No. / Item
1. / Welcome and Apologies
Elaine welcomed everyone to the meeting with introductions being made and apologies noted.
2. / Minute of the Last Meeting
Minute of the Last Meetingheld on7th September was noted and approved subject to an amendment being made regarding the Mental Health Innovation Fund to read ‘anticipate’ honouring what had been agreed regarding the spend to date.
No. / Item
3. / Matters Arising from the Minute of the Last Meeting 3rd August2016
‘Porn Zombie’ Information
Rachel Thompson was unable to attend the meeting however she had send an email saying that she did not have an update and that it had been agreed that Maggie Hepburn would speak to Childline to ascertain if they had decided to remove the videos or if they were located somewhere else. Rachel felt that if they were still available they would need to have a disclaimer as they were inappropriate for young people under the age of 14.
Maggie had confirmed that she had spoke to Kerri Stewart from Childline and she had said that she wasn’t sure why the videos weren’t available anymore. The site had been toned down slightly but it is still relevant, all the same information is there, just not the videos.
ACTION: It was agreed that Rachel Thompson follow up further to ascertain what would be appropriate for NHSG.
Baby think it Over
It had been agreed that James would make contact with the QIOs within education services to establish what was happening with this programme and this will be followed up.
ACTION: Anna will contact James to ascertain what information he has been able to establish.
Mental Health Innovation Fund
Cecilia said that agreement had been made for the scoping exercise and there was a need for clarity on how to proceed with the remaining funds.
Mental Health Stretch Aim Development
In Marlene and James’s absence it was unclear what the current status was with this. This will hopefully be clarified for the December meeting.
ACTION: Clarification to be submitted to the December meeting.
No. / Item
Various gaps in representation had been highlighted at the previous meeting such as:
  • Education
  • Further education
  • Sport Aberdeen
Elaine asked that the document circulated by Lorraine Currie on the new structure be circulated to the group as this could support in ensuring that the group had appropriate representation.
ACTION: Document to be circulated to the HOAG.
The report had been circulated to the group for information.
6. / ACTION PLAN 2016/17
Elaine tabled a sample of the new Action Plan structure received from James Simpson and asked for feedback on this. The paper outlining the development of the Children’s Services Plan 2017-2020 will be circulated electronically. Each local authority is required to produce a 3 year plan to be published on the 1st of April 2017 and running till the 1st of April 2020. TheLocal Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) will also be circulated to the group as the Children’s Services Plan has to be aligned to this.
Elaine tabled a paper as a visual aid, outlining what requiresto be done and reporting on. It was felt that examples of submissions would be useful and James had promised to submit one and when received this will be circulated to the group.
Future priorities identified would be considered at each meeting. It had been suggested that mental health would be core to the plan as the overarching umbrella and all were in agreement with that.
A draft of the plan will be submitted to the ICS Board on the 12th of December 2016 with the formal consultation being circulated at the beginning of February. As such a draft Action Plan is required from the HOAG by the last week in January. The final plan will be presented to the ICS Board for formal approval on the 20th of March 2017 and released on April 1st 2017.
Elaine pointed out that times it was difficult to get members to attend meetings and in the light of being accountable these difficulties required to be addressed.
Hilary felt that it may be useful to have the meetings in the format of priority themes.
Joy said she would like to make contact with James Simpson as the draft plan was being submitted to the ICS Board on 14th December.
No. / Item
The dates had been circulated.
8. / A.O.C.B.
Anne Brockman- confirmed that the AHP services were part of the Health & Social Care Partnership, however part of the child health was not. She drew attention to a leaflet that physiotherapy had which she asked be shared with health visitors.
Trackcare project will be rolled out across Grampian however this will not give patient records but will give some data.
Hilary Young-advised that she was now in her new post with the Family Nursing service across Grampian which is a challenge as not all similar to the city.
Cecilia Thompson-highlighted that CAMHS was still undergoing their redesign. A self harm document which was being put in place as a guidance document for professionals was no complete and going out to the focus group as it need to be endorsed. The Suicide Strategy is coming out in December and the Mental Health Implementation Group would like this to be presented in February.
Angela McKinnon-drew attention to the Wellbeing Act and would be happy to receive views on this. Examples/definition of wellbeing would be useful.
Sue McFadyen - advised that Nicola Anderson and herself would be sharing workload and as such Nicola would be sitting on the HAOG as representative for the health visiting service.
Joy Hay- updated on some of the work that she had been undertaking on the Child Health Intelligence programme, building on the work thatFiona Murray andSimon Hilton had put togetherfor CH2020.Fiona and Joy have met Susan Tough (Pre-school) and Alistair Cross (Schools) to discuss the process and data collected for the Child Health Surveillance Programme.Health visitor data was being looked at further due to some potential data quality issues. It is hoped that a robust data system will be in place in the future.
Joy and Fiona regularlymeet with Simonto discuss progression of this work, but she expressed concern about what indicators would be required for the City and wanted this clarified with James Simpson given the draft Children Service’s Plan (CSP) is required in mid-December.Joy and her team have discussed the full draft list of planned indicators, and havemadedecisionsregarding which indicators are anticipated to be sharedacross the IJBs(whether as part of the CSPs or not), and have also specified which ‘tiers’ as part of ‘tiered intelligence’ reporting would be appropriate for each indicator (i.e. operational, performance, or strategic levels; one or all three levels might be relevant depending on the indicator and the data that is available to populate it).
She advised that it is notfeasibleto get data on self harm from A&E as it was not being recordedconsistently and only a partial picture can be pieced together.
No. / Item
Elaine Allan – advised that meetings were taking place with RGU looking at the MSc level for school nurses. The intention is to have an event in January or February to promote this.
Elaine was meeting with Amanda Croft regarding the immunisation programme. The budget was with the Director of Nursing for the moment.
She drew attention to the 2030 Nursing Vision.
6. / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting and will take place in the format of a workshop.
Date: Wednesday 7th December2016
Time: 1.30 pm until 3.30pm
Venue: Meeting Room 4, Summerfield House

Dates of 2017 Meetings:-

Day / Date / Time / Venue
Wednesday / 11.1.17 / 1.30pm / Meeting Room 1, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 1.2.17 / 1.30pm / Meeting Room 1, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 1.3.17 / 1.30pm / Meeting Room 1, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 5.4.17 / 1.30pm / Meeting Room 2, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 3.5.17 / 1.30pm / Seminar Room, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 7.6.17 / 1.30pm / Meeting Room 2, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 5.7.17 / 1.30pm / Meeting Room 2, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 2.8.17 / 1.30pm / Meeting Room 2, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 6.9.17 / 1.30pm / Seminar Room, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 4.10.17 / 1.30pm / Meeting Room 2, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 1.11.17 / 1.30pm / Seminar Room, Summerfield House
Wednesday / 6.12.17 / 1.30pm / Meeting Room 2, Summerfield House

Healthy & Active Outcomes Group Minute – 15.11.16 Page 1