Mon 30th Feria (4th week in Ordinary Time)

We pray for the Faithful Departed

Tue 31st St John Bosco (Priest)

We pray for the Salesians

08.30 Morning Prayer

09.00 Mass

17.00 Vespers

19.00 Bell ringing practise


Wed 1st Feria

We pray for Ormiston Rivers Academy

08.30 Morning Prayer

19.00 Vespers

19.30 Mass

Thur 2nd Feria

We pray for Farleigh Hospice

08.30 Morning Prayer

12.15 Mass

17.00 Vespers

Fri 3rd St Blaise (Bishop & Martyr)

We pray for Stephen, our Bishop

07.30 Morning Prayer

08.00 Mass

09.00 Collective Worship (at St Mary’s School)

17.00 Vespers

Sat 4th Feria

We pray for the Children’s Society

09.00 Morning Prayer

Sun 5th Feast of the Presentation

We pray for our Parish

08.00 Mass

09.00 Morning Prayer

10.00 Candlemass

with procession and Christingles

Readings for Sunday 5th February:

First Reading: Malachi 3.1-5

Psalm: Psalm 48

Second Reading: Hebrews 2.14-18

Gospel: Luke 2.22-40

Details for the following week’s pew sheet to be sent to FatherMark by Thursday

Welcome to our Celebration Today

TheWalsingham room is available as a crèche room for young people who need a break during the service. The Sidespersons have bags of toys for younger visitors to use during the service. Attheend of Mass please stay and join us forcoffee and refreshments. Thegreen books have the Order of Service in them, while the hymns arefound in the bigger green book. The numbers are as follows:

Music at the Sung Mass HON

Process. Songs of thankfulness and praise 451

Offertory I, the Lord of sea and sky 235

Comm. We sing the praise of him who died 536

Process. All my hope on God is founded 15

Mass Setting F

Mothers Union

We look forward to welcoming the President of the Mothers Union in the Diocese of Chelmsford, whowill be speaking at the 10am Sung Mass.

Children’s Society

The celebration of our Christingle Service is an opportunity to support the work of the Children’s Society. For those who took a special collection box last week, please remember to bring it to Church next Sunday. Alternatively, there will be a plate atthe back of Church to receive any donations youwould like to make.

Coffee Morning

In March, we will be beginning our weekly Coffee Mornings on a Thursday. I am hoping to put together a rota of volunteers who would be willing to serve coffee and to offer a welcome to those who have been invited to join us. I imagine it will need two people per week and the more people available will help to spread the load. If you would be willing to take part in this important activity, please add your name to the list at the back of Church.


Next Sunday, we will keep the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord in the Temple, our service will begin with the blessing of candles at the procession inside the Church. Christingles will also be available and we have invited the local community to join us.

Parish Contacts

Vicar: Fr Mark North SSC 01621 782071

Churchwarden: Beth Greaves 01621 786296

Tony Young 01621 929309

Parish Website:
