How to Find a Book at JTCC
Look up books, DVDs and videos in the online library catalog, LINC. LINC includes materials in the Chester and Midlothian campus libraries. The hyperlink to LINC is in the first paragraph of text on the first page of the library site.
Clicking on this will bring you to LINC, where you can search the catalog online.
This is the first or defaultsearch screen of the catalog.
Keyword Search
Use the default Keywords Anywhere search for broad subject searches such as blogging. A keyword search works just like a Google search and can help you define your topic.
After you enter keywords, press Go! Here is an example of a Keywords Anywhere search for the keyword blogging. Only a part of the first results screen is shown.
1 / Top of FormBottom of Form / Hudson, David L., / Blogging / / 2008 / Circulating Collection--TK5105.8884.H83 2008 / John-Tyler---Chester( 1/ 0) / {Table of contents only }
2 / Top of Form
Bottom of Form / Taking sides.Clashing views in mass media and society / / 2007 / Circulating Collection--HN90.M3T35 2007 / John-Tyler---Chester( 1/ 0)
This screen lists the following information:
- Individual author, if there is one. If no author is listed, the book is a collection of worksby different writers, such as the second book listed above.
- Title of the book.
- Year of publication.
- Call number:this number corresponds to the number on the book.Use this to find the book on the shelf.
- Campus location (owned/out): This is the number of books the library has on each campus, and how many are already checked out. The 1/0 in #1 above means that Chester owns 1 copy and 0 are checked out. This book should be on the shelf at the Chesterlibrary and availableto be checked out immediately.
- Any online links. The first book above has a link to its table of contents. This will tell you what the book is about before you even leave your computer.
To see the complete information about a book, click on the underlined number in the left hand margin. For Blogging by David Hudson, the table of contents is listed:
Point: many bloggers are journalists who deserve the protection of a reporter shield law -- Counterpoint: bloggers should not receive the protections of mainstream journalists -- Point: employees should have the right to blog without fear of reprisal from employers -- Counterpoint: employers should have wide latitude to discipline bloggers for comments detrimental to the workplace -- Point: school officials don’t have authority to regulate students’ off-campus blogging -- Counterpoint: school officials should have broad leeway to regulate student blogs and student online speech -- Conclusion: controversies over the blogosphere are here to stay.At the end of the entry there are two links:
Holdings / All itemsLocation / John Tyler - ChesterCirculating Collection:TK5105.8884.H83 2008
Clicking on either one will display information about whether the book is checked out or on the shelf. If the book is checked out, the due date will be listed.
Title Search
Select the Title Keywords search if you know the title of the book.
To find An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore, enter Inconvenient Truth in the Enter Search Terms field. Omit beginning articles such as a, an,or the. Select Title Keywords from the dropdown menu of search types, and press Go!
Here is the results screen:
Click on the underlined number to see the full information about the DVD or the book.
Author Search
If you know the author’s name, select Author Keywordsfor your search. Enter the author’s name with the last name first, then the first name. For example, if Angelou, Maya is entered as an Author Keywords search, here is the results screen:
Results for Words in Authors= angelou maya ADJ; Sorted by: Year (descending)/Title
View Record /Mark / Author / Title / Year / Call Number / Campus (owned/out) / Ext Link
1 / Top of Form
Bottom of Form / Angelou, Maya. / The collected autobiographies of Maya Angelou. / 2004 / Circulating Collection--PS3551.N464Z466 2004 / John-Tyler---Chester( 1/ 0) / {Publisher description }
2 / Top of Form
Bottom of Form / Angelou, Maya. / Hallelujah! the welcome table :a lifetime of memories with recipes. / 2004 / Popular Reading Collection--TX715.A5697 2004 / John-Tyler---Midlothian( 1/ 1)
3 / Top of Form
Bottom of Form / Mending the world :stories of family by contemporary black writers / / 2003 / Circulating Collection--PN56.F3M462003 / John-Tyler---Chester( 1/ 0)
4 / Top of Form
Bottom of Form / Angelou, Maya. / I know why the caged bird sings / / 2002 / Circulating Collection--PS3551.N464Z4662002 / John-Tyler---Chester( 1/ 0)
These are all books entirely written by Maya Angelou or books that include essays or stories written by her. Remember to click on the underlined number to see the complete information about the item.
Request Books or Media from the Other Campus
You can request that a book, DVD or video on one campus be sent to the other campus by clicking on the Request this item link and entering your MyTyler login. The book will be delivered to the campus that you specify; the library will call or email you when it is ready for pickup.
Access your library account
You can access your account on LINC by clicking on the Sign in or My Account links in the blue menu bar at the top of the first screen. Use your MyTyler login to open your account. You can renew materials online or place holds.
To review your library account, please log in:
Top of Form
User name: /Password: /
Bottom of Form
If you have difficulty accessing your account or have any question about using the catalog, please call the Library at 594-1519 (Midlothian) or 706-5195 (Chester).