ACVO Board Meeting

Minute of the meeting held on Thursday 3rd April 2014 at 12 noon

VSA Offices, Castlegate, Aberdeen

Present:John Tomlinson , Doug Duthie, Neil Skene ,Ken Simpson , Patsy Telford, , Matthew Reid, John Booth, Billy Sloan,

In Attendance:Joyce Duncan,

1.Welcome and Apologies

The CEO welcomed those present

Apologies were received from Jeannie Felsinger, Clare Trembleau, Gordon Edwards and Liv Cockburn

2.Minute of ACVO Board Meeting 30th January 2014

The chair noted the four points to be followed up from the strategy session. In particular the elevator pitch which was discussed. Doug Duthie suggested a “meet the board” section in the e bulletin on a monthly basis and agreed to provide the first profile.

ACTION : CEO to redraft the elevator pitch and send to board

ACTION: DD to provide a profile for the e bulletin.

There being no alterations, the board approved the minutes.

3.Minute of Resources Committee meeting 27th February 2014 (Unapproved)

Matters Arising

ACTION :Hall Morrice to be approached to become ACVO affiliates – CEO

ACTION: Seed fund for market research into new services to come from contingency in budget and to be confirmed at forthcoming Resources Committee meeting.

4.Update on new premises for ACVO

The CEO confirmed a further visit had taken place to VSA and a potential area agreed. ACVO awaiting prices for rental/services from VSA. KS of VSA verified that the rent/services would be no more than currently being paid by ACVO and may be less.

CEO also noted that premises may be available at Aberdeen Forward’s HQ in Poynernook road.

ACTION: CEO to take VSA costs to next Resources Committee Meeting and to review AF premises to assess suitability.

5. Updated Board Action Plan

The chair took the board through the actions and these were noted by the board.

6.Finance monitoring to February 2014

Having previously been discussed at the Resources Committee the figures were noted by the board.

7.Budget for 2014

The budget was presented to and discussed by the Resources committee at the meeting on 27th February. The committee approved the budget and forwarded to board for final approval. Various aspects of income and expenditure were discussed and the board approved the overall budget.

ACTION: CEO to confirm what income was included in the miscellaneous income row

8.Staff Reward/Review Paper

The CEO outlined the requirement to move to a new methodology for reward and recognition within ACVO. It was agreed that any one off payment be confirmed as a one off non-consolidated payment to ensure staff were aware this was not a salary increase.

The suggestion for a three year salary review was agreed in a modified form that it would be referred to as a resource review in order not to set a salary increase expectation.

ACTION: CEO and GE to meet to discuss resource review

9.Performance Monitoring to February

The CEO commented on the areas where targets have not been met in the SG workplan. These are the various Saltire awards, due to students not pursuing the awards with the same initial enthusiasm as in the first two years of the award. There are still high numbers working towards these but the targets have been reduced for future in line with a drop after the initial national promotion.

The other areas are those associated with the ASEN area of the workplan. A number of these have not been achieved and there continues to be difficulties in motivating the ASEN management team to make decisions. The board agreed to wait until after the ASEN AGM and then review how ACVO should proceed to support social enterprises in Aberdeen.

10. Communications Plan

The communications plan was noted. CEO indicated the Awards lunch would be held in late November due to the current work on the Peoples Health Trust.

11.CEO’s Report

The Chair commented on the value of the feedback from the forums and other engagement activities within the report. The board thanked the CEO for the report.

12.Business Plan 2014/15

The Chair introduced the draft business plan for 2014/15, NS asked that the appendices be split out for ease of reading on any future updates. The plan was accepted by the board

ACTION:CEO to report monthly on progress via a traffic light system for each of the 19 actions within the body of the plan.

13. Community Planning Update

CEO updated the board on progress within CPP and talked through progress with each thematic group. The draft story board for the multi-lateral culture group was also circulated.

ACTION: CEO to send the report from the CPP Management group to the CPP Board to the ACVO board for information

14. Spotlight on Change Fund Transport Project

The information was noted and CEO was asked to thank Jane Russell for the informative report.

15.ACVO’s Big Event

CEO outlined progress so far in terms of organisations signing up for “Give it a Try Arena”. The board had concerns about attracting the public and asked if players or AFC mascot would be present. CEO also provided information on promotion via Original, Shmu, Evening Express and general PR to attract the various target groups.

ACTION: CEO to check on attendance of players and mascot at event.


CEO raised the joint IOD/ACVO training session on board governance and asked if ACVO would pay for board members to attend. After discussion it was agreed that this could happen if any board member was keen to take up the course offer.

ACTION: CEO to send round course information

13.Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Board will be held at 12.00 noon on 22nd May at venue to be confirmed.