Health & Safety in your School
Governing Body Monitoring Schedule
Use or adapt the checklist below
(See example in Governors’ Briefing - July 2005)
What / Who? / When? / Report toHT/LMT / Report to governors
Induction of new staff / Cttee / Full GB
Is there clear health & safety information in the staff handbook? / / What is the procedure for ensuring new staff have read and understood this information?
Ensuring that all staff are kept up-to-date on Health & Safety requirements
What are the procedures for an (annual) H & S training needs analysis? / What is the formal method of briefing/reminding staff about H & S issues?
(e.g. briefing notes, staff meetings)
What training needs have been met by staff attending H & S courses?
Do any training needs remain unfulfilled and what is the plan for dealing with them?
Do staff know where on the intranet to find detailed guidance on Health & Safety?
Do appropriate staff understand and follow County Council Procedures relating to:
- Selecting a contractor
- Self Financed Improvement Projects
Is there a clear procedure for staff to report any defects or health and safety ‘Near Misses’ to the appropriate manager?
Risk Assessments
What is the procedure to ensure staff are trained to carry out risk assessments?What is the procedure for ensuring that all necessary risk assessments are carried out?
What / Who? / When? / Report to
HT/LMT / Report to governors
/ cttee / Full GBWhat is the procedure to ensure staff observe H & S curriculum requirements?
Is there specific health and safety guidance relating to Art & Design, Drama, Design & Technology, ICT, Science, P.E. and off-site visits.
What is the procedure for checking that pupils are aware of, and reminded about, health and safety issues in specific subject areas ?
What procedures are in place for extended curriculum?
How do you check that staff know and follow procedures for off-site visits?
Personal Safety
What procedures enable the early identification of stress symptoms?What support is available to help staff experiencing stress?
How is workload/working time managed/monitored for Headteacher?
How is workload/working time managed/monitored for staff other than HT?
How does the school ensure that Accident and Physical & Verbal Abuse (PVA) documentation is completed whenever an incident arises?
What procedure does the school follow when these forms are completed?
What is the procedure for protecting the school from intruders?
First Aid
What is the procedure for ensuring sufficient trained first aiders/appointed persons to cover the school site and school day?How often are the contents of first aid containers checked?
When is the annual portable electrical test carried out – who organises?
What is the procedure for identifying and meeting maintenance needs of:
- Equipment e.g. playground equipment
- Premises
What / Who? / When? / Report to
HT/LMT / Report to governors
School Development Plan and Budget planning
/ cttee / Full GBAre there any priorities with Health and Safety implications?
Are there any health and safety issues identified which need to have additional funding allocated?
Fire safety
Have the termly fire drills been carried out?What is the procedure for checking that weekly fire tests are carried out
Have the Fire Extinguishers and emergency lights been checked?
What is the procedure for checking Water temperature and Hygiene?
Inspections (At least three times per year)
Have these inspections been organised on site and conducted in consultation with Trade Union Safety Representatives?
What issues were identified and actioned?
Has the school been inspected annually by competent H & S professionals?
Pupil safety
Is there a procedure for reminding pupils/students of their responsibilities for Health & Safety?Visitor safety
Are there procedures to ensure that visitors and contractors understand and comply with relevant Health and Safety policies?Critical incidents
Has the policy for the management of critical incidents been reviewed?Is any action required to enable the implementation of the policy when necessary?