Technology-Enhanced Assessment
Presentation Outline
Technology in Education
Jeff Gates& Titus Borland
1.Biblical perspective and application to higher education of technology-enhanced assessment – main presenter is Jeff
A.Biblical perspective of technology-enhanced assessment
1. Online poll about the biblical perspective of technology-enhanced assessment
2.Theological values have implications for assessment strategies (Harkness, 2008).
a. God’s Creative Variety
b. The Worth of Individuals
c. The Interplay between Judgment and Love
d. Education for Transformation
e. Collaboration in Community
f. Education with a Missional Focus
B.Application of technology-enhanced assessment to higher education
Brief account of how librarians at a small private university worked with science faculty to teach information literacy to undergraduate students with the use of clickers (Moniz, Eshleman, Jewell, Mooney, & Tran, 2010).
2.Advantages and disadvantages of using technology-enhanced assessment in the classroom – main presenter is Titus
1.Demonstration with audience interaction (Formative Assessment).
Smart Boards function as computerized whiteboards in which a lesson can be created before hand for students and pulled up for them to complete using touch screen technology. I have created a lesson I will have the class complete.
2.Advantages and disadvantages of use in the classroom based on scholarly research
a.Can be used to reach a variety of learners (Nolan, 2009).
b.The use of multiple senses in using the SmartBoard leads to greater comprehension (Force,2010).
c.All aspects of a lesson can be saved using the “snapshot” function (Nolan, 2009).
d.Technology could be a distraction that becomes a crutch to our students (Force,2010).
1.Demonstration with audience interaction (Formative/Summative Assessment)
Students in the class will be asked two multiple choice questions (one at a time) and will simulate the use of a clicker by using their mouse to select their answers.
2. ExplanationAnonymous Mode verses Sign-In Mode
3.Advantages and disadvantages of use in the classroom based on scholarly research
a.Holds students accountable for classroom participation (Edens, 2008)
b. Students enjoy using them (Byrd, Coleman, & Werneth, 2004; Judson & Sawada, 2002, as cited in Edens, 2008)
c. Learning gaps can be immediately addressed (BeattyGerace, 2009).
d.Difficult for some students to use (Bernard, Bros, & Midgal-Mikuli, 2011)
e.This form of technology can be quite expensive (Costello, P. 2010).
C.Application of technology-enhanced assessment to K-8 grade
1.Smart Board use in general music classrooms for music listening
2.Use in elementary music classrooms for instrument identification
3.Use in grades 6-8 for Composing Music notation
Beatty, I. D., & Gerace, W. J. (2009). Technology-enhanced formative assessment: A research-based pedagogy for teaching science with classroom response technology.Journal of Science Education & Technology, 18(2), 146-162.
Bernard, P., Broś, P., & Migdał-Mikuli, A. (2011). E-assessment of students based on personal response system. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 35, 11-16.
Edens, K. M. (2008). The interaction of pedagogical approach, gender, self-regulation, and goal orientation using student response system technology.Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 41(2), 161-177.
Costello, P. 2010. A cost-effective classroom response system.British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(6), E153-E154.
Force, R. (2010). Do Smartboards make smart students?NEA Today, 29(1), 21.
Harkness, A. (2008). Assessment in theological education: Do our theological values matter? Journal of Adult Theological Education, 5(2), 183-201.
Hepplestone, S., Holden, G., Irwin, B., Parkin, H. J., & Thorpe, L. (2011).Using technology to encourage student engagement with feedback: A literature review. Research in Learning Technology, 19(2), 117-127.
Moniz, R. J., Eshleman, J., Jewell, D., Mooney, B., & Tran, C. (2010). The impact of information literacy-related instruction in the science classroom: Clickers versus nonclickers. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 17(4), 349-364.
Nolan, K. K. (2009). SMARTer music teaching.General Music Today,22(2), 3-11.