Fees for the IELTS exam will be refunded to candidates only in the following cases (please mark applicable reason):

1Absence of candidate at the exam due to a substantial reason:The candidate must deliver to the British Council the original confirmation from a clinician (not adeclaration by aparent) and afully completed and signed IELTS Fee Refund Request Formno later than five working days after the Writing part of the exam.If the request is granted, you will receive arefund in the amount of 75% of regular fee for the exam for which you registered.We will consider the following as substantial reasons:

  • severe illness – e.g. admission to hospital or serious injury (does not include illnesses such as cold)
  • loss or death of aclose family member
  • difficult situation / trauma (being avictim of acrime, traffic accident)
  • military service

2Cancellation of registration less than five weeks before the test.The candidate will not receive anyrefund for the exam for which he/she is registered.

3Cancellation of registration more than five weeks before the test.The candidate will receive arefund in the amount of 75% of the regular fee for the exam for which he/she registered.

4Fee paid for an exam which will not be given, i.e. exam which has been cancelled by the British Council (e.g. due to lower than minimum required number of candidates for the given exam).Candidates will receive arefund of the full amount of the exam fee.

5Overpayment of exam fee:If acandidate overpays the exam fee, the exceeding amount will be refunded to him/her after filling in this IELTS Fee Refund Request Form and delivering it to the British Council.

6Enquiry on Results

I, the undersigned below, make this request for a refund of (an applicable part of) the exam fee by bank transfer to my bank account.

First and last name of the candidate
Exam / IELTS
Exam date
Postal code
Reason for making this request

Delivery address:British Council, Oddelenie skúšok, Panská 17, 811 01 Bratislava, Slovakia.

We can accept only fully completed request forms!

Refund of the fee will be processed within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the IELTS Fee Refund Request Form.

For internal purposes of the British Council:request granted / request not granted (please circle)

Name / Date / Signature

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