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CONTACT: Ken Underwood Nancy Lange
It’s a Hot Time in the Old Town During August 9 Auburn Art Walk
Join the summer fun from 6:00 to 9:00pm on Thursday, August 9 as the Auburn Art Walk returns to the streets of Old Town and Downtown Auburn.
August’s Auburn Art Walk has some special surprises. The Old Library Art Studio invites you to come create pinwheels for an Art Car destined for Burning Man, a project of four Rhode Island School of Design students. In addition, OLAS will host a special exhibit of paintings, photography and ceramics created by Paula Amerine, Keith Sutter and Anthony Maki Gill for the newly released Art of Real Food cookbook by Joanne Neft and Laura Kenny.
Several artists new to the Auburn Art Walk join in this month. Jennifer Woods will show her photography at Depoe Bay Coffee Company. Becky Straks of Meadow Vista will show recycled wearables at Gimme Cake, Too! and Scott Forsman of Weimar will show metal sculpture at Ordaz Gallery.
At Latitudes, first time Art Walk artist Linda Merchant will show oil paintings and John Long of Auburn will show watercolors. In the Bistro will be photographs of Italy by Janet Nicholson.
Featured artists at Auburn Old Town Gallery are Larry Brenden (Photography), Anita Lowe (Clay) and Don Lawson (Wood). Live music will be provided by Garry Bennett.
Unni Stevens will show her colorful action paintings at Placer County Air Pollution Control District in Old Town.
At City Hall Gallery Barry Walton’s Placer Adult School students will display their photography.
The Arts Building Gallery hosts a reception for the opening of the Pastel Society of the West Coast’s Annual Membership Show. The show includes 95 pastel works by 59 artists.
Just up the street New Belgium Deli will present the works of Nanci Woody. Across the street, Southside Art Center presents “Go Wild” by their studio artists.
With dozens of venues, you are sure to be inspired by this collection of creative regional artists. The art is for sale, and after the Art Walk will hang for two months.
As you stroll from place to place, enjoy live music sponsored by the Auburn Arts Commission.
At City Hall, groove to the Hip Huggers, a merry band of locals who play rock covers from the ' 60s to today. In the foyer of the Auburn Placer Performing Arts Center at the State Theatre, enjoy authentic Western Swing by the Stardust Cowboys. Downtown you’ll enjoy the Family Bandits, a multi-instrumental faux folk trio with rich vocal harmonies.
For a complete list of venues and featured artists, view the online map at You may also pick up a free map at PlacerArts, 808 Lincoln Way, or at any of the venues, which are marked by red “Auburn Art Walk” signs. A free shuttle connects all venues every 20 minutes.
PlacerArts is the Arts Council of Placer County, a non-profit, public benefit, and the designated state-local partner of the California Arts Council for the County of Placer.