2 Corinthians 9:6-7 “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”


January 11, 2015


Welcome to our worship in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. May we always live “soaking wet” in the waters of baptism. May worship today refresh us for living out our faith all week. Our hope and prayer is that through our worship service you would, first of all, come to experience the love of our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for you in a deep way. Secondly, we hope you came to know that you are very welcome here at Zion Lutheran Church and School. Please fill out the visitor attendance sheet located in the pew and pass it to the usher during the offering. We hope to see you again soon!

“A quiet room” (with sound and sight to worship) is located to your left as you enter the church.

Children’s bulletins are available for your child. Please request one from the ushers. Activity bags are also available for use during worship.

Questions? If you have questions or want to learn more about The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, please speak to our pastor or fill out the attendance sheet in the pew and hand it to the pastor.

Please join us for worship again!

Holy Communion will be Celebrated in all Services this Weekend. As Lutherans, we believe that in, with and under the forms of bread and wine, our Lord is truly present with His Body and Blood--to offer us forgiveness of sins and assurance of His presence. As a baptized Christian sharing this belief, we invite you to participate. You may wish to use the prayers on page 308 in the Lutheran Service Book before receiving and after receiving the sacrament. Children are invited to come up in order to receive a blessing from the pastor. If you are not able to come forward to the rail, the pastors will come to you. This is not an inconvenience. Please let the usher know your desire.

Questions Helpful in Preparing for Holy Communion:

1.  Do I believe that I am a sinful human being without hope of eternal life except for God’s mercy in Christ?

2.  Do I believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Son and my personal Savior?

3.  Do I believe that He is personally present in the Sacrament of Holy Communion with His Body and Blood? (Real Presence)

4.  Do I intend by the power of the Holy Spirit to live a Godly life?

ORGANISTS: Barb Dorris (5 p.m.)

Trella Helmkamp (8 & 9:30 a.m.)

Praise Team (11 a.m.)

CHOIR: Matins Choir (8 a.m.)

ACOLYTES: Frank Lyerla, Nicholas Kearbey (8 a.m.)

Taylor Bradley, Emily Fitzgerald (11 a.m.)

ELDERS: (1/11) (5 p.m.) Gene Helmkamp, (8 a.m.) Dick Combes,

(9:30 a.m.) Leroy Brakhane, (11 a.m.) Troy Knipping

USHERS: (1/11) (5 p.m.) Tim Tweedy, Ron Bollinger, Tara Green, Charlie Bertels, Dick Combes

(8 a.m.) Mark Hreha, Myron Bollinger, Durante Turner

(9:30 a.m.) Leroy Brakhane, Rusty Crain, Eric Neunaber, Jesse Stone, Dennis Halliday

(11 a.m.) Matt Zimmer, Vineta Law, Fred Doerr, Shirley VonBehren

ELDERS: (1/18) (5 p.m.) Scott Griffith, (8 a.m.) Jim Rohe, (9:30 a.m.) Terry Dossett, (11 a.m.) Wayne Weber

USHERS: (1/18) (5 p.m.) Matt Zimmer, Vineta Law, Fred Doerr, Shirley VonBehren

(8 a.m.) Bill Striegel, Carole Miller, David VonBergen, Myles Hayes

(9:30 a.m.) Terry Deist, Wes Fritzsche, Charles Burgess, Bob Sidener, Dennis VanSandt

(11 a.m.) Ralph Halemeyer, John Peters, Lloyd Armentrout, Matt Wiggenhorn, Keith & Cathy Willis

Large Print Order of Service is available from the ushers for your convenience.

While the Times to Stand are designated in the printed order of service, if you are not comfortable standing, please remain seated.

We Encourage You To Attend One Of The Following 9:30 a.m. Bible Studies:

ã  ***The Pastor’s Class continues a study of the book of Mark. This class meets in the Adult Education Room.

ã  ***New Bible Study Class: The small group Bible class that meets in the conference room on the west side of the Ministry Center will continue an intensive 18 week study of the Gospel of John. New members are welcome to join the group for this study.

ã  ***Small Group Bible Study, led by Nancy Tiek, meets in the east meeting room by the elevator. This Bible Study Group is currently studying the Book of Matthew.

ã  ***Small Group Bible Study, led by Brian Huffman and Ken Ray is studying a three week series on “The Purpose of Christmas” by Rick Warren and meets in the Old Council Room in the basement.

Little Lambs Ministry is available today at 9:15 a.m. for 0-3 year olds. This ministry serves infants and children up to Sunday school age. These young children will experience praise, worship, teaching, prayer and play while giving their parents the opportunity to attend a Bible class or church service.

Total Saturday/Sunday Worship Attendance for 1/4/14 was 543 compared to an attendance of 155 on 1/5/13 (snow storm).

Sunday Refreshments are available after the 8 a.m. service in the service area, which is located in the Ministry Center. Please join us for a time of fellowship after worshiping.

Prayer Requests that you would like to have included in the prayers this morning may be given before the service to the pastor or pastors who are in the Ministry Center. If possible, printed requests would be most appreciated.

Pericopes Class: There will be no Pericopes Class this week. This class will start back up on Tuesday, January 20.

Dinner with Members: The next Dinner with Members will be held at the home of Ken & Marla Ray (6428 Lanterman Dr., Bethalto) today at 5 p.m. Please call 377-3771 to see what food dish you can bring.

The Quarterly Voters’ Meeting will be next Sunday, January 18, at noon, immediately following the 11 a.m. service. We will have a potluck meal with the church providing the meat and members are asked to bring side dishes and desserts (Members with the last names beginning with A-N are asked to bring a side dish and O-Z are asked to bring a dessert). Please plan to attend and help make important decisions concerning our church.

Pies for the Sausage Supper: To all members of the congregation, we are requesting homemade pies or cakes (4 if possible) to serve our guests at the Sausage Supper. Please bring them Sunday morning (January 25). Thank you.

All Sausage Supper Committee Chairpersons: A list is needed of who is on your committee. Please put list in the box on the cabinet by the Jesus Painter or call Eric Neunaber (910-1580) or Dick Combes (444-9468).

Advance Sausage Supper Tickets are available in the church office or from Eric Neunaber (910-1580) or Dick Combes (444-9468).

Coffee & Donuts: There will be no coffee or donuts on Sunday, January 25.

Congratulations to our 2014 retirees! Our 2014 retirees are being recognized in all services this weekend with a brief “Rite of Retirement” ceremony. Each 2014 retiree will also receive a copy of Rich Bimler’s “Joyful Aging-A guide to celebrating God’s gift of aging,” provided by Zion’s Board for Older Adults. If you have previously retired and would like a copy of this book, please sign your name on a clipboard in the Ministry Center near the veteran’s display and a copy will be provided to you. The Board for Older Adults plans to recognize Zion retirees several times a year in thanksgiving for God’s gift to them and in thanksgiving to each retiree for sharing their gifts with Zion.

Attention all youth: Winter Jam is fast approaching! It is Saturday, January 24 at 6 p.m. at the Scottrade Center. Doors open at 5 p.m. The cost is $10. We will have carpooling available! Please sign up no later than Friday, January 22, on Facebook or by telling a youth leader so we can arrange transportation. The time we will leave from the church parking lot is still being determined.

Reminder to ALL youth that the Z is TONIGHT from 6-8 p.m. Please join us in the church for snacks, games, fellowship, devotions and singing.

Attention all junior and senior youth: 3rd Friday will be on Friday, January 16, from 6-9 p.m. We will have a fun evening playing games in the school gym and watching movies in the youth room. Please join us!

Opportunity to Grow, Share and Serve: The Board of Elders is seeking out individuals that are able to assist with the potential expansion of Zion’s outreach to some of the more experienced members of our congregation and community by expanding our participation in leading worship services at local assisted living and elder care facilities. Zion routinely leads services at Villa Rose in Bethalto and Rosewood Care in Alton. Please contact Wayne Weber (377-2369), or the church office to find out more.

Next Weekend (January 17 & 18) is the last weekend for two local mission collections: 1) Bring batteries, warm clothing, underwear, socks, and warm bedding for the St. Louis homeless ministry our members, Matt & Ben Brynildsen, are involved in. 2) It’s also the last weekend for the homeless project of Madison County which has asked for men and women’s dress/casual clothing (for interviewing) and for laundry pods. Thanks for your generosity! The collection boxes have been overflowing! Please put any items on the P.A.C.K. table. Any questions, call Vinny Law (655-0908).

Glass Jars with Lids are needed by Zion’s Women in Mission/LWML (formerly Ladies Aid) for their ministry to Hardin’s food pantry. As you empty the salsa, pickle, dip, jelly, pint, quart or any other glass jars, consider bringing them to the church to recycle. The lids are also needed. Also, any plastic containers with lids can be used. There will be a container on the P.A.C.K. table for you to put them in. Thanks for helping to recycle these containers in a giving way!

The Braille Ministry needs the plastic bags covering clothing which have been dry cleaned. The cleaner plastic bags are used to pack the completed Braille books for shipping and to keep the books dry from any moisture damage when they arrive at their destinations. Please put any bags you might bring in the container on the P.A.C.K. table. Thanks!

The Parish Nurse will be here on Wednesday, January 14, from 8—11 a.m. in the small office across the hall from the work room.

Great Opportunity for Members to Volunteer: Special project with Parish Activities to meet the members in a fun way! What do they do to have fun? What are their interests? We are starting a new “Members in the Spotlight” project in 2015. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, this is a great way of meeting new people and engaging in Zion’s mission. Please contact Tara Green, Director of Parish Activities, to engage in this special project: (618) 580-8253 or . Hopefully, we will have a great response to this project and enough volunteers to keep this project going for several years!

Two of Zion’s Young Adults, Matt & Ben Brynildsen, are involved in a homeless ministry in St. Louis. Because of the cold weather the ministry’s clients have needs. Any warm clothing (coats, hats, gloves, long underwear, sweaters, sweatshirts, warm sock), blankets, comforters, and afghans would be helpful. Also, there is always a need for batteries, especially double A, triple A, C & D, and regular underclothing. The collection for this ministry will continue through the weekend of January 17/18. As you make purchases for Christmas, consider buying an extra for the homeless. Or as you clean out closets to put away your new items, consider giving the replaced items to this ministry. Any donations are so appreciated! Any questions, please call the church office (377-8314) or Vinny Law (655-0908).

Metro-East Lutheran High School is now accepting applications for the 2015-16 school year from prospective freshmen and transfer students. We encourage you to apply early and secure your spot in next years student body. To get Application and Admission Procedure forms, go to our website at www.melhs.org and download them or contact the school office at 618-656-0043 for an Admission Packet. The Lutheran High Open House will be Sunday, February 8.

80th Birthday: There will be an 80th Birthday Party for Dorothy Nauyok Cain, sister of Jean Frillman, on Saturday, January 17, from 5-10 p.m. at the Bethalto Community Center. Members of Zion are invited to drop in and join in the celebration. If you are unable to attend and would like to send a card, her address is: 5747 Tradewind Point, Colorado Springs, CO 80923.


TODAY: Recognition of Retirees

The Z 6-8:00 p.m.

MONDAY: Matins Choir 6:30 p.m.

TUESDAY: Confirmation 6:00 p.m.

Quilters 6:30 p.m.

Board for Older Adults 7:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAY: Quilters 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Parish Nurse 8-11:00 a.m.

Adult Choir 7:00 p.m.

THURSDAY: Board of Stewardship 7:00 p.m.

FRIDAY: Youth 3rd Friday 6-9:00 p.m.

SATURDAY: Praise Team Practice 8:00 a.m.


Saturday: 5:00 p.m.

Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.

Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Rev. Mark Hofferber, Senior Pastor Mrs. Sandra M. Balsters, Principal

Rev. Kale Hanson, Associate Pastor Mrs. Annalisa Roggow, Preschool Director

Mrs. Carlea Halverson, DCE Mrs. Renee Hardwick, Secretary