Ag Ed 420 Rubric for a Performance-Based Assessment

Student ______

Criteria / Unsatisfactory
0 – 5 / Good
6 7 / Very Good
8 /
Assignment Instructions / Rubric was not titled OR was not accompanied by assignment instructions / Rubric was titled for the assignment AND was accompanied with general assignment instructions / Rubric was titled for the assignment AND rubric was accompanied with specific assignment instructions, including purpose, authentic tasks, possible points, and motivation to do well
Criteria / Rubric has no identified criteria OR criteria does not represent the components or domains of learning related to the authentic tasks / Rubric has identified criteria AND criteria represent basic components of authentic tasks AND criteria assess cognitive, affective, or psychomotor domains of learning / Rubric has clearly identified criteria AND criteria represent important components of authentic tasks AND criteria assess cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains of learning

Levels of Quality

/ Rubric did not identify levels of quality of performance of authentic tasks OR did not communicate the relative weights or possible points for criteria at various levels
(best and worst levels) / Rubric somewhat identified levels of quality of performance of authentic tasks AND generally communicated the relative weights or possible points for criteria at various levels (best and worst levels) / Rubric clearly identified levels of quality of performance of authentic tasks AND clearly communicated the relative weights or possible points for criteria at various levels (best and worst levels)
Indicators of Quality / Rubric did not explain indicators of performance or language was confusing OR author did not suggest evidence or examples that indicated performance of authentic tasks at each level of quality / Rubric used general or vague language to indicate levels of performances AND author suggested few evidence or examples that indicated performance of authentic tasks at each level of quality / Rubric clearly explained indicators of quality performances AND author suggested evidence or examples that indicated performance of authentic tasks at each level of quality

Clarity, Correctness, and Quality of Thought

/ Rubric is disorganized or difficult to follow OR has typos or grammatical errors OR appears to have been prepared with unclarified or rushed thinking / Rubric is somewhat easy to follow AND has few typos or grammatical errors AND appears to have been prepared with clearly developed thinking / Rubric is arranged in a logical and organized fashion that is very easy to follow AND has no typos or grammatical errors AND appears to have been developed using sound reasoning and judgment

NOTE: Please record your comments in the rubric.