Internal use : scan to tenancy file
Internal use : scan to tenancy file
I wish to terminate the tenancy of (name):Address:
Garage /parking space address (if applicable): …..
I wish to givetwo weeks notice to terminate the tenancy from
The tenancy will therefore end on Sunday
I confirm that the property will be vacant from that date.
I confirm that I/we will remove all goods/belongings from the property and arrange for their disposal before the termination date. However, we do authorise Teign Housing to dispose of any goods, etc. left behind on that date and are aware we may be recharged for the removal of any such items.
Your Name (s)……
Your address / forwarding address…
Your contact number……….
Your Signatures (s)……………………………………………………………….Date…………
If you have a fixed term tenancy in joint names, you will both need to sign this form to end the tenancy.
Please note that housing benefit will stop from the date you move or date of death if tenant deceased, however rent will still continue to accrue during the notice period until the tenancy ends
We will be taking photos at the property – if any personal photos please put them away
Please do not take electricity / gas pre payment cards with you as you are unable to use them at a new property and we will collect them at the same time we collect the house keys.
- What is the reason for the tenancy ending? Please circle all that apply.
1)To move to a bigger home / 2) Want a home nearer to facilities
3) To move to a smaller home / 4) Cannot afford to stay
5) Don’t like the area / 6) Need a property on the ground floor/level access
7) Don’t get on with neighbours / 8) Need a property with adaptations
9) To be nearer to family / 10) Experiencing anti-social behaviour
11) To be nearer to work / 12) Want to move into supported housing
13) Want a home with its own garden / 14) Teign Housing Transfer
15) Moved to another Housing Association/Local Authority(if yes please go to question 2 below) / 16) Tenant gone into residential care – please ask about extended payments of housing benefit
17) Want a home with a bigger garden / 18) Tenant Deceased
19) Relationship break-down / 20) Domestic Abuse
21) Other:
- If the answer to question 1 was ‘’Moved to another Housing Association/Local Authority’’was the reason: (please circle)
a)Wanted to move to another area outside of Teignbridge.
b)Unhappy with the condition of your home.
c)Unhappy with Teign Housing as Landlord
d)Cost of energy to heat your home was too high
- How many steps are there to access the property?......
3a. Was this the reason why you decided to move ? Yes No
- Does the property have an enclosed garden?
Yes - No
- How many double and single bedrooms are there?
- Bathroom/Toilet facility:
Upstairs Bathroom Downstairs BathroomDownstairs toiletWetroom
- Is there parking?
No PermitHardstandingOn streetBays
- Distance to:
Viewings during notice period: YesNo
- How satisfied have you been with Teign Housing as a landlord? (please Circle)
Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Neither Fairly Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
- What, if anything, do you think we should do to improve our services?
Any other comments