The annual TCSS Social Studies Teacher of the Year Awards recognize exceptional Tennessee classroom Social Studies teachers in the areas of Elementary Level (grades K-6), Middle Level (grades 5-8), and Secondary (grades 7-12). Award winners will receive free registration for the TCSS State Conference and a complimentary one year membership in TCSS. At the conference, each award winner will be honored at a luncheon where he or she will receive a plaque and a check for $500.

Awards Presentation

TCSS State Social Studies Conference

March 9 - 10, 2017

Park Vista DoubleTree

Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Application/Nomination Deadline: All nominations postmarked by Monday, January 16, 2017 will be considered. If you have any questions, please contact Patsy Brooks by e-mail: .

Mail nominations to:

Patsy F. Brooks

1500 Fairidge Drive

Kingsport, Tennessee 37664


Anyone may nominate. Self nominations will be accepted.

Nominee must be a Social Studies teacher for grades K-6 (Elementary Level), 5-8 (Middle Level), or 7-12 (Secondary Level) who teaches social studies regularly and systematically in elementary settings, or at least half time in middle/junior high and high school settings.

Nominee cannot be nominated for the award in more than one category (for example, junior high/middle school teachers are ineligible for the secondary award).

Form to Include with Nomination

(Duplicate as Needed)

School System ______

Supervisor’s Signature ______

Teacher’s Name ______

Level: Elementary Level K-6___, Middle Level 5-8, ___ , Secondary Level 7-12___

Grade(s)/ Subject(s) Taught______

School ______

School Address______

City/Zip Code ______School Phone No.______

Home Address ______

City/Zip Code ______Home/ Cell Phone No. ______

Email address ______

Nomination Requirements: Note: Applications can be emailed! Signed letters of support should be mailed through traditional mail.

* Cover Page

* Letter of nomination (needed only if someone is nominating you for the award. You are encouraged to nominate yourself).

* Letters of Support:

A letter from your immediate supervisor with performance responsibility.

A letter from a professional colleague (a teacher in your building, a professor, or district supervisor).

A letter from a student or a parent of a student.

* Vita or Professional Resume (prepared by the nominee) listing current teaching assignment, education, professional work history, school related activities, responsibilities, organizations, leadership roles, membership in professional organizations, awards/grants/other honors, presentations and or publications.

* Applicant/Nominee Lesson Plan

* Applicant Narrative describing how he/she demonstrates exceptional abilities in at least four of the five categories listed below (not to exceed four (4) one-sided double-spaced 8-1/2 x 11 pages).

1.  Develops or uses instructional materials creatively and effectively.

2.  Incorporates Tennessee Social Studies Standards and Literacy Standards in the Social Studies.

3.  Utilizes new scholarship from history, the social sciences, or other appropriate fields.

4.  Demonstrates ability to foster a spirit of inquiry and the development of skills related to acquiring, organizing, processing, and using information and making decisions related to both domestic and international matters.

5.  Demonstrates ability to foster the development of democratic beliefs and values, and the skills needed for citizen participation and civic responsibility appropriate to students' grade level in classroom, school, and community settings.

Criteria for Selection

Criteria will be evaluated by the following indicators:

Selection will be based on excellence in the areas of classroom instruction, creativity, knowledge of students (developmental and cultural relevance), social studies content knowledge, leadership in the teaching profession, and professional development, A teacher who is selected as an Outstanding Social Studies Teacher in Tennessee can, if he/she chooses, submit an application for the National Social Studies Teacher of the Year Award in his/her category. We believe that our Tennessee Teachers are some of the best in the nation and we hope to showcase their work on a national level.