignments including all homework, note taking during class, group work, and listen to presentations. If you sleep in class, it will be noted in my grade book. If the problem becomes chronic, you will be asked to leave which will result in an absence. You will not be able to make up any missed work. Only those with valid excuse will be able to make up work.

Grading: You will be graded on your work ethic, attitude, neatness, quality of work, and on time completion of work. Creativity is encouraged. A good student is well organized and very aware of reader/listener friendly presentations. A good student always shows interest in the subject matter, does all required readings, participates in discussions, and shows respect for the teacher and his/her fellow students.

1.Nine Week Grade -

a)Weekly Tests will count 100 points – and will represent approximately 55% of your total grade for the week.

b)Weekly Packets – (daily grades, homework, & quizzes) a combination of different specific tasks that when combined equals one grade or 100 total points or the other 40% of your weekly grade.

c)The final 5% of your grade will be based on participation. This will be subjective. In other words, I will determine whether you have actively participated in class discussions, turned in assignments on time, not been tardy, been present, and not disrupted class.

2.Semester Grade -

a)Final exam 25%

b)First nine weeks grade – 37.5%

c)Second nine weeks grade – 37.5%

For a total: 100%

You will be able to drop one grade per nine weeks.

Criteria for Evaluation: Everyone is expected to come to class prepared to discuss readings and/or assignments. Your participation grade will be based on attendance, oral discussions, notebook entries, and other written assignments.

Supplies: You will need a 3” notebook to store readings, handouts, and class notes (about $3.00 at Wal-Mart). You must use a blue or black pen, or a pencil for all assignments. Do not remove any materials from the classroom. If you use it, put it back where you found it.

Late Assignment Policy: Late assignments are subject to discipline in the world of business and education. Students will automatically receive a 20% deduction for late assignments of one day. Every additional day will result in an additional 10% grade reduction (no questions or excuses please).

Office hours: I arrive at school at 6:30 or earlier. If you have questions about class work or assignments, please consult with me immediately following class, before the school day begins, or during my planning period. The office administration will be glad to assist you.

Your son/daughter will be focused on the NC Standard Course of Study. I am looking forward to working with all my students. I ask that you encourage them to complete all assignments and attend class every day. Should you need to talk with me about your son/daughter, please call.

In order to maintain a positive learning environment and foster self-control and responsibility, all of the policies outlined will be enforced. Please review with your young student and then sign and return.

Consequences are as follows: verbal warning, detention, parent contact, and office referral. Extreme or repetitive behavior will result in immediate office referral.

I have read and I understand the class policies as stated.

Students Name______

Student Signature ______

Parent signature ______