MONDAY, APRIL 10, 2017 5:30 P.M.

Order of Business


A.1 Call to Order and Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

A.2 Appointment of Acting President (If Necessary)

A.3 Acceptance of Agenda

A.4 Acceptance of Minutes of the Meetings of the Governing Board as presented:

Regular Meeting March 6, 2017

Work Study Session March 29, 2017

A.5 Ratification of Payroll and Expense Vouchers


C.1 Superintendent’s Update


E.1 Vote to Call for an Executive Session to be Held on Monday, April 10, 2017

If approved by a majority vote, the Executive Session will be held immediately following the vote to go into Executive Session in the Superintendent’s Office located at the Administrative Center pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03 (A) (5), which states that an Executive Session may be held for the purpose of:

(5)  Discussion or consultations with designated representatives of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its representatives regarding negotiations with employee organizations regarding the salaries, salary schedules or compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits of employees in the public body: Meet& Confer for the 2017-2018 School Year

The Board may reconvene in public session to take legal action on Items (E.1) discussed in Executive Session

Regular Meeting

Of the Governing Board -2- April10, 2017

E.1.1 Certified Personnel Items (Administrators)

Request approval to employ the following administrators for 2017-2018:

Charlotte Archuleta Director of Food Services 12 months

Laurie Black Director of Head Start 12 months

Patricia Blanton Director of Student Support Services 12 months

Bryan Borden Assistant Superintendent for C.I.A. 12 months

Isaac Farm Director of Information Systems 12 months

Roger Tweten Director Maintenance/Operations/Transportation 12 months

Rivera, Gloria Director of Federal Programs 12 months

Eric Haarstad Principal 12 months

Jose Trevizo Principal 12 months

Takesha Turner Principal 12 months

Daise Robledo Assistant Principal 10.5 months

Ruben Ruiz Assistant Principal 10.5 months

Manuel Ramirez Coordinator 10.5 months

Resignation (Effective 4/7/2017):

Joseph Cucinotta, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services

E.1.2 Certified Personnel Items (Teachers) (Issuance of Teacher Contracts):

Approval of Certified Personnel (Teachers) recommended for the issuance of Contracts for the 2017-2018 school year as per list submitted to the Governing Board.

Positions in Title funds are contingent upon funding for the 2017-2018 school year.

Contracts are contingent upon employee obtaining and keeping certifications required for position current.

Resignations (Effective 5/26/2017):

Tamara Reith, Computer Teacher, W.R. Sullivan School

Carol Wilke, Art Teacher, A.M. Hamilton & J.L. Kuban Schools

Karen A. Rittenhouse, Classroom Teacher, A.M. Hamilton School

Retirement (Effective 5/26/2017):

Hilda R. Valenzuela, Classroom Teacher, W.R. Sullivan School

Non-Renewal of Contract for 2017-2018:

Elizabeth Avelar, Psychologist, District-Wide

Winston Chang, Classroom Teacher, W.R. Sullivan School (due to Teach for America’s MOU)

Rina Minato, Classroom Teacher, W.R. Sullivan School (due to Teach for America’s MOU)

Regular Meeting

Of the Governing Board -3- April 10, 2017

E.2 Classified Personnel Items:

(Issuance of Notices of Appointment):

Approval of Classified Personnel (Support Staff) recommended for the issuance of Notices of Appointment for the 2017-2018 school year as per list submitted to the Governing Board.

*Positions in Title funds are contingent upon funding for the 2017-2018 school year.


(Effective 3/24/2017):

Maria Barraza, Lead Custodian, W.R. Sullivan School

Effective 4/7/2017):

Sandy Molina, Instructional Assistant, Head Start


(Effective 5/26/2017):

Angelina Correa, Food Service Worker, W.R. Sullivan School

(Effective 8/1/2017):

Guadalupe Lopez-Chavez, Instructional Support Specialist/District Translator

E.3 Consideration of Approval to Operate on a Summer Schedule for the Summer of 2017

For the past 35 years, twelve month employees have worked a summer schedule of four days a week, ten hours a day. For the summer of 2017, it is recommended that twelve-month employees have Fridays off, working from Monday through Thursday, effective the week of May 29, 2017. The regular five-day week would resume the week of July 24, 2017. The Food Service Department, Maintenance/Operations/Transportation Department and Information Systems employees on staff during the summer will work an 8-hour, 5-day schedule.

E.4 Consideration of Approval of an E-rate Contract with Cox Communications for the 2017-2018 school year

For the 2017-2018 E-rate year, Murphy School District didn’t have any new funding requests due to the category 2 funds being exhausted. For category one, there was the existing 5 year contract with Cox Communications that was put in place with the Nicely Consulting Group in the Spring of 2014. The issue with the Category 1 contract, however, is that it was based on 2014 prices with no clause for amendment to 2017 prices. It was also a locked contract meaning Murphy was not allowed to go on a year by year bases. After going to E-rate training, Mr. Isaac Farm, Information Technology Director, found

Regular Meeting

Of the Governing Board -4- April 10, 2017

that Murphy could void the contract by doing a 470 and a Request for Quote (RFQ). This would allow the IT Director to try to obtain better pricing for the increase in the WAN and internet links that Murphy needed. The result was better pricing with increased bandwidth. Cox Communications was one of the bidders and came in with the best pricings, thus, Mr. Farm, along with the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, elected to stay with Cox Communications. Murphy School District is ending a contract with Cox Communications are accepting them as our vendor of choice on the new E-rate.

E.5 Consideration of Approval of the Murphy Head Start Fiscal Report and Policy Committee Report for March 2017

To insure shared governance of the Head Start program between the Head Start Policy Committee and the Murphy School District Governing Board, the Head Start Program Director will be providing monthly reports to the Board. A copy of the February fiscal report will be provided to the Governing board for review prior to the April meeting.

E.6 Consideration Of Approval To Accept Amendment #2 To The Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) With The City Of Phoenix Human Services Department For The 2016-2017 School Year

The Inter-Governmental Agreement with the City of Phoenix in the contracted amount of $680,000.00 was approved at the June 6, 2016 Governing Board Meeting for the 2016-2017 school year. Amendment #1 was approved at the January 12, 2017 board meeting and budget amount became $703,640.00. Amendment #1 is being amended as follows: Funding in the amount of $75,000.00 is being added for Supplemental Duration Start-up increasing the total cumulative contract amount for the period beginning July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 to $778,640.00. The additional funding is reflect in Exhibit B, Head Start Service Budget (revised 2/28/2017) for fiscal year 2016-2017 attached hereto.

E.7 Consideration Of Approval To Participate In A Memo Of Agreement/Understanding With VisionQuest 20/20

The goal of this collaboration is to strengthen the vision health and education of the students in the Murphy School District. The purpose (1) is to authorize VQ2020 to facilitate the implementation of the technologically advanced and scientifically validated K-12 school based EyeSpy 20/20 vision screening program for children to improve the early detection of vision disorders that can impede a child’s ability to learn. The purpose (2) is to authorize VQ2020 to provide the schools within Murphy School District with lifetime licenses for the EyeSpy 20/20 vision screening program, facilitated by VisionQuest 20/20 through grant funding and authorize VQ2020 to facilitate training, provide a HIPAA compliant cloud based vision screening data collection and reporting database and provide necessary screening supplies as outlined in Appendix A. There will be no cost to the district.

Regular Meeting

Of the Governing Board -5- April 10, 2017

E.8 Consideration Of Approval To Adopt The Proposed Revised Policies Administrative Regulations And Exhibits On First Reading, Waive Second Reading As Allowed By Policy BGB On Policy Adoption

The following Policy Advisories, which include policies, administrative regulations and exhibits, are being presented to the Governing Board with revisions for adoption on first reading, waive second reading as allowed by Policy BGB on Policy Adoption. The revisions are being presented exactly as recommended by the Arizona School Boards Association (ASBA). If approved, they will become effective April 10, 2017.

Volume 29, Number 1 February 2017

Policy Advisory No. 567 Policy Manual and Administrative Regulations - Introduction

Policy Advisory No. 558 Policy BGD – Board Review of Regulations

Policy Advisory No. 569 Policy DIE – Audits/Financial Monitoring

Policy Advisory No. 570 Policy DJE – Bidding/Purchasing Procedures

Policy Advisory No. 571 Policy GCCA – professional/Support Staff Sick Leave

Policy Advisory No. 572 Exhibit GCF-ED – Professional Staff Hiring

Policy Advisory No. 573 Exhibit GDF-EE – Support Staff Hiring

Policy Advisory No. 574 Exhibit GDJ – Support Staff Assignments and Transfer

Policy Advisory No. 575 Regulation IHBJ-R – Indian Education

Policy Advisory No. 576 NEW POLICY) Policy IJNDBA - Website Accessibility

Policy Advisory No. 577 Policy JFABD – Admission of Homeless Students

Exhibit JFABD-EB – Admission of Homeless Students

Policy Advisory No. 578 Policy JFB – Open Enrollment

Policy Advisory No. 579 Policy JFBA – Unsafe School Choice

Policy Advisory No. 580 Policy JLCC – Communicable/Infectious Diseases

Policy Advisory No. 581 Policy JR – Student Records

Regulation JR – Student Records

Policy Advisory No. 582 Policy JRR – Student Surveys

Policy Advisory No. 583 DELETE Policy LBD - Relations with Charter Schools

DELETE Exhibit LBD-E - Relations with Charter Schools

E.9 Consideration Of Approval of the Medical Benefit Renewals for Employees for the 2017-2018 School Year

Murphy School District is a Member of the Schools Medical Insurance Trust (SMIT) through the Segal Company. We are requesting approval of the medical benefit renewals for employees for 2017-2018 with Blue Cross/Blue Shield (BCBSAZ) of Arizona. The District currently pays 100% of the employees’ premiums for the base plan.

Regular Meeting

Of the Governing Board -6- April 10, 2017

Base Plan
Value Gold / Current
Monthly Rates / 2017-18
Monthly Rates / Dollar
Difference / %
Employee Only / $491.00 / $506.52 / $15.52 / 3.16%
Employee + 1 / $982.00 / $1013.03 / $31.03 / 3.16%
Employee + 2 / $1310.00 / $1418.24 / $108.24 / 3.16%

Employees have the option of selecting the Classic Gold plan and they are responsible for the additional premium amount per month.

Base Plan
Classic Gold / Current
Monthly Rates / 2017-2018
Monthly Rates / Dollar
Difference / %
Employee Only / $545.00 / $570.88 / $25.88 / 4.74%
Employee + 1 / $1090.00 / $1141.77 / $51.77 / 4.75%
Employee + 2 / $1454.00 / $1598.47 / $144.47 / .9.95%

E.10 Consideration Of Approval of the Non-Medical Benefit Renewals for Employees for the 2017-2018School Year

The Murphy School District is a member of the Schools Medical Insurance Trust (SMIT) through the Segal Company. We are requesting approval of the non-medical benefit renewals for employees for 2017-2018.


Employers Dental Service Plans (EDS) (Employer Paid Plan for Employee Only)

EDS provides a DHMO (pre-paid dental benefit). EDS held their rate at 4% under the current premiums and agreed to a 3-year guarantee, as requested effective until 2020. Followingare the current and renewal rates:

Plan / Current Monthly Rates / Renewal Monthly Rates
Employee Only (District Paid) / $8.73 / $8.42
Employee + Spouse / $17.47 / $16.86
Employee + Child(ren) / $22.71 / $21.92
Employee + Family / $26.19 / $25.28

Delta Dental of Arizona (DPPO Dental)

Delta Dental provides a DPPO benefit. There is a decrease of 6.2% for the 2017-2018 school year.

Employees have the option to select this plan. The District pays $8.42 per month toward the employee only.

Regular Meeting

Of the Governing Board -7- April 10, 2017

Ortho Plan / Current Monthly Rates / Renewal Monthly Rates
Employee Only / $44.87 / $42.10
Employee + Spouse / $75.42 / $70.74
Employee + Children / $97.85 / $91.78
Employee + Family / $145.40 / $136.40

Voluntary Vision:

Delta Vision provides SMIT’s voluntary vision benefit. The district will not pay any premiums for employees. Following are the current rates and the renewal rates guaranteed through June 30, 2018.

Delta Vision Plan / Current/Renewal Rates PEPM
Employee Only / $6.00
Employee + Spouse / $12.18
Employee + Child (ren) / $11.70
Employee + Family / $18.30

Minnesota Life

Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) and Voluntary Life, AD&D. All employees receive a $20,000 life insurance policy paid by the District for the employee.

The renewal proposal includes continuation of the current basic and voluntary rates with a three-year (3) rate guarantee through June 30, 2020.

Basic Life AD&D / Current Monthly Rates / Renewal Rates
Basic Life per $1,000 / $0.95 / $0.80
AD&D per $1,000 / $.02 / $0.02

Voluntary Short-Term Disability – Securian/Madison National

The short-term disability benefit is provided by Securian/Madison National. This is a voluntary option available to certified and classified staff.

There is no increase to the rates.

Rates per $100 of Monthly
Benefit / Current/Renewal Rates
Monthly Benefit / 66 2/3%
Maximum Benefit / 6 months
Elimination Period
Accident/Sickness / 7 days/7 days / 14 days/14 days
Maximum Amount / $5,000
Guarantee Issue / $4,000

Regular Meeting

Of the Governing Board -8- April 10, 2017

E.11 Consideration of Approval to Accept Donations

Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust is committed to helping the neediest children in Maricopa County obtain the clothing necessary to successfully attend school. As per letter of agreement, these funds are expressly to provide children with shoes, socks, undergarments and school clothes and uniforms. The donation is as follows:

Receiving School Amount

Alfred F. Garcia School $2,300.00

Arthur M. Hamilton School $1,200.00

William R. Sullivan School $2,300.00

Jack L. Kuban School $1,200.00

TOTAL $7,000.00

E.12 Consideration of Approval for Ms. Leann Burns, Professional Consultant, to Act as the Business Services Director Until Further Notice

It is requested that the Governing Board approve and give authority to Ms. LeAnn Burns as follows through the Professional Group Public Consulting, who is under the Mohave Purchasing Cooperative: