English 8

Mrs. Sutton Room 202

About Me: I hail from Lancaster, PA and attended Manheim Central School District. Upon graduation I attended Temple University and acquired a degree in Journalism, Public Relations, Marketing, and Mass Communications with a focus on small business and a minor in ancient military history. After three years in the business field I returned to school to pursue my degree in secondary English education at Millersville University. In October of 2013, I completed my masters in Reading and Literacy at Ashford University. My goal is to continue my education to earn my doctorate in education. I share this with you because I want to express my love of learning and the importance of education. I am a lifelong learner and hope to share this with you in my classroom.


Units of Study: Writing and the Writing Process

  • Argumentative Unit—Focus will be spent on arguing and defending themes of literature.
  • Informative Unit- Focus on science and gathering relevant information.
  • Narrative Unit- Focus on famous people in history, speech writing, and communication.
  • Final Unit- Focus on publishing a well written research paper. You will choose the mode and genre of writing.

Grading Policy: See Susquehanna Township’s grade breakdown.

  • Most assignments will be graded in either Collins Writing or PSSA rubric form. Reading and class participation/preparation does affect a portion of student’s grade at end of each Marking Period.
  • Changes in grades will not be discussed unless the you ask for help in how to make the assignment better.
  • I will update grades every Friday. Please be aware some assignments may take longer to grade, but will be updated in a timely manner.
  • After two weeks of an assignment’s original due date, work will no longer be accepted and all missing assignments will result in a zero.
  • Assignments can be turned in late with a one-point deduction for each day late.

Absences: Please adhere to the steps below when you are absent.

  1. Check the homework hotline as well as my teacher page. The daily agenda will be posted as a live feed on a google docs power point. You will be required to make up all journal assignments/worksheets/and classwork.
  2. If you do not have access to the internet you must come see me the next day you are back in school to acquire all the necessary documents during Academic Enrichment/homeroom time (after the wave).
  3. You must have a pass.

Mission: The mission of A.R.R.O.W.S. is to teach behavioral expectations in the same manner as any core curriculum subject, thus improving the overall culture of the school. By modeling respect and kindness towards all students and implementing building-wide expectations we will create a safe school environment that is conducive to learning and student success.

What is A.R.R.O.W.S.? A.R.R.O.W.S is a school-wide positive behavior supports program that aims to decrease unwanted student behaviors, and instead, recognize positive contributions of students and their actions. The foundation expands from the PBIS

(Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) system that focuses on building skills and recognizing positive behaviors in students. This allows for issues such as bullying, social skills, and negative peer interactions to be addressed and improved upon.

Extra Help: If you need extra help or a place to work on reading/writing in any of your classes please feel free to acquire a pass to come to my room during Academic Enrichment (after the Wave). Computers will also be made available to you as well.

Homework: The only homework that will be assigned in this class is work that was not completed during class time, practice sheets, review for quizzes/tests, and various parts of the research process. These pieces will not be graded but they will be used to gathered data on what you are able to do and what you need work on. If you do not complete the given homework assignments you will be pulled during Academic Enrichment to complete the assignment so I have the necessary data to better your educational experience.

  • Note: All documents will be available on my classroom website.

Special Requirements:

  1. Folder or three ring binder to house all handouts.
  2. Writing Materials: color pens/pencils and regular pencil or pen. (I do not mind the use of different colored pens but please do not use red (long story ask me about it sometime), yellow, or neon colors when turning work in, it is difficult to read.)

Classroom website: Please see my teacher page at

Communication: It is my goal to have an open communication line with both you and your guardians that includes not only your educational growth but also social behaviors.

Please take note of the following ways to communicate with me:

  • Email:
  • This is the best line of communication for quick response in regards to homework questions as well as grading questions.
  • Phone: (717) 657-5125
  • Teacher Page:
  • My teacher page will include class documents, homework documents/assignments, useful links, class syllabus, my calendar, etc.
  • Homework Hotline:

Please do not hesitate to email or call me with any questions or concerns.

Your Signature: ______

Your Email: ______

Guardian Signature: ______

Guardian Email: ______

Guardian Phone: ______

Guardian Signature: ______

Guardian Email: ______

Guardian Phone: ______